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Princeton University is going to let us enjoy 馋ゾ疭贾Ρ by Margaret Meyer!!
By 朝恫甋

癘朝恫甋January 15, 2010 12:00 AM | 180 芠Ω计 | 2 | |

炊狶吹箉厩恨┒贾刮ら玡赣琩此芔Richardson Hall羭︽贾穦まず稲贾猋洁 癘朝恫甋slideshow 炊狶吹箉厩恨┒贾刮ら玡赣琩此芔Richardson Hall羭︽贾穦簍Ρヘ珹ひ吹膀玐瓣贾彻㎝蔼嚎腞疭猅焊Margaret Meyer簍馋ゾ疭贾Ρまず稲贾猋洁

[[*011809g. '朝恫甋: 馋ゾ疭贾Ρ ... 011809g. by World Journal at worldjournal .......

*** Correction: Please execuse us to have tpying January 18, 2010.


January 17, 2010 09:10 AM | 839 觀看次數 | 3 | | (紐約)冰寒:








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世界周刊1348期目錄 | Jan 17, 2010

121809 at 22:05(LV) on December 18, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

News coming! ...

[[[***** Press Releases: Secretary Clinton To Deliver Remarks On Internet Freedom on Thursday, January 21Tuesday, January 19, 2010 1:06 PM ^^^From: "U.S. Department of State" (usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov) ^^^View contact details To: tojulei@yahoo.com ^^^Press Releases: Secretary Clinton To Deliver Remarks On Internet Freedom on Thursday, January 21
Tue, 19 Jan 2010 13:47:39 -0600 >>>>>>>]]]

******* Secretary Clinton To Deliver Remarks On Internet Freedom on Thursday, January 21!

Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
January 19, 2010

***** Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will deliver remarks on Internet Freedom on Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. at the Newseum, in Washington, D.C. The remarks will be live-streamed on www.state.gov.

Secretary Clinton’s policy address will lay-out the Administration’s strategy for protecting freedom in the networked age of the 21st Century.

This event will be open to the press. Camera coverage will be pooled. Press may begin arriving at 7:30 a.m.
Final access time for journalists and still photographers: 9:00 a.m. at the 6th St Entrance to the Newseum.

555 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.

Dear Tony, Media representatives may attend this event upon presentation of one of the following: (1) a U.S. Government-issued media identification card (Department of State, White House, Congress, Department of Defense, or Foreign Press Center), (2) a media-issued photo identification card, or (3) a letter from their employer on letterhead verifying their employment as a journalist, accompanied by an official photo identification (driver's license or passport).

{{{Press Contacts:

Office of Press Relations
U.S. Department of State
(202) 647-2492

PRN: 2010/069

The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department.
External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. >>>>>>> *122109. Secretarey of State Hillary Clinton and Her Office. '...!' "An e-mail to LVRJ/wbti ......}}}


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This service is provided to you at no charge by the U.S. Department of State.

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新聞網ePaper分類黃頁部落格 新聞 註冊/登入 紐約舊金山洛杉磯溫哥華多倫多新澤西/賓州波士頓芝加哥大華府亞特蘭大/佛州休士頓/達拉斯賭城聖地牙哥西雅圖/夏威夷紐約紐約(大) 舊金山西/夏洛杉磯德州新/費波士頓芝加哥大華府亞/佛多倫多溫哥華歐洲紐約舊金山洛杉磯新澤西波士頓芝加哥大華府亞特蘭大佛州多倫多溫哥華紐約舊金山洛杉磯最新文章我的部落格我的小檔案我的電子文摘
回首頁美國大陸台灣香港國際財經影藝體育科技話題論壇民調醫藥保健法律移民藝文生活世界周刊進修區柏林影展60年 兩岸「團圓」揭幕
編譯中心綜合19日電 January 19, 2010 03:30 PM | 793 觀看次數 | 4 | | 邁入60周年的柏林影展19日公布入圍影片名單:中國導演王全安描寫兩岸夫妻重逢的電影「團圓」被選為開幕片;台灣電影「一頁台北」和「有一天」也入選「青年導演論壇」單元。







[[*1219c09. at 4:19 (LV) in Las Vegas Nevada, U. S. A. .......


Hey! Happy New Year!!
Moderate, safety, and important!!!
By Shelley Berkley and her Office

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 1:03 PM
From: "Berkley for Congress" [newsletter@sberkley.com] Add sender to ContactsTo: "Dear all and judy lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com}

Dear all and judy lei,

***** Shelley Delivers on Health Care!!!

1.5% Name: Campaign Web Site
Total: 8
Unique: 8

Berkley for Congress
1210 S Valley View Rd
Suite 114
Las Vegas, NV 89102
ph: 702 212 3350

[Paid for by Berkley for Congress.]

0.3% Name: https://www.berkleyforcongress.com/index.php?option=com_dtdonate&task=authorizenetonce&Itemid=47
Total: 2
Unique: 2

******* U.S. Congresswoman Berkley recently voted in favor of The Affordable Health Care for America Act.

"I support this legislation because it will expand health care coverage to millions of my fellow Americans. The way we provide health care in this county is unsustainable. In Nevada, the cost of a private family health insurance plan is expected to grow from over $11,000 in 2009 to more than $19,000 10 years from now. If we do nothing we will reach a point in this country where hardly anyone will be able to afford health insurance," Berkley said.

"Dear Tony and Judy, This bill is good for Nevada. Over 400,000 uninsured Nevadans will be able to get health insurance because of this bill.

This bill is good for Nevada seniors. It closes the doughnut hole, eliminates cost pays for preventive services and extends the life of Medicare over five years.

Judy, The bill isn't perfect...but I do support this for the needed reforms that are included. It's a great first step," Berkley noted.

***** Congresswoman Berkley voted to protect more than 11 million seniors and disabled Americans from an increase in Medicare Part B premiums.

Shelley voted to pass the Defense Appropriations Act which includes a 3.4% pay increase for military personnel.

***** Shelley抯 thrilled that the president signed the 2010 energy and water package, which includes more than $6.75 million in funding for Nevada projects, into law.

Trivia Questions:

What ethnic group was largely responsible for building much of the early railroads in the U.S. West?

A) Germans
B) Japanese
C) Chinese

What is Shelley抯 favorite perfume?

A) Bernini Eau De Parfum
B) Imperial Majesty
C) Clive Christian No. 1

Stay tuned to the next edition for the answers!

Here are the answers from the last edition!
1) Who was the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives? Jeanette Rankin (R-MT)
2) What is Shelley's favorite restaurant? Taco Bell.

Happy New Year!.......>>>
******* As we reflect on the year past and look forward to the year ahead, Team Berkley extends
their warmest wishes to you and yours for the new year!

From Left to Right: Kendall, Dr. Larry, Renee, Bob, Shelley, Matthew, & Linda

Dear Tony, Shelley Stands Up for Nevada Students!

U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley recently voted for The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act. The legislation overhauls the nation's student loan programs to make college more affordable for students and families here in Nevada.

"As the first member of my family to attend college, I want to extend this same opportunity to students in Nevada and all across our nation by making it more affordable. This package will increase the availability of funding to help cover tuition costs and other expenses by investing more in programs that provide low cost loans to student borrowers. I am proud that $77 billion in savings produced by these reforms will be used to provide affordable loans," said Berkley.

This message was intended for judy lei. If you have received this message in error, we apologize. This communication is paid for by Berkley for Congress and authorized by Berkley for Congress. If you would like to be removed from our email communication list you can unsubscribe. Here is the information about your subscription and you were added to this list.on July 8, 2004.

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[***** To be modified, edited, or enhanced ......


癘朝恫甋January 15, 2010 12:00 AM | 180 芠Ω计 | 2 | |

炊狶吹箉厩恨┒贾刮ら玡赣琩此芔Richardson Hall羭︽贾穦まず稲贾猋洁 癘朝恫甋slideshow 炊狶吹箉厩恨┒贾刮ら玡赣琩此芔Richardson Hall羭︽贾穦簍Ρヘ珹ひ吹膀玐瓣贾彻㎝蔼嚎腞疭猅焊Margaret Meyer簍馋ゾ疭贾Ρまず稲贾猋洁 {{*121909f. To be continued ...



Mike Vaswani任亞美新主席!
祕書長程曉(Amy Cheng) voiced for our Pan Pacific Asian Americans!!
By 金康嵐

{{{記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導January 17, 2010 12:00 AM | 49 觀看次數 | 0 | 2 | | }}}

主要參與賭城政治活動的亞美集團,日前新任幹部名單出爐,從左至右分別為對內副主席林添釗、祕書長程曉、主席Mike Vaswani、財務長Ann Melton、對外副主席Loni Andal。 (記者金康嵐/攝影)
slideshow 拉斯維加斯亞美集團(Asian American Group)15日舉辦年度會員暨新任幹部選舉大會,主要幹部皆為連任者,任期兩年,新任主席Mike Vaswani表示,2010年為選舉年,亞美集團將會積極參與政治造勢活動,以搭建起亞裔社區和各個候選人之間的橋梁,讓亞裔選民有管道可以發聲,並讓更多亞裔進入政府各管理階層做事,為本地亞裔人口盡一份心力。

除了Vaswani外,其他主要幹部名單如下:對內副主席為林添釗(Raymond Lam)、對外副主席Loni Andal、財務長Ann Melton、副財務長Kathy Yi、祕書長程曉(Amy Cheng)。程曉指出,亞美集團預計會在今年舉辦多場活動,讓各黨候選人可以在亞裔搭建的舞台上發表自己的政見,並聆聽本地亞裔人口的需求。

她並舉例,在2004年內州州長大選時,當時還是眾議員的現任州長吉本斯(Jim Gibbons),就應邀至亞美集團演講,亞美也趁此反映本地有相當多的菲裔護士,卻沒有一位進入護士委員會,而在吉本斯當選後,便指派了一位菲裔護士委員,令許多本地亞裔居民相當振奮。

2010年最主要的選舉包括11月2日的內州州長大選和內州聯邦參議員選舉,而亞美曾於去年7月邀請早已確定參選的現任內州民主黨參議院領袖哈利瑞德(Harry Reid)演說。 (To be commented, edited, or enhanced ..)


1. 金康嵐. '...!....!!' "An e-mail to LVRJ/wbti and NCWT/ie .......

Joint Communique of the Governments of the United States and Haiti

Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
Issued at Port-au-Prince, Haiti

***** President René3富3富3富 Pré3富3富3富val of Haiti and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of the United States of America met in Port-au-Prince in the wake of the catastrophic earthquake of January 12, 2010 and its tragic aftermath, and issued the following joint communiqué3富3富3富:


the long history of friendship between the people of Haiti and the people of the United States and their mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty;

the grievous suffering of the people of Haiti, including the massive loss of life, widespread injuries, and extensive damage to public infrastructure and private property;

the urgent need for an immediate response to the requests by the Government of Haiti and the paramount importance of safe, swift and effective implementation of rescue, relief, recovery, and reconstruction efforts;

the current, unprecedented challenges facing the Haitian Government; and

the January 15, 2010 conversation between President Obama and President Pré3富3富3富val underscoring the urgency of the needs of Haiti and its people, President Obama’s pledge of the full support of the American people for the Government and people of Haiti in relation to both the immediate recovery effort and the long-term rebuilding effort, and the two Presidents’ commitment to coordinate assistance among the various parties, including the Haitian Government, the United Nations, the United States and the many international partners and organizations on the ground;

President Pré3富3富3富val, on behalf of the Government and people of Haiti, welcomes as essential the efforts in Haiti by the Government and people of the United States to support the immediate recovery, stability and long-term rebuilding of Haiti and requests the United States to assist as needed in augmenting security in support of the Government and people of Haiti and the United Nations, international partners and organizations on the ground;

Secretary Clinton, on behalf of the Government and people of the United States, reaffirms the intention of the United States, through its assistance, to stand by the Haitian people in this time of great tragedy; and

President Pré3富3富3富val and Secretary Clinton jointly reaffirm that the Governments of Haiti and the United States will continue to cooperate under this shared understanding to promote the most safe and effective rescue, relief, recovery and reconstruction efforts possible.

[To be edited ...


記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導January 18, 2010 12:00 AM | 177 觀看次數 | 0 | 2 | | 保守派組織美國傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)日前指出,由於健保改革法案要求每一州擴大其聯邦醫療補助計畫(Medicaid),會讓不少州政府打退堂鼓,沒隔幾日,內華達州州長辦公室傳出州長吉本斯(Jim Gibbons)已要求內州衛生和公共福利署(Nevada’s Department of Health and Human Service),評估退出醫療補助計畫的可能性,若真的退出,影響最大的就是本地的低收入戶者、老年人和身心障礙者。


吉本斯的副參謀長史黛西伍德貝瑞(Stacy Woodbury)認為,若是在情況允許下,內州最好趕快在健保改革法案最終定案前,脫離聯邦醫療補助計畫,以避免被法案中所定下的條款牽制而不得退出,她並強調,選擇退出醫療補助計畫,不代表內州政府將不再照顧低收入戶者,州政府會運用其普通資金(general funds),在能力範圍內,提供給大部分有需求的內州居民、老年人或身心障礙者另一種醫療保障。


此外,內州衛生和公共服務署發言人班凱克赫夫(Ben Kieckhefer)也補充,如果退出醫療補助法案是可行的且合法的話,對於內州政府而言不啻為一個辦法,但還是會充分評估退出後對於內州居民、地方政府和整體健保系統造成的影響,他認為,州政府的基金多少還是可以資助低收入戶的醫療需求。


評論 (0)
還沒有評論 *[[011809-1725. ....... To be edited ...]



January 16, 2010

Songless Saints
by Charles R. Swindoll

Make a concentrated effort to add one or two songs to your day. Remind yourself periodically of the words of a chorus or hymn you love and add them to your driving schedule or soap-and-shower time.

Sing often with a friend or members of your family. It helps melt down all sorts of invisible barriers. Singing before grace at mealtime in the evening is so enjoyable, but I warn you, you may become addicted.

Blow the dust off your record player and put on some beautiful music in the house. The family atmosphere will change for the better if you do this occasionally. And don't forget to sing along, adding harmony and "special effects."

Excerpted from Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life, Copyright 1983 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by arrangement with Zondervan Publishing House.


******* Good news. ...

<<<<< Tony: Our knowledge, wisdom, and professionalism are all achieved by our sincere love to God!



Rory: Do it again!! >>>>>

Rory Reid continues to raise campaign funds for his run for Governor at a pretty brisk pace. Better than Sandoval~{!-~}.so far
Posted by Dave Morgan in Uncategorized on January 14, 2010

(Click image to play video)

Although it~{!/~}s way early, it is none the less worth noting that Democrat Rory Reid is outraising other candidates for Governor by a wide margin.



***** "We've been here in South Shores of Las Vegas, Nevada since 1980 for our children with HOPE to have a bright FUTURE!" ---WBTI/USA President Dr. Tony tung-tien Lei



thank you for the birthday wishes! ~~Judge Cheryl

Tony and Judy Lei has sent you an E-Card!

Someone wanted to share their heart and God's love with you today with a DaySpring E-card.


January 12, 2010

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

I believe making Nevada and the nation energy independent is among the most urgent things we can do at this point in our state抯 history. It is one of the best ways to get our economy back on track and get Nevadans back to work. Yesterday I announced that a working agreement has been reached to construct a transmission line between White Pine County and Clark County, creating at least 400 jobs in our state and lessening our dependence on foreign energy.

Our state is blessed with bountiful renewable resources. We already have the cutting-edge technology, the ingenuity and the innovation we need to tap the enormous potential right in our own backyard. And that means we have everything we need to create new jobs - good-paying jobs, jobs that can never be outsourced, and jobs that will help our economy bloom once again.

This transmission line will plant vital seeds of that growth. In the economic recovery plan Congress passed last year, I fought hard to invest $67 billion to develop clean energy, and $500 million more to train a new green-collar workforce - Americans who each day will make our nation more energy efficient and energy independent.

That success will only continue. As those renewable power projects get underway once new transmission is completed, they will in turn create thousands of even more new jobs. It will also create millions of dollars of much-needed tax revenue to fund critical public services and help balance our budgets. The State will see about $15 million in sales tax on material and equipment, while Clark, Lincoln, Nye and White Pine counties together stand to take in about $6 million. But those counties will also see many millions more in property taxes over the life of these facilities.

We're not there yet, but we're well on our way. This transmission line is both a tangible sign of job creation today and an indication of the thousands of jobs that will be created over the coming years, as we work together to create Nevada抯 clean energy future.

Thank you for reading this update. If you have any questions, please visit my website.

United States Senator for Nevada



United Nations and Other International Organizations

December 30, 2009 ?January 13, 2010


Qualified individuals interested in competing for any of the listed vacancies should submit their applications directly to the international organization of interest.

Organization addresses/contacts are provided on the Department?s Internet Site noted above.

Today's verse: Luke 10:27

He answered: 'Love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your strength and with all your mind;
and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

New International Version


January 9, 2010

The Final Priority
by Charles R. Swindoll

Matthew 12:33-37; John 17:20-26; 1 John 4:7-21

If I have the language ever so perfectly and speak like a pundit, and have not the love that grips the heart, I am nothing. If I have decorations and diplomas and am proficient in up-to-date methods and have not the touch of understanding love, I am nothing.

If I am able to worst my opponents in argument so as to make fools of them, and have not the wooing note, I am nothing. If I have all faith and great ideals and magnificent plans and wonderful visions, and have not the love that sweats and bleeds and weeps and prays and pleads, I am nothing.

If I can heal all manner of sickness and disease, but wound hearts and hurt feelings for want of love that is kind, I am nothing.

Excerpted from Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life, Copyright 1983 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by arrangement with Zondervan Publishing House.


Today's verse: Psalm 7:17

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness
and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

New International Version


Today's verse: Genesis 12:2

I will make you into a great nation
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.

New International Version

Congresswoman Berkley recently voted in favor of The Affordable Health Care for America Act.

"I support this legislation because it will expand health care coverage to millions of my fellow Americans. The way we provide health care in this county is unsustainable. In Nevada, the cost of a private family health insurance plan is expected to grow from over $11,000 in 2009 to more than $19,000 10 years from now. If we do nothing we will reach a point in this country where hardly anyone will be able to afford health insurance," Berkley said.

"This bill is good for Nevada. Over 400,000 uninsured Nevadans will be able to get health insurance because of this bill.

This bill is good for Nevada seniors. It closes the doughnut hole, eliminates cost pays for preventive services and extends the life of Medicare over five years.

The bill isn't perfect...but I do support this for the needed reforms that are included. It's a great first step," Berkley noted.

011909-2047 (added afterward ...)

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Flag this messageMedia Advisory - Tree Lighting Ceremony Set at State Capitol - December 3, 2008Wednesday, December 3, 2008 5:09 PM
From: "Office of the Governor" View contact detailsTo: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US

For Immediate Release: December 3, 2008 Print Version (pdf)

Any effort to invite the public to this event is appreciated. Media crews are
welcome to cover the event. Thanks, in advance.


The official lighting of the Silver and Snowflakes Holiday Tree will take place this Thursday December 4, 2008. The event is free and open to the public. Carson City school students will sing Holiday songs at 5:30PM. Santa will arrive shortly afterward. The tree lighting will take place at 5:45PM.




Governor Jim Gibbons, Santa, Carson City 5th Grade Music Students, Carson Middle School Red Hot Bell Peppers, the public is invited to attend

# # #

Daniel Burns Communications Director - (775) 684-5667 cell (702) 290-8980
Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198
Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505

***To respect the tradition! Let's edit and modify .......



January 4, 2010

by Charles R. Swindoll


Odious . . . disgusting, detestable. If you want to be a miserable mortal, then compare. You compare when you place someone beside someone else for the purpose of emphasizing the differences or showing the likenesses. This applies to places and things as well as people. We can become so proficient at this activity that we sustain our addiction through an unconscious force of habit. Inadvertently, the wheels of our thinking slide over into the ruts of this odious mindset. Comparison appears in at least two patterns.

Pattern one: We compare ourselves with others. You can imagine the results already. Either you are prompted to feel smug and proud because your strengths outweigh his weaknesses . . . or, more often, you begin to feel threatened, inferior, and blue because you fail to measure up. Striving to emulate a self-imposed standard, you begin to slide from the pleasant plateau of the real you to the sinking sands of I don't know who. This sometimes leads to extreme role-playing where you try every way to adapt and alter your portrait to fit into someone else's frame. In simpler terms, you've pawned your real personality for a phony disguise. That's odious! Paul penned similar sentiments to a church that had become known for its comparison cliques:

We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. (2 Corinthians 10:12 NIV)

The very next verse tells us, "Our goal is to measure up to God's plan for us" (TLB, emphasis added). Not for someone else, but for you, personally. God's great desire for us is that we fulfill His plan for us in our own lives. In His way---His timing.

Pattern two: We compare others with others. This is worse than unfair; it's stupid. And often cruel. Children suffer most from well-meaning adults who catalog one child's talents in front of another child in some misbegotten effort at motivation. "Look at your sister Debbie. If she can get an A in math, so can you." Or, "See how easily Jimmy learned to swim? Why are you so afraid?" That sort of comparison is toxic---poisoning a child's self-image and smothering the very motivation the parent was seeking to kindle.

Excerpted from Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life, Copyright ?1983 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by arrangement with Zondervan Publishing House.



Today's verse: Isaiah 56:1

This is what the LORD says:
"Maintain justice
and do what is right,
for my salvation is close at hand
and my righteousness will soon be revealed.

New International Version



Rain賭城熱唱 歌迷尖叫
記者金康嵐拉斯維加斯報導December 26, 2009 12:00 AM | 135 觀看次數 | 0 | 1 | |
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圖片 1 / 3被譽為韓國麥可傑克森的Rain,帶領著自己的舞者在台上展舞技,每一拍節奏都吸引歌迷目光。 圖:第五季傳播Clark Chen提供睽違三年,風靡全亞洲的韓星Rain又重返拉斯維加斯,連續兩天陪伴歌迷度過聖誕佳節,而Rain的舞台魅力依舊讓為之全場沸騰,他的一舉手一投足、提臀擺腰,在在挑逗歌迷感官,現場尖叫聲一波接著一波,似乎他唱甚麼歌已經不重要了,而舞台後方的全螢幕也不斷地交錯切換Rain的特寫和整個舞台全景,讓每位歌迷都可以清楚看見Rain精湛的舞姿、性感的肢體動作和時甩酷時可愛的表情。


演唱會中並播放去年造成話題的「Love Story」MV片段,裡面Rain與韓國女明星河智苑攜手演出自己曾經歷過的愛情故事,Rain故作壞痞的模樣、與女主角深情的一吻與遭人刺殺的結局,現場歌迷情緒也隨之轉換,又是驚呼又是嘆息,Rain中途以一身白西裝亮相,親口演唱這首也被翻為中文的歌,尖叫指數加倍。

一出道即以性感舞姿席捲韓國的Rain,一身結實肌肉一向是他的標記,此次又因拍攝「忍者刺客」,整個人顯得更加精瘦,不過Rain對於該片武術和體能教練的魔鬼訓練,至今仍印象深刻,演唱會前與記者的訪談中,愛吃油炸食物的他笑言,現在是「no diet, no more chicken breast」。



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侯佩岑想婚 禿頭啤酒肚都行
2009-12-26 葉君遠/台北報導

 單親孩子 憧憬完整的家庭



 門檻不高 普通上班族都行


 愛慕者鮮花蛋糕 誤送胡瓜



***** "Senior Pastor Honorable Paul Goulet requested me to tell him LIKE the SON LIKE theFATHER (he told me yester, asWEWALKINDOWNtheSTREE when I(5timesthisworldamong100=95%)!!!, 'LOVE is the ENGINE (Tony's Desciple(Sorry, he's stupid to remember my brother! But, I(5to95%otherthanWE) TEST(Motioned)*{Flower...Picture...Jacket...ok...100%correct... } him THREA(Professor Dr. MARKTHELIN (no!no!!no!!HEdidn'tSHOT..ME(Again5...)fromOBERLIN...at (HR)IS{ask Mark or Lin-yaoplease... (about)SEVENTEEN)...toteachme ENGLISHthereontheMOUNTAIN(agaistThreat)...LADY>>>Igottoslleepnow...andthisisthemostvaluablegiftHHEE...GAVE.................................................STLY(cooliely) ... Merry Christmas...Happy Holiday...,and then...withHOPEforourFUTURE...Halleluiah123.......

侯佩岑想婚 禿頭啤酒肚都行
2009-12-26 葉君遠/台北報導

 單親孩子 憧憬完整的家庭



 門檻不高 普通上班族都行


 愛慕者鮮花蛋糕 誤送胡瓜


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