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***** ' "I do not expect the Union to be dissolved -- I do not expect the house to fall -- but I do expect it will cease to be divided."
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Barack Obama by Kelly Hu on YouTube:

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Actress Kelly Hu (X-Men 2, Scorpion King) will travel to Las ...
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1209博彩法律前瞻研討會東吳大學Tuesday, December 23, 2008 6:07 PM ^^^From: "biz@unlv.com.tw" {biz@unlv.com.tw} Message contains attachments Dr. Andy給賴峰偉副秘書長的信原檔.doc (1546KB), 1209研討會照片擋.doc (3687KB), 1209研討會說明報名函.doc (47KB), 1208-1210博奕報導.doc (686KB), 中國時報--1203在亞洲博奕熱潮裡.doc (55KB)

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<<< "I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum, where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Brian Sandoval on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community in Las Vegas. ---On "Nevada Examiner" in June 2002 >>> *797

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"?挲笢矕?冞緻怢陬纂FF★☆AA★岆湮?郔褫蛣黨朽?倱﹝ 珨啜刲詎苺狩敢蒘Ю梪梠侍巡?倱憩眒?翾衖芄FF睿AAt岆☆褫詎迮醴菕馳盈瘝閥炕號驚F★善睡意最僅ㄐ褫眕砑?ㄛFF睿AA善怢勞婛嶂珀陓挫珈蕾r咭賸?阨晦睿⑨砳ㄛ硐砑翍褫蛣?倱﹝怷孱oogle奻螹ㄛ?倱萋怢眈燊忌桋_1100嗣tㄛ閉綎梀停牓襏V腔陔?l童狩曾奻?," World Journal's website Worldjournal.com postes these on December 24, 2008.*168 "杸稛?倱釬傖墿廢?腔?袸?挲癩^ㄛ挲?倱縑祥縑燊潬婓郲匙﹝腕猁埣傻埣Aㄛ符埣漫綠褫菕蝜郲匙潑ㄛ憩砉僩倱ㄛ艘穜廌倜ㄛ亭俶?ㄛ祥翾菕 蝵鯄迂捩倷羚Q旯室礡該?倱婓腔湮飲庈★眳輿ㄛ?倱褩怢傀芊蜆鷖曫@N輪ㄛs衱稛N罫★腔穫嗎呾岆賤壺賸."

(To be continued ...) {Please dot not post, fwd, or print yet! Thank you very much!} 眕怢傢?式蛾菕嫦@璃岈追P嫖湮腔掛薆縼陓苺FF睿AA腔幙控A堄雀rㄛ窒煦侕艘佪昈譣?垀牼緙?牾鷂?牾ㄛ湮衙]衄怮嗣?腕筳央








"踏毞憩岆珖悊珗ㄛ跎昜惁R賸]ˋ﹛竭嗣佼譙鍕愻鉻黖?昜Cㄛ猁蚚踏爛窺賸阨腔盡婦ㄛ緻陑孬婓綱腔鬿k跎昜﹝淩淏腔疑跎憩砉湮?冞緻怢陬?倱﹝む?坳岆or腔ㄛ憩砉饒虳陓蚚縐鼠侗腔??V豢珨茛熄Yこ衄rㄛ①or," the famous newspaper in Chinese continues the posting on its website worldwidely.*168a "冞堤羥磁斕夔薯Kй硐衄斕夔冞腔﹜冞堤朵調窳婓綱炰蛣纂〩苀鶲涫慺?褫眕隙?﹜撿衄砩膽腔﹝ 稛憩請釬雅腕冞跎."

(*168. World Journal, '珨污客觕袢譬騥Y昜,' "An article about 'Friendship, Love, and Development with Pandas' (Los Angeles, California: Worldjournal.com, December 24, 2008), 1-8.
*168a. Ibid.)






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