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Dina's Birthday coming up!

Thursday, May 14, 2009 1:37 PM
From: "Betty Mama Titus" {info@dinatitus.com}
View contact detailsTo: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com}




---??? *75007

Dear Tony,

Ever since Dina was elected to the United States Congress, things have been moving quickly around here! Although she has only been there for just over 100 days, she has already done some really good things for Nevada. I・m very proud of her. Even the Las Vegas Sun has noticed, pointing out ,:Titus・ Work Ethic, Experience Help Separate Her From the Pack; (Las Vegas Sun, May 10, 2009).

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101

With so much going on, I want to be sure that we continue to get-together to work on solving the issues important to Southern Nevadans. I know that Dina has been holding :Congress on the Corner; meetings, House Parties, and has been everywhere these past few months, but on Saturday, May 23, I was hoping we could have a different kind of gathering.

Saturday, May 23, 2009, is Dina・s birthday and I would love if you could join us to celebrate the occasion. We will be having a barbeque at Paradise Park beginning at 3:30pm. In place of a birthday gift, we are asking that you contribute either $5-$23-$50 in honor of Dina・s special day.

Will you join me on Saturday? Click here to RSVP so we・ll know to expect you.

I hope ya・ll are doing well. I am looking forward to seeing you next week!


Betty :Mama; Titus

P.S. Bless your sweet little hearts for all your help.

This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com

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....... ....... .......

---??? *7168


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仝爽嶄鷲徨々頁功襖m恬爆社溢Frederic Chopin, 1810-1849恷广兆議ラ粁傴舵ナ填撹]嗤蒙協絞並徽耽匯尚脅泌泌。〉彬鯉戦W鶴枠伏 (Filippo Taglioni)蘰篥根栓満鯉戦W紬(Maria Taglioni)」豢1832定3埖12晩遍處豢依先司社咄稽莎股今頁恷醤惜只塗議暗碩議旗燕玲。v峰鷲溺、槻溺麼叔、臨禿g議絞並’蘚cF書F伏試槻溺拉蛄謹、侑牽払岻住越參式尖訖浜遇音辛式吉秤廠載猖藤聞恬瞳議薦紗寄、l繁侮福。

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Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons to talk budget, taxes, and what・s on your mind
Governor Schedules Series of Community Meetings!
By Office of the Governor (NV), Daniel Burns, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung

[[[ MEDIA ADVISORY - Eureka Location Added, - Governor Gibbons to Talk Budget, Taxes, and What's On Your Mind - May 15, 2009 ]]]

Friday, May 15, 2009 4:55 PM
From: "Office of the Governor" {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV} To: tojulei@yahoo.com

{{M E D I A A D V I S O R Y
Eureka Location Added}}




Carson City -- In an effort to bring government closer to the people of Nevada, Governor Jim Gibbons continues his :Nevada Road to Recovery Tour;. Governor Gibbons has been meeting with Nevada residents in rural communities to talk with them about Nevada・s budget crisis and listen to their comments and ideas.

:I think many elected officials now meeting in Carson City sometimes forget the needs and wishes of the citizens who sent them there,; Governor Gibbons said, :I intend to let the people know what the Legislature is up to and see if the people are prepared to pay higher taxes or join me in calling for the Legislature to reduce spending.; :I also want to see if any citizens have ideas or solutions that might help me or legislators as I guide Nevada through this economic crisis.;

Governor Gibbons expects to speak briefly at each event and then take questions from citizens. Everyone is welcome and the event is free.


May 18
6:00 p.m.
Churchill County Museum
1050 S. Maine Street
Fallon, Nv 89406

May 20
12 noon
Eureka Opera House
31 South Main Street
Eureka, NV

May 20
6:00 p.m.
East Ely Railroad Museum
1100 Avenue A
Ely, Nv

May 21
12 noon
Northeastern Nevada Museum
1515 Idaho Street
Elko, Nv 89801

May 21
6:00 p.m.
Humboldt County Courthouse
50 West Fifth Street
Winnemucca, Nv 89445

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---??? *567


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May. 14, 2009
Copyright by Las Vegas Review-Journal

Welcome to summer in Las Vegas

[[[ Photos by John Gurzinski. ]]]

Summer, as it is traditionally defined, begins on the summer solstice, the date on which the sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky during our Earth・s annual journey around the sun.

But you know what?

Forget that.

As far as local officials and tourism boosters are concerned, summer in Las Vegas started today, and neither astrophysics nor pagan holidays are going to get in the way of the message:

Vegas is fun.

Vegas is cheap.

Vegas really needs your money.

There were also lots of women in bikinis. You might・ve heard something about that.

The official count, according to a representative from Guinness World Records, was 281 bikini-clad ladies, enough to set a record for World・s Largest Bikini Parade.

:Only in Las Vegas could this take place,; said Mayor Oscar Goodman, who was joined in proclaiming the beginning of summer by Clark County Commissioner Larry Brown at the Welcome to Las Vegas sign on the south end of the Strip.

:People want, and people need, some down time,; Brown said.

:The price is right,; Goodman said. :And everybody needs a break.;

Playboy・s Holly Madison joined them and introduced the parade・s warm-up act, a fashion show celebrating the history of the bikini.

Then it was off to the main event X the bikini processional on the other end of the Strip at the Fashion Show mall.

Madison and two Jubilee! dancers headed the parade, which started at the corner of Fashion Show Drive and Las Vegas Boulevard.

The line of women stretched down the block.

Amateur paparazzi gathered on the balconies of the mall・s restaurants, snapping pictures and recording video, while the professional media gawkers did the same from the street and sidewalk.

Then police stopped traffic in both directions on Las Vegas Boulevard so the parade of flesh could safely get to the other side.

That stoppage prompted Florida retirees Mike and Reba Bezner to get off the bus they were on and start walking.

:We thought there was an accident,; Mike Bezner said.

Instead, they found themselves looking at woman after scantily clad woman strutting by in bikinis of every style and color.

And wouldn・t you know it? Mike forgot his camera.

:I was also disappointed that I didn・t have any sunscreen, factor 50,; he said, to help out those poor ladies walking around in the sun. :I didn・t want them to have any sun damage.;

There was no existing record for a bikini parade, said Danny Girton Jr., an adjudication executive with Guinness who, in his coat-and-tie getup, was the best and most completely dressed person at the parade.

:I・ve been to record attempts in Dubai, in Asia, all throughout South America, and this one certainly stands out in my mind as showing a lot of great energy and resourcefulness,; Girton said.

To make it a challenge, Guinness set a minimum of 250 participants with each one wearing a different bikini.

While there were women of all shapes, sizes and ages marching, there was a definite tilt toward Las Vegas・ hottie caste, with many participants recruited from talent agencies or the party pools at the resorts.

:It・s not about who has the most beautiful body. It・s not about who has the most beautiful face,; said Autumn Rogers, a parade participant who operates the mechanical bull at Cadillac Ranch. :This is just something that we can all do to get together to represent Las Vegas.;

Participants were paid $100 and got to keep their bikinis, which were provided by various retailers at the mall. The ladies also got a pass to one of several Strip pool parties.

The event cost the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Bureau about $100,000, said spokesman Vince Alberta. The benefit, or return on investment, will be measured by the :earned media; the event garners in the press.

:That, historically, is multiple times the initial investment,; Alberta said.

The parade, timed to coincide with the beginning of the pool scene season and National Tourism Week, might become an annual event.

:Based on the excitement, the energy, the buzz ... that is under consideration,; Alberta said.

The solstice may be a month away, but summer weather has definitely arrived. Temperatures crept well into the 90s Thursday under a brilliant sun, and forecasts say the mercury could pass 100 degrees this weekend.

Tourism numbers, meanwhile, have not been sizzling.

In March, visitor volume was down 6.5 percent compared to the previous year.

The average daily room rate was down 31.6 percent, convention attendance was down 30 percent, and gaming revenue dropped 12.3 percent on the Strip and 9.8 percent in the county overall.

Tzigane Osborne, a Rockhouse bar employee, aspiring model and bikini parade participant, said it would be good if the event sparked interest in Las Vegas. The Rockhouse is still crowded on weekends, she said, but has seen business drop off during the week.

Osborne was clearly jazzed at the finale of the parade. All the bikini girls and a gaggle of photographers gathered in the plaza in front of the mall.

:Doing the whole walk, with all the cameras, it was a lot of fun,; she said. :I had a good time.;

Contact reporter Alan Choate at achoate@reviewjournal.com or 702-229-6435.


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