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ɺ (??X): LVRJ/wbti & NCWT/caan Modern Administrative Stratagems Glocal Winning Distinguished Authors with YouTube in Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/WashingtonBusiness U.S.A.!!

FW: Welcome your feedbacks!

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:50 PM
From: "Mike Lei" [mlei@fma.fujitsu.com] View contact detailsTo: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com}

Dear Dad,

Here is the feedback from Ed.

(HOW beautiful!!)




From: Kim, Edward [mailto:ekima@allstate.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:49 PM
To: Mike Lei
Subject: RE: Welcome your feedbacks!

Hi Mike,

Your Dads website looks good. Its a blessing that he is so web-savvy. [[[Thank you very much!!]]]

Have a great rest of the week. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.



From: Mike Lei [mailto:mlei@fma.fujitsu.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 11:21 AM
To: Kim, Edward
Cc: Tony Lei; Mike Lei
Subject: Welcome your feedbacks!

Hi Ed,

My Dad welcomes new visitors to his organization website.

Please take a look and share your feedbacks to him at tojulei@yahoo.com.


Thank you and enjoy visiting!



ReplyReply AllMove...

Just wonderful!


Fw: Fwd: Fw: ??{???k?N?!

Monday, February 1, 2010 10:14 PM
From: "cykung" [cykung@dragon.nchu.edu.tw] View contact detailsTo: "tojulei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} Message contains attachments1 File (8109KB)

Cherry_in_NE_Japan.pps No virus threat detected File:


Download File

-----Forwarded message-----
From:Joanna Kung{kungjoan@gmail.com}
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 20:16:09 -0800
Subject: Fwd: Fw: ??{???k?N?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wayne Lu
Date: 2010/1/25
Subject: Fwd: Fw: ??{???k?N?
To: wayne [[wa?????129@gmail.com]]

***** ?@?|F Fw: ??{???k?N?



<<<<<<< ҰŮ^ ϦҊ
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<<<<< The Hurt Locker and Avatar lead Academy Awards
Posted: Feb 02, 2010 6:18 AM PST
Updated: Feb 02, 2010 6:18 AM PST
More Las Vegas News More>>Family, Police Search for Missing Utah ManMotorcyclist Dies in Las Vegas AccidentThe Hurt Locker and Avatar lead Academy AwardsPolice Re-Enact Crime Scene for CluesChinese-USA Photo Exhibit Opening in Las VegasMan Dies in Car Accident in North Las VegasFHA Lifts Flip Rule, Making Homes Easier to BuyPolice say Reckless Driver Killed Mother and SonJob Fair at Texas Station on TuesdayObama's Budget Would Eliminate Yucca Mountain FundsBEVERLY HILLS -- The science-fiction sensation "Avatar" and the war-on-terror thriller "The Hurt Locker" lead the Academy Awards with nine nominations each, including best picture and director for James Cameron and ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow.

For the first time since 1943 the Oscars feature 10 best-picture contenders instead of the usual five.

Also nominated for best-picture Tuesday: "District 9"; the animated comedy "Up"; the World War II saga "Inglourious Basterds"; the football drama "The Blind Side"; the recession tale "Up in The Air," the 1960s drama "A Serious Man," and the teen tales "An Education," and "Precious." Acting nominees include Sandra Bullock for "The Blind Side," Jeff Bridges for "Crazy Heart," Mo'Nique for "Precious" and Christoph Waltz for "Inglourious Basterds."

(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


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<<<<<<< ٶýw O¶殔!

2010-02-06 „و Еrӈ󣯾Cψ󌧡

***** ͇hίN_gץ•ČO褣ǰc„еSimonFϺ̨̻WFβ磬䐂vDSimonWSelinaO褡ݼ᷽ǻWִl־z

(To be continued ...) ίN¼ŮnjO褣@Ȼѽ߳wͳ³lڴஔS{ϯһK̨ekĻӹ_¶棬p󠣬ó^Ĵ磬ʮ֓R



ýwlFZ^У̨hMˏSµļƬrSimon߀Ď͌OܵƬó팦Oஔo >>>>>>> *447777rst



<<<<< The Hurt Locker and Avatar lead Academy Awards
Posted: Feb 02, 2010 6:18 AM PST
Updated: Feb 02, 2010 6:18 AM PST
More Las Vegas News More>>Family, Police Search for Missing Utah ManMotorcyclist Dies in Las Vegas AccidentThe Hurt Locker and Avatar lead Academy AwardsPolice Re-Enact Crime Scene for CluesChinese-USA Photo Exhibit Opening in Las VegasMan Dies in Car Accident in North Las VegasFHA Lifts Flip Rule, Making Homes Easier to BuyPolice say Reckless Driver Killed Mother and SonJob Fair at Texas Station on TuesdayObama's Budget Would Eliminate Yucca Mountain FundsBEVERLY HILLS -- The science-fiction sensation "Avatar" and the war-on-terror thriller "The Hurt Locker" lead the Academy Awards with nine nominations each, including best picture and director for James Cameron and ex-wife Kathryn Bigelow.

For the first time since 1943 the Oscars feature 10 best-picture contenders instead of the usual five.

Also nominated for best-picture Tuesday: "District 9"; the animated comedy "Up"; the World War II saga "Inglourious Basterds"; the football drama "The Blind Side"; the recession tale "Up in The Air," the 1960s drama "A Serious Man," and the teen tales "An Education," and "Precious." Acting nominees include Sandra Bullock for "The Blind Side," Jeff Bridges for "Crazy Heart," Mo'Nique for "Precious" and Christoph Waltz for "Inglourious Basterds."

(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


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<<<<<<< TODAY - February 02, 2010

You'll need less sleep as you age Healthy older adults require less rest than their younger counterparts, a study finds. But there's a catch
Stopping insomnia
Healthy sleep tips
Getting kids to sleep

Seniors need less sleep Best & worst Grammy looks Groundhog's winter prediction 8 crazy health rumors
1 - 4 of 24Previous set of stories Next set of stories
Move News on TopFive things to watch in Illinois GOP jockeys to make gains Pentagon chiefs to brief U.S. Senate panel on gays in military Obama to outline $30 billion in small bank loans from TARP USS Vinson to leave Haiti, signaling turning point in aid efforts It's top-10 time as Oscars reveal expanded lineup Photos Apple iPad shortcomings spark questions about updates State won't raid county, city coffers- Las VegasKAdvocates hoping for fossil bed nationalK- Las Vegas SunPolice Re-Enact Crime Scene for Clues- KLASNFLPNBAPNCAABPNHLPSoccerPTennisMore News:News Popular Buzz updated 5:16 am PST

Markets: Dow: 10,185.53 1.17% Enter stock symbol Trending NowGroundhog Day
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T@vҦ © 2010 Yahoo! Taiwan All Rights Reserved. Aȱ | pvFɹql@vҦ © 2010 chinatimes Inc. All Rights Reserved. *447777777q




<<<<< Upbeat start for furniture mart
The 2010 Winter Las Vegas Market opened Monday with what organizers said could be the highest registered attendance in recent years. >>>>>>> *4477777p




Ϻɭ¡ !
By TQ̨

?TQ̨˹S˹??February 07, 2010 12:00 AM | 103 ^? | 0 | 1 | |

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>>>>>>> *44777

*44777. .......



WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for LVRJ/wbti: O̪dPԴ[February 01, 2010 12:00 AM (LVRJ/wbti: ?߽𿵍˹S˹??February 01, 2010 12:00 AM) with Safesearch on. (0.38 seconds)
Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search"

Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]Mail Peace, Winning, and Future AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. ... September 29, 2007 . ..... ?߽𿵍˹S˹??...?L??N?/?... June 20, 2009 12:00 AM . ...



<<<<< Upbeat start for furniture mart
The 2010 Winter Las Vegas Market opened Monday with what organizers said could be the highest registered attendance in recent years. >>>>>>> *4477777p



Where from -- the elegances?! ---Tony, Judy, John, Angie, and Mike *7007

<<<<<<< FW: Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps

Really a miracle!

Friday, January 29, 2010 12:05 AM
From: "Yu Yu" [dorisyu265@hotmail.com] View contact details To: undisclosed-recipients and tojulei@yahoo.com ^^^Message contains attachments1 File (6196KB)

[[[ Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps ]]]

Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 01:08:42 -0800
Subject: Fwd: Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps
From: dyu526@gmail.com
To: dorisyu265@hotmail.com

Thank you very much, Dear Miss YU Yu!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TC Hou (houten103@gmail.com)
Date: 2010/1/19

Subject: Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: TC Hou

<<< Put Tiger in your life! >>>

[[[Thank you.]]]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: lee chang sheng `

{{{ Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps
K`ּ UƦpN

--}}} [Thank you very much! Miss Yu Yu!! How elegant are these pictures at the year of TIGER!]

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. >>>>>>> *4477777i

*4477777i. ... Nice! .......



<<<<<<< February Alumni E-NewsletterMonday, February 1, 2010 12:57 PM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Pepperdine University Alumni Association" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comProblems viewing this e-mail? Click here. Prefer not to receive e-mail from Pepperdine? Click here.


Alumni News Pepperdine Schools
Alumni Alert: What's New Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Career Connections Graziadio School of Business and Management
Chapters and Regional Updates Seaver and George Pepperdine Colleges
Athletics School of Law
Waves Lifelong Learning Series School of Public Policy
Waves of Service



In This Newsletter
News and entertainment affects our daily lives in significant ways. The Pepperdine Entertainment Network is expansive including industry leaders who produce quality programming through their work both behind the scenes and in front of the camera. In this newsletter, learn about a recent gathering of alumni and students at Sundance, hear from the director of Fox Entertainment Group, make plans to attend an industry-based event near you, and more...

Making Waves: Men's Basketball Posts Strongest Start Since 2002
Both men and womens basketball teams have strong showings in conference play. Support the Waves at upcoming games against Loyola and St. Marys. Make plans now to view the competitive West Coast Conference Championship March 4 - 7 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Register now or call (310) 506-6982 to learn more.

Waves Gather at Sundance Film Festival for Two Memorable Nights
Groups of students and alumni gathered in Park City, UT to gain contacts and screen movies at the Sundance Film Festival. On January 27, Maren Bargreen ('03) hosted Pepperdine alumni at Gallery Mar on Main Street in Park City, Utah. The vibrant art throughout the gallery complemented boisterous conversations. The following day, Matthew Mullin ('02) opened up the penthouse at the Ironwood Resort in Deer Valley where guests overlooked the ski lift in a rousing evening of reunions. Thank you Maren and Matthew for being such gracious and festive hosts.

Film in Malibu
Each Tuesday night at 7 p.m. a new film is presented in Pepperdines Elkins Auditorium. Craig Detweiler hosts a post screening discussion with the filmmaker.
Guests during the fall semester included John Lee Hancock, director of The Blind Side, Gary Sinise star of The Lt. Dan Band, and Ralph Winter, producer of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Upcoming screenings include White Rainbow on February 2 where Dharan ('83, MBA '86) and Linda ('84) Mandrayar present their compelling film on advocacy for widows rights in India. On February 9, London filmmaker Stuart Hazeldine presents his psychological thriller, Exam. It was recently nominated for a BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) award for best first feature. This weekly opportunity is hosted by the Center for Entertainment, Media and Culture. Join the Pepperdine Entertainment Network by becoming a fan on Facebook or e-mailing alumni@pepperdine.edu.

Pepperdine to Sponsor City of Angels Films Festival
Pepperdine is a major sponsor of the 16th annual City of the Angels Film Festival,
March 10 - 12, at the Directors Guild in Hollywood. This years theme is
Hidden Gems, Buried Treasures, Diamonds in the Rough a focus on the finest independent films of 2009. The complete line up will soon be posted online.

Best of Pepperdine Road Series to Include Faculty Experts
Your education is a lifetime quest. The 2010 Best of Pepperdine lecture series will include faculty leaders in entertainment, sustainability, and faith and family. In the coming months, dive into entertainment with lectures by Craig Detweiler, director of the Center for Entertainment, Media and Culture. Later this year, leaders from Pepperdine's Center for Sustainability and Boone Center for the Family will make scheduled appearances. Contact alumni@pepperdine.edu for more details.

Nominations Requested for Howard A. White Teaching Award
The Provost's office is seeking alumni nominations to honor outstanding faculty who demonstrate Pepperdine University's commitment to excellence. Nominate your favorite professor that you would like to have considered for this achievement.

Center for the Family Business Symposium
Thursday, February 18, 2010; 11:30 am.- 1:30 p.m.
Irvine, CA
The Boone Center for the Family cordially invites you to attend a private briefing on estate and succession planning. Did you know that 70 percent of heirs are unsuccessful in retaining inherited family assets? How do heirs succeed in estate transitions and go on to provide multigenerational leadership? Learn the proven strategies and common pitfalls in estate and succession planning from the nations leading Family Business experts. Learn more and register.

Center for the Family Presents a Night for the Family
Monday, March 1, 2010; 5 - 9:30 p.m.
Malibu Campus
Enjoy a night of dinner, entertainment, and reflections on the importance of family and legacy. Dinner will include a once in a lifetime performance by the incomparable Pat and Shirley Boone. The night will conclude in Smothers Theater with an enthralling performance of Susie Sandagers one-woman show, Time with Corrie ten Boom, chronicling the life of Holocaust survivor, a Christian woman who hid Jews in her home during World War II. Secure pricing and reservations by contacting amanda.mayhew@pepperdine.edu or (310) 506-4771.

Liberty Mutual
Receive significant savings the through Pepperdine Alumni Group Savings Plus program for auto, term life, home owners and renters insurance. Get a quote today through Liberty Mutual to find out how much you could be saving.

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Win an HD Camcorder by Sharing Your Service Story
Win an HD camcorder for posting the best video on the Waves of Service Fan Page during the month of February. Videos must feature a Waves of Service story or invitation and must include in the video the words Waves of Service in spoken or visual form.

Build Houses in Ventura County
Join Matt Gilling ('83), director of volunteer services, Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County, in serving at Restore, a building materials thrift store.

Read About Service in Action
See how School of Law alumnae Susan Hill (93) and Emily Allen (05) are fighting for those seeking asylum in America in Pepperdine Magazine.

Become a Waves of Service Fan
Become a fan and post an invitation to serve or your favorite story of alumni service through a career or volunteerism.

Pepperdine Challenge for Charity
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Zuma Beach, Malibu, CA
Run the Waves at the 6th annual 5K/10K Run for the Pepperdine Challenge for Charity organization at Zuma Beach in Malibu. Find out more and sign up.

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Monthly Opportunities to Expand Your Education Through Online Lectures and Forums

James Gianopulos Presents on Film and Entertainment
James Gianopulos, chair and CEO of Fox Filmed Entertainment, has been involved in the evolution of entertainment and new technologies for more than 25 years, and is considered a leading strategist in the film and media industry. He is also involved in a number of civic and philanthropic activities. He spoke as part of the Graziadio School Dean's Executive Leadership Series. Download the podcast today on iTunesU.

Enter a Photo Contest and Attend a Film Screening
Saturday, February 6, 2010; 11 a.m. - sunset
Payson Library, Malibu Campus
This Saturday, drive into Malibu for Girls in the Curl: A Celebration of Women in Surfing. Meet surf legend Linda Benson; view surf film screenings; attend panel discussions; enter a photo contest; and enjoy music, food, and prizes. All proceeds go to support the Malibu Historical Collection. Sign up today at library.pepperdine.edu or call Amy Adams at (310) 506-6785.

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Job Openings at Pepperdine
Check out the Pepperdine Human Resources Web site to explore career possibilities with your alma mater. Recent job openings include:

Senior Campus Planner, Construction and Campus Planning

Sponsored Programs Officer, Research and Sponsored Programs

PAN Online: Your Pepperdine Connection
Visit PAN Online today! PAN Online is more than your personal Pepperdine online resource. Its now an exclusive, interactive community with unmatched opportunities to engage and converse with grads, students, staff, and facultyXaround the corner and across the globe.

This Week: 2nd Annual University-wide Career Week
February 1 - 5, 2010
Explore the world of options as you search or strengthen your career at the second annual Pepperdine Career Week. Sign up for sessions this week. Attend resume workshops, gain career contacts, and develop your professional aptitude at this weeklong arena of events.

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Connect with Alumni in Your Area
Get involved with fellow Waves where you live. Groups of Pepperdine alumni meet up around the world. Socialize with old friends, network with new Pepperdine business contacts, and serve your community. Visit the map below to find a chapter near you.

Dont see any events in your area? If you would like to have Pepperdine come to your neighborhood, please contact Giuseppe Nespoli ('04).

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Cheer for Waves Basketball
The men's and women's basketball teams started the season off right and are showing well in conference play. Cheer on your team this month as they play in Malibu and travel to your area. Upcoming games include Loyola Marymount on February 6, San Francisco on February 11, Santa Clara of February 13, and Portland on February 18. See when the team will be near you. Reserve your seat today for the exciting season finale at the West Coast Conference Championships in Las Vegas.

John Scolinos Baseball Alumni Game
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Eddy D. Field Stadium, Malibu Campus
Baseball alumni, play ball with your former teammates. Waves fans are welcome to attend the game. For more information or to register, please check the Pepperdine Athletics Web page or contact Rick Hirtensteiner at (310) 506-4404 or rick.hirtensteiner@pepperdine.edu.

Reduced Rates for WCC Tournament
March 4 - 7, 2010
Orleans Hotel, Las Vegas, NV
Make your plans today to cheer on the Waves basketball teams at the West Coast Conference Championships. Customize your weekend experience with options for hotel, meals, game tickets, pep rallies, tailgates, and go-kart racing, or attend all events with a spirit package. More...

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Grant Writing Workshop
Tuesday, February 2, 2010; 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
West LA Graduate Campus
Learn the essentials of successful grant writing from Pepperdines own grants experts. RSVP required. For more details contact GSEP Alumni Office at (310) 568-5649.

Cultivate Your Career in Higher Education
Wednesday, February 3, 2010; 4:30 - 6 p.m.
West LA Graduate Campus
Pepperdine alumni from the field of higher education share their personal insights
RSVP required as space is limited.

How to Start a Small Business of Consultancy with Dr. Ari Novick
Thursday, February 4, 2010; 6 - 8 p.m.
Irvine Graduate Campus
Presenter and GSEP alum Dr. Ari Novick will discuss the fundamentals on how to set up a small business as well as share resources that has helped him establish his practice. Register today.

The Art and Soul of Teaching
Saturday, February 6, 2010; 9 a.m. - noon
Irvine Graduate Campus
Attend the Art and Soul of Teaching for free information event for you or your contacts to learn about beginning a career in teaching. Register today.

Best of Pepperdine: Dr. Linda Purrington
Friday, February 12; 5:30 V 7:30 p.m.
Phoenix, AZ
Meet Dr. Purrington, director of the doctoral program in education, leadership, administration and policy at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology. Learn new perspectives on leadership and updates from the field of education that impact us all. RSVP today.

Multicultural Issues Impacting Community Speakers Series
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 7 - 9 p.m.

...... >>>>>>> *447777777h



City representatives cheer Gibbons' pledge to leave them alone

CARSON CITY X To the applause of about 30 local government officials, Gov. Jim Gibbons said today that he has no plans whatsoever to take any revenue from cities and counties as he looks for ways to cut $900 million in state government spending.

Updated: 02/01/2010 2:38 PM
Obama to withdraw nuclear repository license bid

WASHINGTON X Energy Secretary Steven Chu said this afternoon the Obama administration will seek to immediately suspend licensing for the Yucca Mountain repository and within 30 days to completely withdraw the bid to build a nuclear waste repository in Nevada.

The actions, coupled with a new White House budget that essentially zeroes out federal support for the site, means the end could be near on more than two decades of debate over storing radioactive spent nuclear fuel a few hours drive from Las Vegas.

Updated: 02/01/2010 12:40 PM
Harrah's may be close to Macau presence

Harrah's Entertainment could be close to breaking into the lucrative Macau market with the purchase of a third-party's interest in a gaming company already operating in the Chinese enclave, according to a gaming analyst.

Updated: 02/01/2010 1:08 PM
HUD sending more workers to Las Vegas

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is sending eight additional employees to Las Vegas to help the city deal with the home foreclosure crisis, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced today.

Updated: 02/01/2010 12:27 PM
Missing Las Vegas woman's body found

The body of a missing woman police began investigating as a homicide victim after her fiancee killed himself in a police standoff last week has been found, the Clark County coroners office confirmed today.

Updated: 02/01/2010 11:11 AM
Trial delayed for six charged in police officer slaying

The trial of six men charged in connection with the slaying of a Las Vegas police officer at his North Las Vegas home in November was delayed until next year.

Updated: 02/01/2010 10:35 AM

Local News

PERMITTING PROCESS: Development rules reviewed
Proposal would eliminate funding for Yucca Mountain
Group notes high number of black shooting victims in state
MATT YOUMANS: Super Bowl bettors put faith, cash in Colts' corner
Race's boost to economy bigger than anticipated
UNLV men's golf team launches spring season



MARKET TOOLS: Today's Market Most Active | Your portfolio | Nevada Stocks |

World/National News

Haiti minister: US Baptists could face US courts
Obama budget: Record spending, record deficit
US envoy: March vote in Iraq must be seen as fair
UN says nations' greenhouse gas pledges too little
Newspaper: Jenny Sanford reacts to affair in book
Vt nuke plant leaks renew debate over aging plants
Autopsy: Detroit imam shot 20 times at FBI raid
FDA liver risk warning for Bristol-Myers HIV drug
Elton John joins 'Next Fall' B'way producing team
Kansas back at No. 1 in AP poll
More stories from the Associated Press

Search for newspaper ads



City representatives cheer Gibbons' pledge to leave them alone

CARSON CITY X To the applause of about 30 local government officials, Gov. Jim Gibbons said today that he has no plans whatsoever to take any revenue from cities and counties as he looks for ways to cut $900 million in state government spending.

Updated: 02/01/2010 2:38 PM
Obama to withdraw nuclear repository license bid

WASHINGTON X Energy Secretary Steven Chu said this afternoon the Obama administration will seek to immediately suspend licensing for the Yucca Mountain repository and within 30 days to completely withdraw the bid to build a nuclear waste repository in Nevada.

The actions, coupled with a new White House budget that essentially zeroes out federal support for the site, means the end could be near on more than two decades of debate over storing radioactive spent nuclear fuel a few hours drive from Las Vegas.

Updated: 02/01/2010 12:40 PM
Harrah's may be close to Macau presence

Harrah's Entertainment could be close to breaking into the lucrative Macau market with the purchase of a third-party's interest in a gaming company already operating in the Chinese enclave, according to a gaming analyst.

Updated: 02/01/2010 1:08 PM
HUD sending more workers to Las Vegas

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is sending eight additional employees to Las Vegas to help the city deal with the home foreclosure crisis, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., announced today.

Updated: 02/01/2010 12:27 PM
Missing Las Vegas woman's body found

The body of a missing woman police began investigating as a homicide victim after her fiancee killed himself in a police standoff last week has been found, the Clark County coroners office confirmed today.

Updated: 02/01/2010 11:11 AM
Trial delayed for six charged in police officer slaying

The trial of six men charged in connection with the slaying of a Las Vegas police officer at his North Las Vegas home in November was delayed until next year.

Updated: 02/01/2010 10:35 AM

Local News

PERMITTING PROCESS: Development rules reviewed
Proposal would eliminate funding for Yucca Mountain
Group notes high number of black shooting victims in state
MATT YOUMANS: Super Bowl bettors put faith, cash in Colts' corner
Race's boost to economy bigger than anticipated
UNLV men's golf team launches spring season



MARKET TOOLS: Today's Market Most Active | Your portfolio | Nevada Stocks |

World/National News

Haiti minister: US Baptists could face US courts
Obama budget: Record spending, record deficit
US envoy: March vote in Iraq must be seen as fair
UN says nations' greenhouse gas pledges too little
Newspaper: Jenny Sanford reacts to affair in book
Vt nuke plant leaks renew debate over aging plants
Autopsy: Detroit imam shot 20 times at FBI raid
FDA liver risk warning for Bristol-Myers HIV drug
Elton John joins 'Next Fall' B'way producing team
Kansas back at No. 1 in AP poll
More stories from the Associated Press

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Just pray!











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Press Releases: Safety Information for American Students Traveling AbroadMonday, February 1, 2010 10:06 AM
From: "U.S. Department of State" View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comPress Releases: Safety Information for American Students Traveling Abroad
Mon, 01 Feb 2010 10:44:58 -0600

Safety Information for American Students Traveling Abroad

Washington, DC

February 1, 2010


As spring and summer breaks approach, many students are getting ready for a trip abroad. The majority of students traveling abroad will have safe and enjoyable adventures. However, even with the best-planned trips, things can go wrong.

Each year, more than 2,500 American citizens are arrested abroad about half on narcotics charges, including possession of very small amounts of illegal substances.

Being arrested is not the only thing that can go wrong on a foreign vacation. U.S. citizens have been badly injured or have been killed in automobile accidents, falls, and other mishaps. Many of these incidents are related to alcohol and/or drug use. Other have been sexually assaulted or robbed because they found themselves in unfamiliar locales, were incapable of protecting themselves because of drug or alcohol use, or were the victims of a date rape drug.

The most common cause of death of U.S. citizens overseas, other than natural causes, is by motor vehicle accidents. Students traveling abroad should be aware that standards of safety overseas might be different from those in the United States, or non-existent.

The Bureau of Consular Affairs website for American students traveling overseas, studentsabroad.state.gov, provides useful safety and travel information for students prior to their travel. Students are strongly urged to review the information on the site and sign up online at https://travelregistration.state.gov to receive the latest travel information from the Department of State. Signing up makes it possible for the State Department to contact the student traveler, if necessary, in case of a family emergency in the United States or because of a crisis in the foreign country.

Please see the Department of Homeland Securitys web site www.getyouhome.gov for more information on the requirements for a passport, passport card, or other approved document to reenter the United States after travel abroad.

For further information contact:
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Policy Coordination and Public Affairs
Press inquiries: (202) 647-1488
Public inquiries: toll-free (888) 407-4747

Internet address: travel.state.gov; studentsabroad.state.gov

Follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/TravelGov)

Become a fan of Bureau of Consular Affairs on Facebook (www.facebook.com/pages/Bureau-of-Consular-Affairs/9229303148)

Check out our YouTube playlist: (http://www.youtube.com/user/statevideo#p/c/46BAEAFF21D8B01C/3/m61j0vGbQNQ)

PRN: 2010/125

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Editors' notes




Insight for TodayMonday, February 1, 2010 4:00 AM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Insight for Living" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.com

February 1, 2010

A Month for Love
by Charles R. Swindoll

1 Corinthians 13

It is February. Overcast, chilly, bleak-and-barren February. If you're not into skiing the slopes, skating on ice, or singin' in the rain, there's not a lot outside to excite you. Sure was gracious of God to make it last only twenty-eight days . . . well, sometimes twenty-nine. No wonder bears hibernate at this time of year---there's not even Monday Night Football!

But wait. There is something extra special about February. Valentine's Day. Hearts 'n flowers. Sweetheart banquets. A fresh and needed reminder that there is still a heart-shaped vacuum in the human breast that only the three most wonderful words in the English language can fill.

To love and to be loved is the bedrock of our existence. But love must also flex and adapt. Rigid love is not true love. It is veiled manipulation, a conditional time bomb that explodes when frustrated. Genuine love willingly waits! It isn't pushy or demanding. While it has its limits, its boundaries are far-reaching. It neither clutches nor clings. Real love is not short-sighted, selfish, or insensitive. It detects needs and does what is best for the other person without being told.

As we read in that greatest treatise ever written on the subject: "Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears . . . believes . . . hopes . . . endures all things" (1 Cor. 13:4-7).

"I LOVE YOU." Simple, single-syllable words, yet they cannot be improved upon. Nothing even comes close. And because we don't have any guarantee we'll have each other forever, it's a good idea to say them as often as possible.

Tell each one of your kids you love 'em. Don't just say, "Love ya." Say, "I love you." There's a difference. If you don't have any kids, tell your mate. If you're single, call up a close friend and say those three powerful words with feeling.

Excerpted from Day by Day with Charles Swindoll, Copyright 2000 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

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******* >>> ׎΁CLӍl鄒aNIӁCLSqőIDvC^bnqlAC@IƗvBAԌCsSI[CALҐoBݔԐ@o訕]ēIC‰ߒC琥dvB^bn{cRmvtoJC݋ɍI訁BȊҐoҁCˆȊ󓞁Cٗv^ב嚠IӔCFsj՝ՓˁC哮@B”\œI[aّLZC\ݑsIdDvَsׁH ... *1

***** "I'm your student!' "Which one (school) please?" "The Chinese Cultural University!!" "But, I've been there for just a short term Seminer." "I've read your text and reference books!!!" ---Senior Pastor Honorable Jenny's experience & inspiration from her other half through John's legacy. *777

*777. ... By the closing Monday of December in taking a Chinese Lunch, the fortunate slip of inspiration is "You can get more accomplishment if you have some more FUN in the Weekend!" Joe, you're just kitting. Rabbi's recognitions can never be told or written. We're still be your other half's students! Thank you very much!!


[*1. ....... Pillows Talks ...



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<<< [And then, .......] >>>

<<<<<<< Daily DevotionSunday, January 31, 2010 1:15 AM
From: "River of Life Christian Church" View contact detailsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comHaving trouble viewing this email? Click here

[֭ 12 49-53 `



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