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<<< The most quick news from Harry! {at 23:37 (TX) in the end} >>>**--** | |
Nevada wbti: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be the biggest Winner!!! |
The sky is beautiful on the silver mountain and Hoover Dam!The First Edition of this article can be found on the flier after "020508-1037 About 257 sampling respondenses" in page [2]. >>>020108-1017 Originated on Wednesday, 9:57 a.m., January 16, 2008 #First Edition [Enriched and re-edited at .. and starting at 15:36 on February 1, 2008.] ........... ......................... *1 Dr. William N. Thompsonis is the Director and Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). An Ann Arbor, Michigan native, Bill received B.A. and M.A. degrees (Political Science) from Michigan State University. His Ph.D. is from the University of Missouri. Bill's major is Political Science. He served on faculties of Southeast Missouri State, Western Michigan, and Troy State (Europe). Bill is former Chairman and now a Professor of the Department of Public Administration, University of Nevada in Las Vegas. He was Research Associate with the National Association of Attorneys General, and Research Advisor for the Pension and Welfare Benefits Programs in the U. S. Department of Labor. Dr. Thompson also was the elected Supervisor of Kalamazoo Township in Michigan, U. S. A. "It's our honor and humbleness to win the Outstanding Achievement Award for AAPP Forum from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Our work performance has been progressive but never sufficiently good," pointed out Dr. Bill Thompson. Vice President Paul Wang of Christian Chinese Business Association in Houston, Texas and his wife are immigrats from Norway, Europe. Paul is the Senior Pastor of Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC), Dallas, Texas. English Pastor Don Laing of CCC is young and intellectual. American people Don is a Caucasian with the last name from Scotland. A short term Mission to China, Tajikistan, and Taiwan will be held in May-June 2008. "30 billion dollars has been contributed from a business to the State of Tajikistan and 3 billions of them are allocated to established a college there," said the Vice President. "As a little trial with the coming trips, I'm honored and glad to cooperate with WBTI's wisdom and vision. We welcome more interesting people to join our mission." [[[ Short term mission: China: 5/26 - 6/6 Pastor Wang leads Taiwan: 6/6 -11 Dajia (Pastor Wang leads) 6/11 - 19 Yilan (Pastor Don leads) Registration deadline: End of February for China. End of March for Taiwan. Please register with PAI at tojulei@yahoo.com (Please check you passport expiration date if you plan to join.) ]]] .......... .................... "Today I went to the White House where President Bush signed the Economic Stimulus Package of 2008 into law. I am happy to report that this bill will put a check in the hands of more than 1.1 million well-deserving Nevadans, and will help to stimulate our economy," wrote Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader, on February 13, 2008. WBTI should be again the first to put it as a feature article on the Internet in this Great Southernwest of the country. This is a good news. The people wait for it, and the search engines will soon bring it to the people locally, nationally, and internationally. People may find this on MSN, Google, Search, and Yahoo with wbti as soon as we hit the "Done" by our Mouse!!! MSN.com publishes ours everyday. Harry, we need to go sleep now. (We shall continue this tomorrow morning. Thank Harry and everybody very much. Good night!) *7 On MSN.com! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... President Dr. Tony Lei: Let us stand by Senator Harry Reid's side again to fight for the benifits of all our residents and visitors in Nevada! communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... 2/12/2008 Cached page >>> On Google! [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... President Dr. Tony Lei: Senator Harry Reid assures us that he will continue working to protect Nevada!*1 By Harry M. Reid*2 **--** Friends, A little less ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 175k - Cached - Similar pages ]]] On Yahoo.com! {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... to our U. S. Senator Harry Reid, because Harry is our great hero to build ... advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke Dr. Tony Lei, the Chairman of the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=23 - 122k - Cached }}} On Search.com! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Leader Harry Reid, U. S. ... President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI in the early ...... We confirm that our endeavor is to help promote the quality of life for the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com8 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Harry Reid, U. S. ... ... future generations will have more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life," spoke Dr. Tony Lei, the Chairman of the event ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com01342001051101585019563938 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] >>> ............ ....................... -------------------------------------------- References *1. *2. *3. ............. ....................... *7. Reid, Harry M. 'Reid Report - Economic Stimulus Package of 2008,' "An e-mail of Senator Harry Reid from U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's Office to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (February 13, 2008), Washington, D. C.: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's Office. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
021208-1058 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Tuesday, 8:36 p.m. (TX), February 12, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
You touched my heart (www.hillaryclinton.com) Asian American wisdom wbti: Listen to the people, love the people, and fight for the people! The man, who takes advices from his teachers and mentors, is the man who will become the great leader (like the president), not just a king of his country! By Hillary Rodham Clinton*1 Dear judy, I will never, ever forget how you were there for me when I needed you the most. When you learned that my campaign needed your help, you didn't hesitate. And the overwhelming generosity that you showed in the past week is like nothing I have ever seen.*2 As the race for the nomination continues, I hope you'll remember that you have made this campaign your campaign. Our victories are your victories. I know that you are standing with me and that I can rely on you for help. And with your support, I know we'll win. I wanted to share some of the kind words and stories you've shared with me over the past week, along with some of my favorite recent moments from the campaign trail. Take a look at the album on my website here: http:/www.hillaryclinton.com/thankyou Again, thank you so much for all you have done. My heart is truly full.*3 Sincerely, Hillary Rodham Clinton ***** Clinton wbti: When I needed you most, you came through with flying colors. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. ---Hillary R. Clinton *007 This is our time, this is our place, this is our chance. Thanks so much for sharing this remarkable journey with me! *008 On Google! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Clinton wbti: When I needed you most, you came through with flying colors. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. ---Hillary R. Clinton ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 145k - Cached - Similar pages >>> On Yahoo.com! {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Titus wbti: As a distinguished author like Nobel ... U. S. Senator Hillary R. Clinton is one of the Distinguished Authors of Washington Business and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=3 - 95k - Cached }}} On MSN.com! [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - NV Asian American & PI ... Rally with Hillary Clinton President Dr. Tony Lei: "When I needed you most, you came through with flying colors. ... Senator Hillary Clinton by WBTI have been published ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... Cached page ]]] -------------------------------------------- About U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton: Hillary Rodham Clinton is a United States Senator of New York. ... ................ She is now campaigned by her husband, former U. S. President Bill Clinton, and supporters for the United States President. U. S. Senator Hillary R. Clinton is one of the Distinguished Authors of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *1. Gore, Al. 'Nobel Prize ---My (Al Gore's) speech ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE; President Dr. Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!' "A search of 'Chao wbti, Clinton wbti, Gore wbti: Why Elaine, Hillary, and Al' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 24, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN. *2. Clinton, Hillary. 'You touched my heart,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) [Tue, 12 Feb 2008 14:07:53 -0500 (EST) {info@hillaryclinton.com}]," (February 12, 2008), Arlington, VA: info@hillaryclinton. *3. Ibid. (Editor's notes) The articles for U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton by WBTI have been published by the world leading search engines (Google, MSN, Search, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, Sina, and among others) on Internet elegantly and promptly. *007. Clinton, Hillary. 'From the bottom of my heart,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) soon after her victory in New Hampshire [Wed, 9 Jan 2008 01:04:45 -0500 (EST)]," (January 9, 2008), Arlington, VA: info@hillaryclinton. *008. Clinton, Hillary. 'Huge,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) soon after her victories in California, New York, etc.(Nevada) [Wed, 6 Feb 2008 14:20:26 -0500 (EST)]," (February 6, 2008), Arlington, VA: info@hillaryclinton. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
021108-2358 ***** For tomorrow! |
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021008-2359 [At 11:59 p.m. (TX) February 10, 2008.] | |
Leading search engines wbti: In election nowaday, the women/men with vision based on ingenuity, innovation, integrity, practicality, love, and diligent work today help us bring a world of tomorrow with better life! The fortune is innovating and refining upon these modern inventions! |
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020908-2357 [At 11:57 p.m. (TX) February 9, 2008.] |
[[[ To be continued ... (Dear Barack, one of our distinguished authors: We need to go sleep now.) ]]]Sun, 10 Feb 2008 00:03:04 -0500 To: "mike" From: "Barack Obama" {info@barackobama.com} Subject: Results mike -- We just learned that we won all three contests today -- in Louisiana, Nebraska, and Washington State. We've now won 18 out of 28 states, with New Mexico still in the balance. What's more, we also estimate that we at least doubled our delegate lead today. Our momentum is strong, but another round of tough contests is about to begin. Tomorrow, Democrats will caucus in Maine. And on Tuesday, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia will have their turn. To win, we need to bring as many people into the process as possible. We're pushing towards 500,000 donors this year by March 4th, when Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont vote. Now is the time to make your first online donation of ??? -- if you do, it will be matched by another supporter, doubling your impact: https://donate.barackobama.com/match This race is still extremely close, and we need your support to remain competitive. Thank you for making this possible. Barack On MSN.com! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... We would like to honor him as one of our Distinguished Authors also. >>> One last thing... (www.barackobama.com) By Barack Obama [To WBTI at Sat, 19 Jan 2008 00:34:26 -0500 communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... 2/10/2008 Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... ... barackobama.com/sotu), Barack," wrote Barack Obama, one of the Distinguished Authors of PPAA Forum, to WBTI ... Meet American People with one of our Distinguished Authors Hillary ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... 2/10/2008 Cached page >>> On Yahoo.com! {{{ WEB RESULTS Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ( http://my.barackobama.com/sotu), Barack," wrote Barack Obama, one of the Distinguished Authors of PPAA ... Titus wbti: As a distinguished author like Nobel ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 146k - Cached }}} On Google! [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore as one of our Distinguished Authors in . ..... By Barack Obama. [To WBTI at Sat, 26 Jan 2008 21:56:36 -0500 from Mr. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 145k - Cached - Similar pages ]]] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
020908-1001 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Saturday, 11:57 a.m., February 9, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
LVRJ Nevada: Our local, national, and international visibility and popularity of Reviewjournal.com are enhancing through the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet! Benton and Livingstone wbti: "I am more afraid of an army of one hundred sheep led by a lion than an army of one hundred lions led by a sheep," quoted Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Prigord. The angel is mostly invisible, and we all win! By Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer KungWelcome to Communitylink! The most recent "Your notification of recent changes from Communitylink" has been just received by WBTI. There are 92 changes at Washington Business and Technology Institute since Friday February 1, 2008.*1 The following are some of the lists: Postings: (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 9 (posted Thursday February 7th at 11:59 PM) (Past drafts, documents, and Greetings) 020708-7168 (posted Thursday February 7th at 5:03 PM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) More than 267 sampling responses with new articles are now following the next flier (Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) U. S. Presidential Message wbti: Happy Lunar New Year 2008 !!!! Laura and I send our best wishes for peace, health, and happiness in the New Year. ---George W. Bush (posted Wednesday February 6th at 8:46 AM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 020608-0101 (At 7:07 a.m. on February 6, 2008. (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) Advisory and Faculty members wbti: For Democrats, we helped Clinton win the leading, especially the outstanding victories in Nevada, California, and New York! For Republicans, we helped John win the most of all! To Obama's rising, we innovated a slong "Change, inspiration, and future!" for him. (posted Wednesday February 6th at 8:38 AM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 020408-1001 Hillary is leading our Distinguished Authors in action like Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore! (posted Monday February 4th at 4:20 PM) (Zhang Zilin, Miss World) 020308-2257 [Enriched at 2:17 p.m. on February 4, 2008.] (posted Sunday February 3rd at 11:57 PM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 020308-1001 MSN, Google, and Yahoo wbti: To remind Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream for a Happy Valentine's Day, young people (and voters) are more pleased and encouraged at this time!*1 (posted Sunday February 3rd ...) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 020208-1001 Elaine Chao, Harry Reid, and Tony Lei wbti: The "Government of the people, by the people, for the people" as a mission of achievement by U. S. Past President Abraham Lincoln has its most important and current righteousness and valuation. (posted Saturday February 2nd at 10:08 AM) (Past drafts, documents, and Greetings) 020208-0997 (posted Saturday February 2nd at 9:47 AM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 020108-1537 The Sound of Music wbti: Welcome our elegant Pianist TIEN HSIEH at www.tienhsieh.com *1 (posted Friday February 1st at 5:22 PM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 013108-2358 Chao and Reid wbti: On Google! "Freedom, Democracy, judicial ruling, and Entrepreneurship are the best four treasures of the United States of America. " --- Dr. Tony T. Lei *****>>> (237 sampling responses with articles continues following the next 2 articles!) (changed Thursday February 7th at 11:12 AM) AM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 013008-1008 (Continues following the next 2 articles!) Nevada wbti: We are all American People working together for our and future generations to have a prosperous fortune!!! (changed Saturday February 2nd at 10:16 PM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) 012608-2217 (changed Wednesday February 6th at 11:48 PM) (Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism) 012508-1168 [Enriched at 22:07 on 02/3rd/08.] (changed Sunday February 3rd at 11:22 PM) (Business & Administration (PPAA20)) The 11/15 debate in Las Vegas and Caucus in Nevada this Saturday on 01/19 (with a Reception by Dean Dr. Linda Livingstone)! (changed Thursday February 7th at 11:15 AM) [[[ At 9:27 a.m. on 120807 for a search of "President Dr. Tony Lei: Reviewjournal.com's local, national, and international visibility and popularity are enhancing" by the world leading search engines on Internet (m. ms.): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... President Dr. Tony Lei: Reviewjournal.com's local, national, and international visibility and popularity are enhancing elegantly through the brilliance of world leading search ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page?Translate this page ]]] *2 It is important to help promote the quality of life for the residents and visitors of Nevada, and Las Vegas as an ideal place to live, of touring, and for business.*3 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... LVRJ: The local, national, and international visibility and popularity of our Reviewjournal.com are enhancing through the world's leading search engines on Internet! communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page >>> *4 Elaine Chao, Harry Reid, Jim Gibbons, and Tony Lei wbti: United, we make Nevada a wonderful fountain of fortunate land for our and young generations!*5 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... 020308-1001 MSN, Google, and Yahoo wbti: To remind Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream for a Happy Valentine's Day, young people (and voters) are more pleased and encouraged at ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?2/8/2008 ?Cached page?Translate this pageLive Search is bringing you richer & deeper results - Learn More! >>> *6 Innovation has made our civilization most progressive on this earth. 'Ingenuity, innovation, integrity, and good work performance' is one of our foundations in WBTI. We learn together, we work together, and we advance together!*7 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Communitylink, LVRJ. 'Your notification of recent changes from Communitylink,' "An e-mail from the Community Link of LVRJ to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) [Fri, 8 Feb 2008 05:08:36 -0500 (EST)], (February 8, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. *2. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung. 'We confirm that our endeavor is to help promote the quality of life for the residents and visitors of Nevada, and Las Vegas as an ideal place to live, of touring, and for business ---Office of the Governor (NV): Reviewjournal.com's local, national, and international visibility and popularity are enhancing elegantly through the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet!' "A search of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (January 25, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *3. Ibid. *4. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung. 'LVRJ: The local, national, and international visiability and popularity of our Reviewjournal.com are enhancing through the world's leading search engines on Internet!' "A search of 'LVRJ: The local, national, ...' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (February 9, 2008), U. S. A.: MSN.com. *5. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, John Ponticello, Nancy Oesterle, Natalie Tyrrell, Valerie Weber, Bobby G. Gronauer, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung. 'Elaine Chao, Harry Reid, Jim Gibbons, and Tony Lei wbti: We all wind today!' "A search of 'Business & Administration wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (February 9, 2008), U. S. A.: Search.com. *6. Bill Maupin. 'Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!' "A search of 'MSN, Google, and Yahoo wbti: To remind Shakespear's' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (February 9, 2008), U. S. A.: MSN.com. *7. Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang. 'Walsh wbti: The cooperation and development between world leading search engines (Google, MSN, and Yahoo) on Internet and WBTI help promote our Silver State and Las Vegas an idea place for touring, living, and business! ***One of the great credits of Washington Business and Technology Institute is its people and forums! ---Its vision, integrity, and professionalism through the learning, dedication, and innovation have been inspired from the affirmation and philosophy of Pepperdine University,' "A search of 'Business wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (November 30, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
020808-2359 (To be continued ...) |
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"Bush?s Budget is Bad for Nevada | |
... I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress this year to ensure Nevada?s needs are met, while passing a responsible budget that is balanced and ends the Bush approach of spending money we don?t have. I will continue to leverage my position as Majority Leader and make sure Nevada always comes first. Sincerely, Harry Reid." ---U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid | |
[To WBTI from U. S. Senator Harry Reid on February 6, 2008, {senator_harry_reid@enews.senate.gov}, in Washington, D.C.] For more information, visit the Senate Majority Leader's website please: HTTP://REID.SENATE.GOV-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
020708-2357 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Thursday, 11:57 p.m., February 7, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
TAX DOLLARS BRINGING TRAFFIC RELIEF TO I-15 ع: "ˇgh]k_YβģҪһֱͻƲУ" By Office of the Governor (NV), Melissa Subbotin, Mark Denton, and Jennifer Kung Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons announced that Nevada residents will soon see their tax dollars hard at work on the construction of an express lane on Interstate 15 in Las Vegas.*1 The Transportation Board, chaired by Governor Gibbons, approved construction on a 5th lane that will extend across a 5.5 mile span on both northbound and southbound I-15. "The express lane on I-15 is one of many future expansion projects made possible by my efforts to utilize existing revenues to fund transportation projects without raising taxes on the hardworking people of this state," said Governor Gibbons. The express lane, separated from the existing four lanes by flexible plastic poles, will allow motorists traveling between I-215 and Sahara to avoid interruption from traffic entering or exiting at Spring Mountain Road , Tropicana Avenue , and Flamingo Road . "I am pleased to announce that taxpayer dollars will soon be hard at work on I-15, bringing much-needed traffic relief to millions of motorists," Governor Gibbons added.*2 ع: "ˇgh]k_YβģҪһֱͻƲУ" ټع Mğ鼰ҵ̽! As inspired by our Advisory Board and U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, it has been our responsibility and commitment to ignite the rising of outstanding projects and individuals for many years. Fu-Jen University has conferred Elaine with an Honorary Doctorate Degree.*3 " '䌍12qҾ͛QҪɞһˇgңҺϲg̨ϱݵǷNXҪɞˇgңȏټңفңɞˇgңҪȥ@yģ]ׂ_ҬFҲһֱڌҲͬķͻƣˇgh]k_YβģҪһֱͻƲУ'عf," wrote of the Fu-Jen University Piano Club in Taipei, Taiwan.*4 Wonderful! Let us share some of Miss Gwhyneth Chen's nice piano talent at: www.fju.edu.tw/group/piano/new_page_26.htm Miss Gwhyneth Chen's on Google! {with a search of 'ع show taipei' by the world leading search engines on Internet (Google.com)} <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Outstanding Pianist ع is exciting and honor to be invited to perform ... Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 249k - Cached - Similar pages >>> Her website is at: www.gwhynethchen.net/ To see her colorful and elegant photo, just type "ع show taipei' on Google.com. Click on the item 'ɏdԺƱW- [ Translate this page ]' and then go to the line of '2008/01/28 2008/01/28 н´_֮⡪νBcع ُI'. Finnaly, click on the "ُI", and we can find hers. [[[ н´_֮⡪νBcع Shao-chia L, Gwhyneth Chen TSO k _푘F ٝ 댧wĻTաδW̌WԺEMBAǠIIM WվBYhttp://www.tso.gov.tw ]]] *5 "ӛ: xعСڰæ֮гrgc҂ՄՄՄՄڌՄУ҂ҵJRǿ̰ӡǘӵĸ߰ȡ֮dzMğ鼰ҵ̽҂LСMcһӲͬĿ ҲexعĸHꐲһֱܟĞƽ҂cæµعLrgK߀ṩ˺ܶFYϹ҂ٴθxꐲğ," concluded the Team. "Kindly love and enthusiasm" is one of the spirit of education and expectaton to our young generation! For a search of "ع" on Google:[[[ Lټع壭LՄ- [ Translate this page ]@һÆ}ѽҪعƽ߀ČW^أıِxһһPعĈҪLعЩʲN}䌍ڔ ... www.fju.edu.tw/group/piano/new_page_26.htm - 39k - Cached - Similar pages ]]] The above interview were made by oLСMּ̩. It was by .*6 It is one of our creeds to welcome information for community service on the non-profit and benevolent basis. World leading search engines answer us on the Internet promptly and brilliantly!*7 On Google! ( ع wbti): <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Benton wbti: Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung once pointed out in this Forum, ..... Outstanding Pianist ع is exciting and honor to be invited to perform . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 145k - Cached - Similar pages >>> -------------------------------------------- About Governor James A. Gibbons: Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons earned a B.S. in Geology and later, a M.S. in Mining/Geology from the University of Nevada at Reno. Gibbons received the MacKay School of Mines Alumnus of the Year Award in 1999, and remains an active supporter of Nevadas university and community college system. He also earned his J.D. from Southwestern University School of Law and completed his post-graduate work at the University of Southern California. Born and raised in Sparks, Nevada, Governor Jim Gibbons was a former United States Congressman. Jim was first elected to represent Nevada's 2nd District in the House of Representatives in 1996. He was re-elected to a fifth term in November 2004. Prior to coming to Congress, Gibbons gained a distinguished military background. A former combat pilot and decorated veteran of both the Vietnam and Persian Gulf Wars, Governor Gibbons served in the United States Air Force from 1967 to 1971 and graduated from the USAF Air Command and Staff College as well as the Air War College. Attaining the rank of Colonel, Gibbons joined the Nevada Air Guard in 1975, and served as the group's Vice Commander from 1990 through 1996. Jim Gibbons served three terms in the Nevada State Legislature and was named Outstanding Freshman Legislator?his first year in 1988. By 1993, Gibbons rose through the ranks to become Republican Whip of the State Assembly. Jim Gibbons is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *1. Office of the Governor (NV). 'press release--TAX DOLLARS BRINGING TRAFFIC RELIEF TO I-15,' "An e-mail from Press Secretary Melissa Subbotin, Office of the Governor (NV) to WBTI at Fri, 1 Feb 2008 15:58:26 -0800 [(msubbotin@GOV.NV.GOV)]," (February 1, 2008), Carson City, Nevada: Governor Jim Gibbons' Office. *2. Ibid. *3. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung. 'United States Department of Labor News Releases Update to WBTI on January 24, 2008 ---Chairperson Elaine Chao wbti: "She encourages Asian Americans to full utilize our potential ability and wisdom with creative innovation." *1,' "A search of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' and 'Business & Administration' on WBTI's website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti)," (January 25, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *4. . 'Lټع,' "A search of 'ع' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (January 25, 2008), Mountaine View, California: Google. *5. Made in Nevada wbti. 'ع show taipei' on Google.com. Click on the item 'ɏdԺƱW- [ Translate this page ]' and then go to the line of '2008/01/28 2008/01/28 н´_֮⡪νBcع ُI', "A search of 'ع show taipei' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (January 26, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. . Ibid. *7. Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang. 'Walsh wbti: The cooperation and development between world leading search engines (Google, MSN, and Yahoo) on Internet and WBTI help promote our Silver State and Las Vegas an idea place for touring, living, and business! ***One of the great credits of Washington Business and Technology Institute is its people and forums! ---Its vision, integrity, and professionalism through the learning, dedication, and innovation have been inspired from the affirmation and philosophy of Pepperdine University,' "A search of 'Business wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (November 30, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
020608-0107 (At 1:57 p.m. on February 6, 2008.) |
Huge (www.hillaryclinton.com) MSN, Google, and Search wbti: Thanks to the brilliance of leading search engines on Internet to cooperate with our "Dr. Peter F. Drucker's" modern stratagem of WBTI! By Hillary Rodham Clinton**--** Dear judy, We had a huge night last night -- we won the biggest states and the most votes, and we are ahead in the overall race for delegates. But this race is far from over. On Search.com! <<< [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Senator Hillary Clinton by WBTI have been published by the world leading search engines (Google, MSN, Search, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, Sina, and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com01337001051093269377099556 - Similar pages [ Result from MSN ] >>> Voters came out in record numbers, not just to make history but to remake America. Thanks to your support and your votes, the momentum is solidly on our side. We don't have time to catch our breath -- the next races are just three days away, and there are 10 more contests in February alone. Let's meet this moment with bold action worthy of those who have put their faith in us. We are setting a big goal for the next three days: raise $3 million to fund our history-making campaign. Contribute today to help us reach $3 million in three days. After seven years of a president who listens only to the special interests, America is ready for a president who brings your voice, your values, and your dreams to the White House. We had a great day yesterday. Now we must keep that momentum going. You have sustained me throughout this journey, and I am calling on you again to give our campaign the resources we need to win critical upcoming races. I've never asked so much of you as I am now: $3 million in three days. But the need has never been so great. Contribute today to help us reach $3 million in 72 hours. I will never forget all you have done to make this incredible success possible. I'm so proud to have you standing with me. On Search.com! <<< [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Clinton wbti: We help forging ahead for creative innovation in public relations through the prosperous Giants of searching business (Google, MSN, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com8 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] >>> This is our time, this is our place, this is our chance. Thank you, (Autograph) Hillary Rodham Clinton [To WBTI from the coming U. S. Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton at Wed, 6 Feb 2008 14:20:26 -0500 (EST){info@hillaryclinton.com}] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
020608-0101 (At 7:07 a.m. on February 6, 2008.) |
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Advisory and Faculty members wbti: For Democrats, we helped Clinton win the leading, especially the outstanding victories in Nevada, California, and New York! For Republicans, we helped John win the most of all! To Obama's rising, we innovated a slong "Change, inspiration, and future!" for him. |
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U. S. Presidential Message wbti: Happy Lunar New Year 2008 !!!! Laura and I send our best wishes for peace, health, and happiness in the New Year. ---George W. Bush |
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020608-0997 |
An incredible night (hillaryclinton.com) Advisory and Faculty members wbti: We helped Clinton win the leading, especially the outstanding victories in Nevada, California, and New York! By Hillary Rodham Clinton Dear judy, From California and Arizona, to Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Arkansas, to New Jersey, Massachusetts, and my home state of New York, the good news just keeps coming in. We've had an incredible night, and I know it would not have been possible without you. I wanted to make sure I thanked you for all you have done because, yet again, your support has given us the momentum tonight. Thank you, (Autograph) Hillary Rodham Clinton [To WBTI from the coming U. S. Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton at Wed, 6 Feb 2008 01:41:08 -0500 (EST){info@hillaryclinton.com}] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
More than 267 sampling responses with new articles are now following the next flier (Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!) |
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020508-8168 |
Elaine Chao, Harry Reid, Jim Gibbons, and Tony Lei wbti: We all win today! Happy Chinese New Year! | |
More than 257 sampling responses with new articles are now following the next flier (Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!) |
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