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040308-1005 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Thursday, 9:21 a.m., April 3, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
So close German Proverb wbti: *****To bury grief plant a seed. By Al Gore Dear Tony, Last week I asked you to get your friends involved in our campaign to stop global warming and you responded: more than 70,000 people have joined in the last week alone. That's simply amazing and shows that there is immense support behind our call for solutions to the climate crisis. Today we are just 76,000 short of reaching our goal of 1,000,000 members by April.*1001 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Titus wbti: As a distinguished author like Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al .. ...... Juliette Zhuo bring us with more world famous intellectuals and writers! ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 90k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwanese American ... NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER Al Gore just writes us. at 3:37 pm on 3/21/08: .... of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: US Senate Majority Leader Harry ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 66k - Cached - Similar pages >>> The above Results are from a search of "NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER Al Gore just writes us wbti" by the world leading search engines on Internet (Google).*1002 You can help put us over the top. Right now I need you to forward the email below to everyone you know and ask them to get involved. More than 924,000 people have already joined us, but if we are going to succeed we need to reach 1,000,000 by April. With your help, we'll reach this goal and send a powerful message to the world. Please ask your friends to get involved today: http://wecansolveit.org/inviteyourfriends Thank you, Al Gore [[[ Dear Friend, The world's scientists are calling for immediate and urgent action on global warming. The good news is that we have the science, technologies and policies necessary to stop it. What's needed is action by concerned people like you and me. That's why I've joined with Al Gore and others across the country and around the world who want to halt global warming. We're on the verge of being over one million strong and I'm asking you to join us. Please click here today to become part of the solution to global warming: http://wecansolveit.org/onemillion We need to come together and demand our leaders take the steps necessary to ensure our children and their children have a positive future. That's why I'm asking you to get involved today: http://wecansolveit.org/onemillion Together, we can stop global warming. ]]] *1003 With a search of "48 Hours to Bali gore wbti", we can find a draft of the following article on Internet: 48 Hours to Bali google, msn, and yahoo wbti: Find me by just typing 'gore wbti'! By Al Gore Dear Tony, In less than forty-eight hours, I will step onstage at the UN Climate Conference in Bali. With me I will bring hundreds of thousands of messages demanding that a visionary global treaty be completed and brought into effect by 2010.*1 <<< Chao wbti, Clinton wbti, Gore wbti: Why Elaine, Hillary, and Al are so famous with Nevada? Ingenuity, innovation, integrity, and diligent work can bring us a miracle! Ans: (by the little boy and girl with a laptop computer under the beautiful palm trees beside Sea of Galilee) "Ask Google, MSN, and Yahoo!"* >>> *006. From MSN. If we want to solve the climate crisis, together we need to demonstrate the broad public support for action. That's why it's vital that you sign our petition right now by visiting: http://climateprotect.org/standwithal Over the past few months we've taken many positive steps towards uniting governments worldwide around the goal of solving the climate crisis. Just over a week ago on December 3rd, Australia's new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was sworn in. His first formal act in office was to ratify the Kyoto Treaty. This was a clear demonstration of Australia's priorities. Yet this progress has not swayed the Bush Administration. With thousands of delegates gathered in Bali for the UN Climate Conference, this is our last chance in 2007 to show the world how serious the American people are about ending the climate crisis. That's why it is so vital that all of us join together and demonstrate the political will of our country. Only two days remain before I deliver your messages to the delegates meeting in Bali. Over the past few days more than 173,963 people have added their voices. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to demonstrate your support for a visionary global treaty to end the climate crisis. Sign our petition, then reach out to everyone you know and ask them to sign today by visiting: http://climateprotect.org/standwithal Your activism and enthusiasm for this cause inspire me every day.*3 [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... (Editor's note) With "Gore wbti" by the world leading search engines on Internet, we expect to share with people a future Fountain of Youth for our loving ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 111k - Cached - Similar pages* ]]] *007. From Google. Thank you, Al Gore (Editor's note) ***** Post through the courtesy of WBTI's website >>> [[[ Our Moment -- Our Movement! Together, we can create a better tomorrow for our Earth if we seize this vital moment By Al Gore*1 ((( Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit (Plume) (Paperback) by Al Gore (Author) "I was standing in the sun on the hot steel deck of a fishing ship capable of processing a fifty-ton catch on a good day..." (more) {Qouted by WBTI's Editor of this flier.} ))) ]]] *3 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... President, won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ---The article by Al Gore that published at WBTI's website has been shown ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... · Cached page· Translate this page >>> *4 'What inspires you to take action on global warming?' was aked by Al.*5 At 4:07 p.m. on 120607 for a search of 'Gore wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet (m.sr): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & ... By Al Gore*1", "By Al Gore wbti", etc. on the Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Search, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, and among others ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…3 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... By Al Gore*1", "By Al Gore wbti", etc. on the Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Search, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, and among others beginning at ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…8 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & ... John and Teresa's wonderful new book By Al Gore*1 wbti' by the leading search engines on Internet," (September 7, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…6 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2004 Dear viewers: After reading this section of "WBTI 2004," please advance to ..... the country," wrote U.S. President Candidate and Vice President Al Gore. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…01328001051073010833930623 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] "I will address the conference to urge the adoption of a visionary new ..." *6 My speech ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE has already published by WBTI's website.*7 ---------------------- About the Author former U. S. Vice President Al Gore: Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. was the 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001, serving with Bill Clinton. He is is an American politician, teacher, businessman, and environmentalist. Gore had served in the United States House of Representatives (1977-85) and the United States Senate (1985-93) representing Tennessee. He was the Democratic nominee for President in the 2000 election. Gore is president of the American television channel Current TV, chairman of Generation Investment Management, a director on the board of Apple Inc., and an unofficial advisor to Google's senior management. He lectures widely on the topic of global warming. In April 2007, Gore was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore, former U. S. Vice President, is a leading Distinguished Author of the PPAA Forum by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *1001. Gore, Al. 'So close,' "An e-mail from former U. S. Vice President Al Gore to WBTI [To WBTI from Al Gore {AlGore@algore.com} at Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:57 -0400]," (March 28, 2008), U. S. A: AlGore@algore.com. *1002. ... by Google.com ... *1003. Gore. Ibid. *1. Gore, Al. '48 Hours,' "An e-mail from former U. S. Vice President Al Gore to WBTI [Tue, 11 Dec 2007 15:40 -0500]," (December 11, 2007), U. S. A: AlGore@algore.com. *2. Ibid. *3. Amazon.com. 'Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit,' "A search of 'al gore's most recent book on environment' on the Google.com, (June 3, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *4. Chang, Tiffany. 'Al Gore, former U. S. Vice President, won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ---The article by Al Gore that published at WBTI's website has been shown on Internet by the leading search engines remarkably!' "A search of 'The article by Al Gore that published at WBTI's website' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 6, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN. *5. Gore, Al. 'What inspires you to take action on global warming? ---Business WBTI: To welcome and appreciate Nobel Peace Prize Winner Al Gore as one of our Distinguished Authors in this Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum enhanced by the intelligence of world leading search engines on Internet!' "A search of 'Al Gore wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 6, 2007), U. S. A.: Search. *6. Gore, Al. 'Stand with me in Bali ---Gore wbti: I would like you to help me get people from across the country ...!' "A feature article in the Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (Business & Admnistration) on WBTI's website," (December 6, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *7. Reviewjournal.com. 'Nobel Prize ---My speech ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ***President Dr. Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!' "A feature article by Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore on this Forum at 121107," (December 11, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Las Vegas Review-Journal. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
040208-1003 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Wednesday, 9:06 a.m., April 2, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
U. S. Department of Labor and its Secretary Elaine L. Chao Office's In Focus Update to WBTI on March 28, 2008 Benton wbti: Tourism for Nevada, California, and Texas has been long time one of the emphases on our publications. International visibility and popularity of the 2007 Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism is enhancing through the world leading search engines on Internet all over the world! By Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, Valerie Weber, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung***** "Dedicate some of your life to others. Your dedication will not be a sacrifice. It will be an exhilarating experience because it is intense effort applied toward a meaningful end." ---Dr. Thomas Dooley *1 The following is a summary of the latest In Focus item: *2 Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Awards $5 Million to Position BRAC-Affected Workers in Georgia for 21st Century Careers Read the latest In Focus item. Visit us on the web at www.dol.gov please! *3 Business wbti: We listen, we learn, and we follow our Chairperson's inspiration to make our workforce more productive and prosperous: "Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao hosted President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Treasury Hank Paulson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Alphonzo Jackson and the rest of the President's Economic Team at a roundtable meeting held at the Department of Labor," posted www.dol.gov with a news on February 28, 2008 in Washington, DC.*4 "The meeting centered around the economy and the administration's goals for the continued security of the American workforce." For a search of "elaine chao wbti", "elaine chao youtube", etc. on MSN.com and Google.com, visitors may have informative articles and some short shows for her by WBTI and YouTube: <<< YouTube - Elaine Chao Elaine Chao and the skills gap. ... Content of this nature is ... Watch video - 32 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXLHFY5f4g YouTube - Labor Secretary Elaine Chao on the Employee ... Chao repeats the Administration's veto threat for the ... Hide video - 1 min 22 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-DEsCwlHa0 Video: Labor Secretary Elaine Chao's "Skills Gap" Also on: YouTube (704 views) cliffschecter.bravenewfilms.org/blog/22766-labor-secretary-elaine-chao-s-skills-gap ?Cached page >>> "It's really a challenge to me! Lots of my job are related to have a function on the basis of international perspective. Through this professional and practical venue, I'll put all my effort and talent to implement the mission for the promotion of the economic and trade cooperation and development among cities of Las Vegas, Beijing, Taipei, Soel, Bangkok, Macau, and among others in the Pacific and Asian countries," said Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of the ICBC of WBTI. Accomplishment is proved to be a journey with united and harmonious efforts. The ingenuity and ability from its Vice Chairpersons Attorney Xiaosheng Huang and Miss Yin Yan are important. Will the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and Judge Nancy Oesterle's show on Internet for searching business be a Midsummer Night's Dream for our people? Let's have a good laugh by listening to a story from the famous writer and speaker in humor Lin-yao Wu before we start to read the following: Charlyne is also the International Trade Representative in Taiwan for Nevada Commission on Economic Development and the Representative of UNLV (Las Vegas, Nevada) in the Great China Area. The silver state, Nevada, has advanced its Tourism Industry with a foreign city's on the benifit of trade and ecomomic development recently. Many years ago, people might be embarrased to bring friends to Las Vegas because it was a gaming place. Now, people are welcomed and experienced to come here because it is a famous City of Tourism in the world. With a bright direction for implement and development, the present Las Vegas' value is much more on its convention, hospitality, touring, etc. than a playground with 'original sin of gaming'.*5 "We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY". From the Qian of "I Ching," some people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future.' "--" "--" "--" "Ingenuity, integrity, and hard work call, ultimately, for a bright direction leading us to the fortunate spring on a journey in the Desert," said Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Senior Advisor to U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. ***** "I hope people take the time to be mentors, to share themselves with others. It will be one of the most fulfilling and enriching experience of their lives, and our communities and country will ultimately be better for their participation," said Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor.*6 On MSN.com! At 8:07 a.m., 030208: <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S ... ... Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor and help the promotion of benifits and quality of lives for our people, community, and country." Elaine said that her ... WBTI's articles for U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page >>> "There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow," quoted Samuel Johnson.*7 "Truly, it is in darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us." ---Meister Eckhart *8 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. *2. U.S. Department of Labor. 'U.S. Department of Labor In Focus Update,' "An e-mail from the U.S. Department of Labor to WBTI [Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:45:20 -0500 (CDT)]," (March 28, 2008), Washington, DC: Sdol.govubscriptions@dol.gov. *3. Ibid. *4. Office of usdol. 'The main profile today,' "A search of 'www.dol.gv' on the Internet,' (February 29, 2008), U. S. A.: U.S. Department of Labor. *5. Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. 'Great Made in Nevada the 2007 Governor's Conference on Tourism: Its international visiability and popularity are enhacing through the world leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI,' "A search of 'One of the great credits of Washington Business and Technology Institute is its people and forums!' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (November 27, 2007), U. S. A.: Search.com. *6. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, Valerie Weber, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung. 'Our great leader Elaine L. Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, and her Department's In Focus Update to WBTI on February 26, 2008 ---Spiritual Leadership wbti: Humbly and obligatory to learn from and serve for the great women and men, we are experienced, inspired, and righteous to help our young generation growing and developing! We honor more Advisors. We listen, we learn, and we follow!' "A search of 'Our great leader Elaine L. Chao wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (March 2, 2008), U. S. A.: MSN.com. *7. Johnson, Samuel . 'Sorrow quotes by Thinkexist.com,' " A search of 'quotes on sorrow' by the searching leaders," (April 2, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Eckhart, Meister. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
040108-1009 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Tuesday, 4:59 p.m., April 1, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons outlines new revenue projections PAI wbti: UNLV Alumnus John K. Lei passed away! By Office of the Governor (NV), Ben Kieckhefer, Mark Denton, and Cheryl MossContinuing declines in many of the revenue sources that build the state’s General Fund have prompted Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons and his fiscal staff to revise their revenue projections for the current biennium, the Governor announced Monday.*1 The Governor now projects a budget shortfall for the current biennium totaling $898 million. After taking into account initial spending reductions from December, this new projection will require additional budget cuts for Fiscal Year 2009 of about $333 million. “These are difficult economic times, for not just state government, but for the people of Nevada ,” Gov. Jim Gibbons said. “Nevadans are paying more for milk, gasoline, healthcare, heating fuels and just about everything else, so I cannot see asking them to pay more for government, as well. I believe that just like every person in Nevada , the government needs to live within its means, and we will.” The Governor and his staff have been working closely with a bipartisan group of Legislative leaders while revising the revenue projections. Now that revenue projections are finalized, the Governor and Legislative leaders will continue working to craft a solution that best serves the people of Nevada . “My meetings with Legislators have been very productive and I’m optimistic that we can reach a consensus on how the state should deal with its budget shortfall,” the Governor said. “We have all expressed an interest in avoiding cuts to operating expenses for K-12 education, public safety and health and human services. I’m hopeful we can have a plan outlined within the next few weeks.” In December, the Governor announced an across-the-board, 4.5 percent spending reduction that cut state expenditures by about $560 million. Lower-than-expected revenue, coupled with an unanticipated Medicaid caseload and higher-than-expected school support is demanding this second series of spending reductions.*2 UNLV Alumnus John K. Lei passed away in the morning on March 22, 2008! -------------------------------- References *1. Office of the Governor (NV). 'Revenue Projections Press Release,' "An e-mail from Office of the Governor through its Press Secretary Ben Kieckhefer to WBTI [Mon, 31 Mar 2008 19:07:10 -0700 (bkieck@GOV.NV.GOV)]," (March 31, 2008), Carson, Nevada: Governor Jim Gibbons' Office. *2. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
040108-1001 |
This daily publication was terminated tentatively until 4:29 p.m. April 1 since 9:20 a.m. March 22, 2008.-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
032108-2168 Our leading Distinguished Author of WBTI, |
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NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER Al Gore just writes us |
at 3:37 p.m. on 3/21/08: | |
Dear Tony, Global warming is ... Actions by individuals like you will be the driving force behind this campaign and our ultimate victory. We're going to succeed, ... (To be continued ...) Please see >>> |
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032108-0168 at 7:37 a.m. [A second printing of the First Edition on 122707-1017 at 10:17 p.m. (Tx) in "Business & Administration"] |
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*****President Dr. Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!!! *168 | |
*168. Gore, Al. 'Nobel Prize ---My (Al Gore's) speech ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE; President Dr. Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!' "A search of 'Chao wbti, Clinton wbti, Gore wbti: Why Elaine, Hillary, and Al' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 24, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN. |
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032008-1537 *****Administration, Wisdom, and Prosperity wbti: With a sense of humor, everything will be more easy to reach through a vision, diligent work, and integrity! |
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031908-1007 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Wednesday, 9:37 a.m., March 19, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
A research study on 'A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth' Benton, Weber, and Livingstone wbti: We believe leadership is love!*701 By PAI of WBTI **--** .......... ...................... *001 'Visiting United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reiterated here Tuesday that the U.S. would adhere to the one-China policy and opposes the proposed "referendum on Taiwan's U.N. membership",' posted the Xinhua in Beijing on February 26, 2008.*002 'Rice, briefing the press after the talks, also reiterated what she said in December that the United States "opposes the proposed referendum because we believe that the referendum would not be constructive and would not in fact serve a useful purpose"' '"We think that Taiwan's referendum to apply to the United Nations under the name 'Taiwan' is a provocative policy," Rice said, restating that Washington did not support Taiwanese independence and opposed the use of force by China to settle the dispute,' said Rice in December 2007.*003 '"It unnecessarily raises tensions in the Taiwan strait and it promises no real benefits for the people of Taiwan on the international stage -- that is why we oppose this referendum," she told a news conference in Washington.' ....... ******************************************** The following are some of the fornt parts of research studies and articles by WBTI's faculty members and friends. They are on the section of "Business & Administration (PPAA 20)" and also shown on the Internet by world leading search engines: Senator Reid Named Most Powerful Person in Congress ... wbti: ***** By Nevada State Democratic Party, Shelley Berkley, Nancy Saitta, and Tiffany Chang **--** Fellow Nevadans -- We want to share the news with you that Nevada's own Sen. Reid was just named the most powerful person in Congress by Congress.org: Click Here.*1 On Google, MSN, Search, Ask, AOL, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Altavista, Sina, and among others! On MSN! (for a search of "U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, President Dr. Tony Lei WBTI"): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S ... ... of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. ... For "u s secretary of labor elaine chao and u s senate majority leader harry reid" communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... · Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Message from the ... Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Senator and Majority Leader of the U. S. Senate Harry Reid ... Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): "It's my ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... · Cached page Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com >>> *2 What does this mean for us in Nevada? As the most influential person on The Hill, Sen. Reid can do things for Nevada that no one else could, and he does every day. {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... President Dr. Tony Lei: Senator Harry Reid assures us that he will continue working to protect Nevada!*1 By Harry M. Reid*2 **--** Friends, A little less than a month ago, I wrote a ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…1 - Similar pages [ Result from MSN ] }}} *3 .......... ..................... >>> Continues on the section of "Taiwanese American Academic Association of Nevada" at March 19, 2008.*702 -------------------------------------------- References *701. ... on Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com ... *702. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
031808-2157 *****Fun wbti: All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. ---Mark Twain |
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031708-2358 *****Humor wbti: Never mind the dog, beware of the owner. ---Lloyd Bentsen, Jr. |
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031608-2137 *****Fun wbti: Reading is knowledge, knowledge is power, and such power is for service above self! |
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031508-1001 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Saturday, 8:07 a.m., March 15, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao and her Department's News Releases Update to WBTI on March 13, 2008 Leadership wbti: Chairperson Elaine Chao points out, "Passion is a very important element to our successful professionalisms in America." *101 By Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, Bill Young, Robert "Bobby G." Gronauer, and Jennifer Kung**--** The following is a summary of the latest news release: *102 White Plains, N.Y., employer and company president ordered to restore $1.5 million to retirement plan to resolve U.S. Labor Department lawsuit U.S. Department of Labor awards $125 million in third competition for President’s Community-Based Job Training Grants U.S. Labor Department's MSHA issues increased funding for state health and safety training grants Statement of U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao on February employment numbers OSHA announces new combustible dust safety and health topics Web page Read the latest news releases. Visit us on the web at www.dol.gov *103 For a search of "u s secretary of labor elaine chao youtube", we can view a short show for her by YouTube on Google.com: <<< YouTube - Elaine Chao Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are already ... Watch video - 32 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXLHFY5f4g >>> *1001 This article is all in English. Welcome our members and friends to read the related parts in Chinese by the article "Great leader Elaine L. Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor and" (031108-1008) in the section of 'Taiwanese American Academic Association of Nevada'. The music is beautiful (by our rising Clarinetist Chiu-Yuan Chen in America)! <<< YouTube - sonata for clarinet and piano Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are already ... Watch video - 4 min 45 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuVVLG-pNdc >>> *104 "Please find my concert program notes in the attached file. If you have any questions, please let me know. Chiu-Yuan," wrote Ms. Chiu-Yuan Chen to WBTI on March 13, 2008.*105 [[[ Chiu-Yuan Chen, clarinet Wei-En Hsu, piano Sonatina for clarinet and piano Joseph Horovitz Allegro calmato (b. 1926) Lento quasi andante Con brio Three Fantasias Yu-Hui Chang 丟丟不了(“Diu-Diu-Bu-Liao”) (b. 1970) 飛去的白鷺鷥 (“Flying away white egret”) 天黑又黑 (“Darkening dark sky”) Sonata “Undine,” op. 167 Carl Reinecke Allegro (1824-1910) Intermezzo: Allegro vivace - Più lento, quasi Andante Andante tranquillo - Molto vivace Finale: Allegro molto agitato ed appasionato, quasi Presto INTERMISSION Phantasiestücke, op. 73 Robert Schumann Zart und mit Ausdruck (delicate, with expression) (1810-1856) Lebhaft, leicht (lively and light) Rasch und mit Feuer (fiery and urgent) All But Not At All Wei-Chieh Lin (b. 1982) Song of the Wanderer *world premiere* Ke-Chia Chen (b.1979) Theme and Variation for clarinet and piano Jean Françaix (1912-1997) Program notes: British composer Joseph Horovitz won international acclaim for writing music for television series. He has been a professor of composition at the Royal College of Music since 1961. Horovitz wrote Sonatina in 1981. It was commissioned by the British clarinetist Gervase de Peyer and his pianist Gwenneth Pryor, who premiered it in London the same year. This enchanting piece follows a traditional structure of three movements, while including the influences of jazz and other popular music. Commissioned to be an accessible piece, Taiwanese composer Yu-Hui Chang’s Three Fantasias take inspirations from three Taiwanese folk/nursery tunes: “Diu-Diu-Dang”, “White Egret”, and “The Dark Sky.” Fragments of these tunes are alluded to rather than quoted. The vividness and humor in these tunes provide the perfect subjects for this piece to showcase clarinet’s nimbleness and its wide range of expression. “Diu-Diu-Bu-Laio” exaggerates the train portrayed in “Diu-Diu-Dang” and makes it almost like a roller-coaster ride. “Flying Away White Egret” extends the story line of “White Egret”, in which the egret pushed a barrow, fell down near the side of a stream, and fortuitously found a penny. “Darkening Dark Sky” focuses on the brawl between an old man and his wife, as described in “The Dark Sky”, when they could not agree on how much salt should be used to cook the loach. Yu-Hui Chang’s compositions have been performed across continents in the Netherlands, Italy, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and throughout the U.S. by Taipei Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra, San Francisco Chamber Orchestra, Kalistos Chamber Orchestra, Nieuw Ensemble, Earplay, Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, Adorno Ensemble, Alea III, Dinosaur Annex, The Group for Contemporary Music, Alexander String Quartet, Lydian String Quartet, Amy Dissanayake, Marilyn Nonken, and erhu virtuoso Jiebing Chen, among others. She came to the United States in 1994 and received her graduate degrees from Brandeis University (Ph.D.) and Boston University (MM). Now a faculty member at Brandeis University, Dr. Chang taught at the University of California-Davis between 1999 and 2006 and co-directed the Empyrean Ensemble. Her current projects include commissions from the National Concert Hall of Taiwan, National Chinese Orchestra, the Ju Percussion Group, the Triple Helix Piano Trio, the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, and violist Lois Martin. Yu-Hui Chang Carl Reinecke was well known in both French and German music circles during the nineteenth century. He held several important positions during his long life, including the conductor of the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig, and director of the Leipzig Conservatory. This sonata “Undine” was originally composed for flute, but the composer also wrote the clarinet version. This piece tells the story of the water nymph Undine, from a fairytale popularized by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué (1777-1843). The sonata, however, is more of an allegory, or a series of tone pictures that illustrate the text, rather than a literal depiction of the story. Reinecke has each movement represent a different stage of the story. The first movement’s wave-shape melodies and bubbling patterns suggest Undine’s aquatic origins. In the second movement, Reinecke musically sets the mood of Undine’s mischievous dance of seduction before stating his deeply lyrical love theme. The Andante tranquillo movement follows, conveying a feeling of peace and contentment, which is briefly interrupted by Undine’s uncle, who seeks to protect her from her unfaithful lover, Hulbrand. The last movement shows Undine’s anger and warning to Hulbrand. She sets free the elements, the waves rise, the wind blows, and the thunder sounds. Soon, Hulbrand’s boat capsizes, and he dies. The movement then returns to the love theme of the second movement, but it is now empty and like an echo in the sea, reflecting the story’s tragic end. German composer Robert Schumann wrote Phantasiestücke (Fantasy Pieces), op. 73, in February, 1849, the fruitful year in which he also wrote a lot of small-scale chamber music. The three movements present extensive dialogue and a unique balance between the clarinet and piano. They are the perfect examples of Schumann’s introverted, lyrical, and intimate personal style. Though the mood is Romantic, each movement is composed in ternary form (A-B-A), suggesting the “songs without words” of the Classical period. Interestingly, he did not compose the piece for clarinet only. The score contains alternative solo parts for string instruments. A similar example later in the Romantic period is provided by Brahms’s two great clarinet sonatas, op. 120, which incorporate alternative solo parts for viola approved by the composer. All But Not At All (2001) by Wei-Chieh Lin is a piece for unaccompanied clarinet. This piece is improvisatory in the sense that it is made up of spontaneous ideas in different layers of dimensions which include pitch, rhythm, register, dynamics, phrasing, and articulation. Despite its freedom and spontaneity, the piece still has a sense of continuity and flow based on preconceived ideas and carefully constructed formations. The title “All But Not At All” implies many aspects of the piece, especially on the conception of the totality of the whole as well as the surface details, which uses a fixed three-note motive that is then developed, extended, and transformed throughout. Wei-Chieh Lin was born in Taichung, Taiwan in 1982. He received his Bachelor and Masters degree in composition from The Juilliard School, where he is currently a doctoral candidate in composition, studying with Milton Babbitt. Wei-Chieh Lin The world of art music has long been divided into two camps. On one side is the belief that music is meant to express and reveal our innermost emotions; on the other, that music must be appreciated for itself only, detached from the bonds of our emotions and human frailties. In the neverending quest for expression and self-discovery often times we composers take journeys through both camps. Song of the Wanderer in its unfolding reflects one such journey. Here the wanderer, like a falling seed carried far from its home by the westward wind, looks for a place to land and take root. The destination…unknown, but the journey, oh so rewarding. Ke-Chia Chen Taiwanese composer Ke-Chia Chen currently studies composition with Richard Danielpour at the Curtis Institute of Music. Miss Chen has received several scholarships and awards, including the 2003 Manhattan Prize for string quartet and the 2005 IBLA Foundation Grand Prize in composition. Her compositions have been performed to critical acclaim in Taiwan, Philadelphia, Delaware, New Mexico and New York City. Recently, her viola concerto, The Desires, was broadcast by WHYY radio in Philadelphia. Her string quartet, Rhapsody of Seasons was selected to be performed by the Delaware Symphony Orchestra in their Miles of Manuscript - A New Music Concert, hosted by David Lang. This past summer, Ms.Chen was invited by Ida Kavafian as a young-composer-residence at the “Music from Angel Fire” summer festival in New Mexico. French composer Jean Françaix may be regarded as one of the most famous twentieth century French composers, especially well known for his works for woodwind instruments. A quirky sense of humor, charm and lightness of touch, as well as irony and grace are always heard in his musical language. This Theme and Variation is no exception. Written in 1972, for his grandson, Olivier, this piece was commissioned by the Paris Conservatoire, where Françaix himself had studied. The short piano prelude (Largo) leads to the call-like motive (an ascending fourth and descending third), over which the syllables “O-li-vier” appear in the published score. Taken up and developed, the six variations are in striking contrast with one another. Performers: With her virtuosity and colorful sound, the Taiwanese clarinetist Chiu-Yuan Chen has been praised by The New York Times as “zesty”, “energetic”, and “capturing the music’s spirit.” She has mesmerized audiences through The United States, Europe, and Asia. Ms. Chen performs internationally as a soloist, chamber artist, and orchestra player. As a soloist, she won the first prize in the National Music Award for Solo Clarinet in 2000, and was the winner of the special prize for “Best performance of a contemporary Chinese work" in the 2001 Universal Chinese Concerto Competition of the Twenty-first Century, for her performance of Taiwanese composer Yu-Chou Chen’s clarinet concerto on tour with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. In the summer of 2006 Ms. Chen was invited by her alma mater, the National Taiwan Normal University, to play Weber’s clarinet concerto. This year, as a winner of the “Special Presentation Award” in the Artists International New York Debut Audition, she will give her New York debut recital at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall on March 29. Ms. Chen is currently a member of Asian Artists & Concert Orchestra in New York, and she will give a chamber music concert at Trinity Church this coming April. She has also participated in the Focus! Festival, Julliard Chamber Festival, Pacific Music Festival, and the International Summer Academy in Leipzig. Ms. Chen received her bachelors degree with high honors in music performance and education from National Taiwan Normal University, and a Master of Music degree as a student of Charles Neidich from The Juilliard School. She is now continuing her studies with Mr. Neidich at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, as a Doctor of Musical Arts candidate. A recent graduate of the Juilliard School, pianist, organist, conductor, répétiteur and composer Wei-En Hsu is now enjoying a busy performing career throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. A native of Taiwan, he received his BFA degree in piano at Taipei National University of the Arts, and was pleased to be the only candidate at Juilliard selected to Royal Academy of Music, London as an exchange student, studying with Malcolm Martineau and Aaron Shorr during 2004-05. On Google! <<< At 8:27 p.m. on 031408 for a search of "Wei-En Hsu youtube" (g.c.): YouTube - sonata for clarinet and piano Piano: Wei-En Hsu Clarinet: Chiu-Yuan Chen Camille Saint ... Watch video - 4 min 45 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuVVLG-pNdc >>> *6 While at Juilliard, he was a student of Jonathan Feldman and Margo Garrett. An active solo pianist and chamber musician, Mr. Hsu has performed throughout the US, Germany, Australia, China, South Korea, England, Turkey, Israel, Romania, France and Taiwan. He has also appeared in the Music Academy of the West, and Britten-Pears Young Artists Programme. Mr. Hsu is the winner of many awards, recently including the Scott Huxley Piano Accompaniment Prize, Major Van Someren-Godfery Prize Accompaniment Award (2004), Ludmilla Andrew Russian Song Prize Accompaniment Award, Sir Arthur Bliss Prize (2005), as well as a Distinction Performance Award from RAM. Mr. Hsu is now enrolled in the DMA program at Rutgers University, under the instruction of Prof. Barbara González-Palmer. Starting last autumn, Mr. Hsu joined the opera coaching staff (Artist Diploma) at the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati. ]]] *777 "Please come to the concert and enjoy the live music ^.^ I will have program notes about the music I am playing in the concert. You can find some clarinet classical music to listen to and get the ideas of clarinet repertoire and its beautiful sound. Sincerely, Chiu-Yuan," wrote internationally famous Clarinetist Miss Chiu-Yuan Chen to WBTI.*003 [[[ PRESENTED BY ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATIONS Chiu-Yuan Chen, Clarinet Weill Recital Hall (Seating Chart) Saturday, March 29, 2008 at 5:30 PM Program Program Details Chiu-Yuan Chen, Clarinet ]]] *006 To view her colorful and elegant photo, people may click on the website at www.worldjournal.com [in the section of "News -- East (in Chinese)" on March 10, 2008].*008 "Dear Dr. Lei, Thank you for your email. What is LVPDC stand for? When is the event? If I don't have a conflict may I attend? 1) April 26th, 2008 I will be part of Chinese Daily News's Education Expo to give a talk on parenting. I will send you the information when I receive the formal invitation. 2) "Capstone" is a mini thesis paper before my graduation. I am working on it in order to graduate this May. 3) The information of a 2-day workshop offered by me through LACOE (Los Angeles County Office of Education) is included in the following: God Bless! Becky," wrote Chairperson Becky Ung (~{@WBeC@~}) of the E. Q. Research Committee of WBTI.*001 The information of a 2-day workshop offered by me through LACOE (Los Angeles County Office of Education) is included in the following: .......*002 In America, our young and rising Pianist TIEN HSIEH with her performances is one of the outstanding projects and individuals that we are glad to publicize. "As one reviewer from the San Francisco bay area recently quoted, 'Serious, composed, tiny and full of music, Tien Hsieh lets her artistry on the piano express a warmth and freshness of ideas that surely none but a poet could explain'. Another reviewer said she '...delivered electrifying performances of music of monumentally heroic difficulty. Works by Messiaen, Beethoven and finally Liszt's Rhapsodie Espagnole were breathtaking in their technical quality and interpretive maturity.' Her Schumann Humoresque, Op. 20 was described as 'Grand, relentless, madness explained, love caught through fingertips and galloping hooves trailing off to pastoral dreams'," posted Tien Hsieh's website at www.tienhsieh.com.*1 "Tien Hsieh immigrated to the United States with her family when she was nine years old. Originally from China but born in Taiwan, ... Click here to download horizontal publicity photo." "I hope people take the time to be mentors, to share themselves with others. It will be one of the most fulfilling and enriching experience of their lives, and our communities and country will ultimately be better for their participation," said Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor.*2 Benton wbti: How about let us enjoy some of our elegant Soprano Cinderella Liao's 'V. Bellini¡ªVaga luna che inargenti' at http://www.cinderellaliao.com/2007_cd.html when we have a leisure? (with version in "English" also) As inspired by our Advisory Board and U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, it has been our responsibility and commitment to ignite the rising of outstanding projects and individuals for many years. Fu-Jen University has conferred Elaine with an Honorary Doctorate Degree.*5 Achieved Pianist Gwhyneth Chen is on Google! {with a search of '...(her name in Chinese) show taipei' by the world leading search engines on Internet (Google.com)} <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Outstanding Pianist ...(her name in Chinese) is exciting and honor to be invited to perform ... Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 249k - Cached - Similar pages >>> Her website is at: www.gwhynethchen.net/ *6 Innovation has made our civilization most progressive on this earth. 'Ingenuity, innovation, integrity, and good work performance' is one of our foundations in WBTI.*7 The cooperation and development between world leading search engines (Google, MSN, and Yahoo) on Internet and WBTI help promote our Silver State and Las Vegas an ideal place for touring, living, and business! *8 The City of Las Vegas and Thai Cultural Arts Association (TCAALV) presented Thai Performing Arts Appreciation Day 2003 at Charleston Heights Arts Center on September 16, 2003.*9 It was co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Kids for a Better Society, Asian Leaders, among others. "WBTI website" has functioned as media-sponsor of this dinner and party for many years. Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas on the occasion of the 9th anniversary saluted three awardees with awards from U. S. Senator harry Reid and U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley: Dr. Tony Lei, Mr. Tim Wong, and Mr. Raymond Lam. [[[Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Mrs. Sapatra Chemprachum, President of Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas request the honor of your presence as Guests of Honor at the Event and Dinner Party for Thai Performing Arts-Appreciation Day 2004 present by City of Las Vegas and TCAALV, co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, WBTI, KBS, Asian Leaders, among others on Wednesday, the Fifteenth of September, 2004 in the Charleston Height Arts Center 800 S. Brush St., Las Vegas, Nevada from 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.," stated on the invitation card to U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, and Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt in this year of 2004. ]]] *10 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ... Ali Mountain (Ah Li Sun) is a very beautiful mountain in Taiwan. *2. Google Answers. ... One of the most scenic places in Taiwan is the Sun Moon Lake. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages >>> "The youngest state Mizoram, formerly known as the Lushai Hills is situated in the North Eastern Corner of India. It is flanked by Bangladesh and Tripura in the West and Burma in the East. Scenic beauty combined with mild climate adds to the charm of a generous people. The beauty of Mizo society is that westernization mixes harmoniously with local traditions. Music and dance is the sprit of their culture. Mizoram is also a botanist's paradise as there are many kinds of orchids, wildflowers and herbs found over here," posted with 'Mizoram touring' by Google on the Internet. *11 <<< At 1:16 p.m. on 031408 for "Mimi Renthlei youtube" (g.c.): YouTube - Mizo: Mimi Renthlei - Hmangaih Vangin 51 clicks from http://misual.com/2007/04/27/mimi-renthlei ... Watch video - 3 min 29 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQyCUkA9blE ***** YouTube - Mimi Renthlei - Ka thlang tawh che KA THLANG TAWH CHE Sakhmel tawn ka nuam eKa enchimloh aw ... Watch video - 2 min 50 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9UBxTaD0xE&feature=related ***** YouTube - Mimi Renthlei - Lunglen Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are already ... Watch video - 3 min 54 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K11kdGgClQ [By the above line on Internet searching box for some like a country music.] >>> *12 "It's my great honor to be named by ...," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Bill Maupin. "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *16 "Preparing students to become educational leaders in their communities is a coenerstone of the Graduate School of Educational and Psychology (GSEP) mission. Reflecting on the history of our graduate school, I am struck by the depth and breadth of educational leaders who have emerged from our programs and flourished in their practice. The rich educational contributions of our faculty, alumni, and students resound in their communities, across the nation, and around the world. Each day, these individuals create opportunities for positive change through their professions," wrote Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber of the GSEP, Pepperdine University. It was published on the first page of "Pepperdine Colleague" at the Issue of Winter 2008 volume 25, No.2 in Los Angeles, California.*17 -------------------------------------------- References *101. Office of the Governor (NV), Daniel Burns, Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung. 'Nevada GOVERNOR Jim Gibbons APPOINTS BEN KIECKHEFER PRESS SECRETARY ---GOVERNOR NAMES NEW GAMING COMMISSIONER *****Dr. Tony Alamo to join Nevada Gaming Commission [President Dr. Tony Lei has appointed Michael Douglas Associate Professor of GSBPA of WBTI],' "A search of 'Business & Administration wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (March 15, 2008), U. S. A.: Search.com. *102. U.S. Department of Labor. 'U.S. Department of Labor News Releases Update,' "An e-mail from the U.S. Department of Labor to WBTI [Thu, 13 Mar 2008 07:55:36 -0500 (CDT)]," (March 13, 2008), Washington, DC: Su???riptions@dol.gov. *103. Ibid. *1001. ... (a colorful small picture on the left) ... YouTube - Elaine Chao ... *104. ... by Google.com ... *105. Chen, Chiu-Yuan. 'Please find my concert program notes in the attached file,' "An e-mail from Clarinetist Chiu-Yuan Chen to WBTI [Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:16:00 +0800 (CST) {chi???uan@yahoo.com.tw}]," (March 15, 2008), Taipei, Taiwan: Desk of Clarinetist Chiu-Yuan Chen. *6. ... by Google ... *777. Ibid. *001. Ung, Becky. 'RE: As the famous E. Q. Expert, ...,' "An e-mail to WBTI from Chairperson Becky Ung of E. Q. Research Committee [Thu, 6 Mar 2008 08:22:04 -080{beck???ng@best???mulations.com}]," (March 6, 2008), San Monica, California: Bestformulations. *002. ... at the flier after *6 of the above mentioned article ...>>> *003. Chen, Chiu-Yuan. 'Get the ideas of clarinet repertoire and its beautiful sound,' "An e-mail from Clarinetist Chiu-Yuan Chen to WBTI," (March 11, 2008), Taipei, Taiwan: Desk of Clarinetist Chiu-Yuan Chen. *005. ... by a search of 'Chiu-Yuan Chen youtube' on Google.com ... *006. Ibid. *008. ... by a search of 'worldjournal.com' on the Internet ... *1. TIEN HSIEH.'Tien Hsieh lets her artistry on the piano express a warmth and freshness of ideas that surely none but a poet could explain,' "A search of 'pianist tien hsieh' by the search engines," (January 31, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google. *2. Chang, Tiffany. 'Elaine Chao, our great Asian American hero,' "A search of ' Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (September 29, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *3. TIEN HSIEH. Ibid. *5. ... ' wbti' on Google at 031208 ... *6. . ,' "A search of '' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (January 25, 2008), Mountaine View, California: Google. *7. Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang. 'Walsh wbti: The cooperation and development between world leading search engines (Google, MSN, and Yahoo) on Internet and WBTI help promote our Silver State and Las Vegas an idea place for touring, living, and business! One of the great credits of Washington Business and Technology Institute is its people and forums! ---Its vision, integrity, and professionalism through the learning, dedication, and innovation have been inspired from the affirmation and philosophy of Pepperdine University,' "A search of 'Walsh wbti: The cooperation and development between world leading' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (February 1, 2008), U. S. A.: MSN. *8. Ibid. *9. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Copy from WBTI web about the Thai Performing Art-Appreciation Day -- 2002, on September 17, 2002,' "10 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (September 16, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: TCAALV. *10. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with cultural art by Asian American communities,' "A search of 'John Ensign, U. S. Senator wbti' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (September 8, 2004), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *11. ... on its first line of the results ... *12. ... by Google ... *16. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "A search of 'Harry Reid, U. S. Senator wbti' by Google on the Internet," (April 17, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *17. Weber, Margaret J. 'Letter from the Dean,' "A mail of the 'Pepperdine Colleague' from GSEP of Pepperdine University to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (March 12, 2008), Los Angeles, California: GSEP, Pepperdine University. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
031408-2357 Music wbti: See you tomorrow! |
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031308-1007 |
[To WBTI from the GSEP Alumni Relations of Pepperdine University at Wed, 12 Mar 2008 11:50:19 -0400 (EDT {gsepalumni@pepperdine.edu}]AERA Annual Meeting 2008 ... wbti: ***** By Adam Owenz*1 Pepperdine University Alumni Relations: AERA Annual Meeting 2008 Pepperdine Alumni and Student Reception in New York City Meet fellow alumni, faculty, staff and students in the Big Apple for this Pepperdine reception held in conjunction with the American Educational Research Association's 2008 Conference (March 24-28).*2 On MSN.com! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine University ... While our path.....," wrote Dean Dr. Margaret J Weber. For more information, please have ... Dr. Tony Lei President WBTI. 33333333333333 666666666666666666666666666 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... · Cached page Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com >>> *3 Many Graduate School of Education and Psychology faculty will be at the conference presenting research and invite you to join them at this complimentary reception courtesy of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology Alumni Office. Wednesday, March 26, 2008 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. McGee's Pub & Restaurant Whether you are in town for the conference or just live in New York area, we welcome all members of the Pepperdine network to attend this complimentary event.*4 If you have any questions about this event please contact Adam Owenz, Manager of Alumni Relations for the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at (310) 568 - ???0 or via email at ada???wenz@pepperdine.edu (Editor's notes) On Google, MSN, Search, Ask, AOL, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Altavista, Sina, and among others! At 5:57 p.m. on 031308 for a search of 'Dean Dr. Margaret Weber WBTI' by the world leading search engines on Internet (Google.com): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Pepperdine University wbti: Breakfast at the AACTE with Dean Weber in New Orleans ... About Dean Dr. Margaret Weber: Dr. Margaret J. Weber is Dean of the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 88k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Google AnswersGoogle.com has published most of the contents of WBTI website on August 1, 11, 21, ..... magaret weber dean of Pepperdine University, margaret weber; ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *7 -------------------------------------------- About Manager Adam Owenz: Adam Owenz is the Manager of Alumni Relations for the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University. On Google! (for a search of 'Manager Adam Owenz Pepperdine u' by the world leading search engines on Internet): <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... If you have any questions about this event please contact Adam Owenz, Manager ..... By Graziadio School of Business and Management of PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 85k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *1. ... by Google ... *2. GSEP Alumni Relations, 'AERA Annual Meeting 2008,' "An e-mail from GSEP Alumni Relations of Pepperdine University to WBTI," (March 12, 2008), Los Angeles, CA: GSEP Pepperdine. *3. ... by MSN ... *4. GSEP. Ibid. *7. ... by Google ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
031308-0821 |
[To WBTI at Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:54:48 -0400 (EDT) From: "Bill Clinton" {info@hillaryclinton.com} (To be continued ...)]Pennsylvania (www.hillaryclinton.com) ... wbti: ***** By Bill Clinton Dear judy, It happened after Iowa. It happened again in February. People counted Hillary out. They tried to say the race was over.*3 But you knew better. You sustained her with your support. You kept the campaign going with your contributions. You made more than a million phone calls. You believed in Hillary when she needed you the most. And in Texas and Ohio, she proved you right. On Google! (for a search of "Lin Zi-ling youtube") [[[ YouTube - Dreams link ÓÖ¼ûÒ»Á±ÓÄÃÎmv " Zi Ling & Fei Yun ... Dreams link aka dreams behind the curtain mvZhang Jia Ni alex ... Watch video - 4 min 1 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iEIyNTzXrs ]]] *5 <<< For a search of "Pianist Fenia Chang youtube" by Google, we can find this information: [[[ YouTube - titanic piano from paparis paris sterg/is 16121922 Help Change this to see only comments above a certain value ... Watch video - 3 min 5 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYtFnbAsyKY ]]] *(2) Just have the above line on Internet box, interesting people may enjoy a short piano show when we have a little leisure time! >>> *6 Thanks to you, this race is neck-and-neck despite the Obama campaign outraising us by $20 million in February. Now we have six weeks to make our case in Pennsylvania. We know it's a fight. We know our opponent will outspend us. But we cannot let him have a head start in Pennsylvania, the critical next state. Hillary needs your support now -- today -- to make sure we're fighting on a level playing field. Contribute today to help Hillary win. You and I know Hillary can win. We have a strategy in place and a clear path to the nomination. All she needs is for you to keep standing up for her every single day. The road ahead is long, but your dedication will see us through. Back in February, you accomplished something truly amazing for Hillary, with 300,000 of you raising $35 million to fund her campaign. On Yahoo! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Huge (www.hillaryclinton.com) ... in Shanghai, it was decided that in 2009, ... Articles by former US President Bill Clinton on WBTI's website are shown on ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=2 - 91k - Cached >>> *008 You kept us competitive even as the Obama campaign outraised us by $20 million -- an advantage they will use as they best can in Pennsylvania. Now we all face a few weeks before Pennsylvania and all the states that follow. Hillary has to build on her victories in Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island. Can you help us sustain that energy over the next six weeks? By the world leading search engines on Internet: {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... One of our leading Distinguished Authors Hillary Clinton's comeback!!! (To be continued ...) >>> Happy Holidays 'Clinton wbti' has been one great brand of ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 84k - Cached - Similar pages }}} *009 Hillary needs your help more than ever. As she proved in Ohio and Texas, where she was outspent by millions but won anyway, you can put her over the top. On Search.com! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & ... ... search engines promptly and elegantly! Clinton wbti: Bill Clinton's highly international visiability and popularlity has made his ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…16 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Ask.com ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Hillary Nevada wbti: Clinton's local and national visiability and popularity has been inspired…She is married to Bill Clinton, the U. S. 42nd President. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com…8 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] >>> *010 So please make a contribution today to help us win in Pennsylvania. There's no way Hillary would be in the position she is in today without your enthusiastic and dedicated support. I know it, she knows it, and we both tell everyone we know about everything you are doing to help her win. Sincerely, (Autograph) Bill Clinton (Editor's notes) <<< Dear friends, I have switched party affiliations in order to give our strong support to Clinton. Grace and I have donated funds to Clinton. Love to see her win the race at the end and she will !! You may find out more of what we do in China related to service learning at Tsinghua University at the web sites below. Warmest regards, Peter," wrote Dr. Peter C. C. Wang to WBTI on March 5, 2008. He is Founder, Chairman & President of Wang Foundation. Peter is one of the very important Faculty Friends of WBTI. This is the website he mentioned: (www.plu.edu/wangcenter/about-center/founders.html) >>> *7 Thank you so much for everything you are doing to help Hillary win.*007 {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Margaret Weber wbti: With 'Dean Dr. Margaret Weber' by the world leading search engines ..... The "Dr. Peter F. Drucker's theory and practice" is inspiring. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 84k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com » }}} *8 -------------------------------------------- About the Author: William J. Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States of America. Clinton had served nearly twelve years as the 50th and 52nd Governor of Arkansas. "During the administration of William Jefferson Clinton, the U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any time in its history. He was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second term. He could point to the lowest unemployment rate in modern times, the lowest inflation in 30 years, the highest home ownership in the country's history, dropping crime rates in many places, and reduced welfare rolls. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus. As part of a plan to celebrate the millennium in 2000, Clinton called for a great national initiative to end racial discrimination." *1 "President Clinton excelled as a student and as a saxophone player and once considered becoming a professional musician. As a delegate to Boys Nation while in high school, he met President John Kennedy in the White House Rose Garden. The encounter led him to enter a life of public service. He was graduated from Georgetown University and in 1968 won a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University. He received a law degree from Yale University in 1973. In 1975, he married Hillary Rodham, a graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School," stated the Profile. "Clinton and his running mate, Tennessee's Senator Albert Gore Jr., then 44, represented a new generation in American political leadership. For the first time in 12 years both the White House and Congress were held by the same party. But that political edge was brief; the Republicans won both houses of Congress in 1994. In the world, he successfully dispatched peace keeping forces to war-torn Bosnia and bombed Iraq when Saddam Hussein stopped United Nations inspections for evidence of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. He became a global proponent for an expanded NATO, more open international trade, and a worldwide campaign against drug trafficking. He drew huge crowds when he traveled through South America, Europe, Russia, Africa, and China, advocating U.S. style freedom." *2 Bill Clinton, the former U. S. President, is one of our Distinguished Authors of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *1. The White House of President George W. Bush. 'Biography of William J. Clinton,' "A profile of Bill Clinton on the White House website," (September 6, 2007), Washington, DC: The White House, Washington. *2. Ibid. *3. Clinton, Bill. 'Pennsylvania,' "An e-mail from the former U. S. Predident Bill Clinton to WBTI [Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:54:48 -0400 (EDT)]," (March 6, 2008), Arlington, VA: "Bill Clinton" {info@hillaryclinton.com}. *5. With "Lin Zi-ling youtube" on Google ... *6. ... 'Pianist Dr. Fenia Chang is performing in Texas!' in the section of "Taiwanese American Academic Association of Nevada" of WBTI's website (March 12, 2008) ... *7. Wang, Petter C. C. 'Re: We win together!' "An e-mail from Dr. Peter C. C. Wang to WBTI [Wed, 5 Mar 2008 21:32:22 EST]," (March 5, 2008), Pebble Beach, CA: www.wangfoundation.net. *8. By the world leading search engines on Internet like Google ... (Editor's notes) Through the key words "Clinton wbti", "Hillary Clinton, Dina Titus, Shelley Berkley, Tony Lei wbti", etc. by the world leading search engines on Internet, people can view creative slogans and interesting articles elegantly and richly for Hillary (5:37 p.m., November 27, 2007): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... *** The articles for U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton by WBTI have been published by the leading search engines promptly. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com¡8 - More from this site - Similar pages [ Result from Google ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Clinton, Hillary Rodham; and Kung, Jennifer. 'One-on-One ---WBTI helps lift up the visiability and popularlity of U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton and win a presidential poll ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ¡¤ 10/21/2007 ¡¤ Cached page *007. Clinton, Bill. 'That was you (www.hillaryclinton.com) ---... wbti: *****,' "A search of 'That was you (www.hillaryclinton.com)' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (March 13, 2008), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *008. ... by Yahoo.com ... at 10:37 a.m. on 031308 ... *009. On Google ... at 1:21 p.m., (March 13, 2008) ... *010. ... by Ask.com. ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
031208-1017 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Wednesday, 11:57 a.m., March 12, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151] 152 [153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |