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On the top left:
From the Pacific and Nevada -- Nature of Beauty!

May. 20, 2009
Copyright __ Las Vegas Review-Journal

Nevada Supreme Court upholds murder conviction in controller's death


CARSON CITY ~{!*~} Chaz Higgs~{!/~} conviction on charges he murdered his wife, then-state Controller Kathy Augustine, has been upheld by the Nevada Supreme Court.

~{!0~}Fantastic,~{!1~} said Augustine~{!/~}s daughter, 28-year-old Dallas Augustine, when she learned of the decision Wednesday. ~{!0~}I am very happy about it.~{!1~}

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101

Justices in a 5-2 ruling found there was ample evidence to prove that Higgs, now 44, murdered Augustine, 50, by injecting her with succinylcholine, a paralytic drug used in hospital emergency rooms.

Higgs was a critical care nurse for several hospitals in the Reno-Carson City area.

Other nurses testified during his trial in 2007 that Higgs had access to the drug.

The couple had been married three years at the time Augustine was rushed unconscious to a Reno hospital on July 8, 2006



---Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung *1002


On the top left:
Mike's FWDs on Beauty of Nature from the Pacific!

WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "US President Barack Obama, Senator Harry Reid, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton National Winning President Dr. Tony T. Lei AP lvrj/wbti" with Safesearch on. (0.85 seconds)

Search Results [by the world's leading search engines on Internet at 3:57 p.m. on May 20, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley introduced Senator Harry Reid to the . ..... Obama, Clinton, Reid, President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning ... US President-elect Barack Obama Change, Passion, Ingenuity lvrj/wbti USA . .... 2008 Barack Obama announces Hillary Clinton for Cabinet -- Secretary of . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01337001... - 102k - Cached - Similar pages

<<<<< "Leadership is love through integrity! To lead is to serve, to give, and to achieve together. Love with value is based on a real, practical, and genuine spirit concern for others as persons, for their values as they feel them, for their development and growth. A successful leader is consistently follwed by others. People follow because they have a belief in the direction, intergrity, and competence of the one leading. A leader's ultimate responsibility is to facilitate other individual's development as well as his (or her) own. Under her inspiration all the way from community through international perspective, it's our pleasure to participate, promote, and inspire the endeavor of individuals, programs, and projects that can enrich the lives of many people and communities," pointed out U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor Dr. Tony T. Lei early in the morning on June 1, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*10 "Ingenuity, integrity, and hard work call, ultimately, for a bright direction leading us to the fortunate spring on a journey in the Desert," said Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Senior Advisor to U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. >>>>> *4477777


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WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
- 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] ~{!>1>~}報記~{U_~}馬~{T=~}報導~{!?TZcommunitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=0133600... - 92k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ...
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mike, I need your voice on health care!
By President Barack Obama



---??? *1003

mike --

The chance to finally reform our nation's health care system is here. While Congress moves rapidly to produce a detailed plan, I have made it clear that real reform must uphold three core principles -- it must reduce costs, guarantee choice, and ensure quality care for every American.

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101

As we know, challenging the status quo will not be easy. Its defenders will claim our goals are too big, that we should once again settle for half measures and empty talk. Left unanswered, these voices of doubt might yet again derail the comprehensive reform we so badly need. That's where you come in.

When our opponents spread fear and confusion about the changes we seek, your support for these core principles will show clarity and resolve. When the lobbyists for the status quo tell Congress to hold back, your personal story will give them the courage to press forward.

Join my call: Ask Congress to pass real health care reform in 2009.

After adding your name, please consider sharing your personal story about the importance of health care reform in your life and the lives of those you love.

I will be personally reviewing many of these signatures and stories. If you speak up now, your voice will make a difference.


American families are watching their premiums rise four times faster than their wages. Spiraling health care costs are shackling America's businesses, curtailing job growth and slowing the economy at the worst possible time. This has got to change.

I know personal stories can drive that change, because I know how my mother's experience continues to drive me. She passed away from ovarian cancer a little over a decade ago. And in the last weeks of her life, when she was coming to grips with her own mortality and showing extraordinary courage just to get through each day, she was spending too much time worrying about whether her health insurance would cover her bills. She deserved better. Every American deserves better. And that's why I will not rest until the dream of health care reform is finally achieved in the United States of America.

Please add your name to join my call. Then share your personal story about why you too will not rest until this job is done.


Last November, the American people sent Washington a clear mandate for change. But when the polls close, the true work of citizenship begins. That's what Organizing for America is all about. Now, in these crucial moments, your voice once again has extraordinary power. I'm counting on you to use it.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

About the Author

---??? *44777


1. Barack Obama. '... Wednesday, May 20, 2009 3:25 PM ^^^From: "President Barack Obama" {info@barackobama.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "mike lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com},' "An e-mail from ...
2. Harry Reid, '...,' "On YouTube by Google .......

Editors' notes

---President Dr. Andrew K. Benton *447777


動員令下 閩桂粵赴台大採購
May 20, 2009 12:00 AM

***** 第二屆海峽兩岸裝備製造業專案對接洽談會19日在福州舉行,福建省247家裝備製造業企業開出採購金額約16億美元的清單。廣東省也準備近日到台灣進行大採購。








Democrats honor Reid and Titus, walk for local candidates!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 3:03 PM
From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com}
Add sender to Contacts
To: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com}

Dear Tony,

REMINDER: Early voting began last week, and continues through May 29. It is very important that you get out and vote for Democrats in Henderson and North Las Vegas.
CLICK HERE for a list of North Las Vegas Early Vote sites.

CLICK HERE for a list of Henderson Early Vote sites.

Please join us for ~{!0~}The Good Fight: A Tribute to Nevada Senator Harry Reid,~{!1~} featuring special guest Pres. Barack Obama
Tickets Available via Internet and Caesars Palace Box Office

Pres. Obama will be in Nevada next week for a tribute to Sen. Harry Reid. ~{!0~}The Good Fight: A Tribute to Nevada~{!/~}s Senator Harry Reid~{!1~} will include speeches by the senator and the president, as well as musical performances by Rachel Yamagata, Sheryl Crow and Bette Midler. Comedian Rita Rudner will also perform.


動員~{AnOB~} 閩~{9p~}粵~{80L(4s~}採購
May 20, 2009 12:00 AM

This information has been posted through the courtesy of WJ(World Journal) at its Worldjournal.com!


***** ~{5Z6~~}屆~{:#~}峽兩~{06~}裝備製~{Tl~}業專~{08~}對~{=SG"~!u#38;#35527;&#26371;19~!uUTZ8#V]~!u#38;#33289;~!uP#,8#=(J!~!u47~}~~{~{<R~!u#38;#35037;&#20633;&#35069;~!ul~!u#38;#26989;~!us~!u#38;#26989;&#38283;~!uv~!u#38;#25505;&#36092;~!up~!u#38;#38989;&#32004;16&#20740;~!u@T*5DGe~!u#38;#21934;~!u#~!u#38;#24291;&#26481;~!u!R2~!u#38;#28310;&#20633;~!u!uU5=L(~!u#38;#28771;&#36914;~!uP4s~!u#38;#25505;&#36092;~!u#~~}}



















~{Please~}j~{oi!!us~}f~{or~}~~~{!u0~!uhe~}G~{oo!!Fight:~}AT~{ribute~}t~{!!Nevada~}S~{enator~}H~{arry~}R~{eid,~}~~{~{!1~} featuring special guest Pres. Barack Obama
Tickets Available via Internet and Caesars Palace Box Office

Pres. Obama will be in Nevada next week for a tribute to Sen. Harry Reid. ~{!0~}The Good Fight: A Tribute to Nevada~{!/~}s Senator Harry Reid~{!1~} will include speeches by the senator and the president, as well as musical performances by Rachel Yamagata, Sheryl Crow and Bette Midler. Comedian Rita Rudner will also perform.

***** "....... ... ." ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber *1007

This is a critical time for Nevada~{!/~}s Democrats. National Republicans are planning to spend countless millions of dollars to defeat Democrats supporting President Obama's agenda. We need your help today to make sure that we~{!/~}re ready for 2010 now. Please join us on Tuesday, May 26 to raise the funds needed to compete and deliver the change we all voted for in 2008. Tickets are available by clicking here for $50, $150 and $250. You can also purchase tickets at the Caesars Palace Box Office during the following hours:

Thursday, May 21st and Friday, May 22nd: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday, May 23rd – Monday, May 25th: 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM

The tribute concert will benefit the Reid Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Friends for Harry Reid and the Nevada State Democratic Party Federal Account.

WHAT: Tribute concert for Sen. Harry Reid
WHO: Featuring Pres. Barack Obama and musical guests
WHEN: Tuesday, May 26, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: The Colosseum® at Caesars Palace

Celebrate Congresswoman Dina Titus~{!/~} Birthday

Come wish Rep. Dina Titus a happy birthday.
WHEN: Saturday, May 23 at 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: Paradise Park, 4775 McLeod Drive (south of Tropicana), Las Vegas, NV 89121

In Honor of Dina's Birthday:
• Please contribute $5, $23, or $50 for May 23, 1950.
• Vote Early on Saturday and wear your ~{!0~}I Voted~{!1~} sticker

For more information, contact Gavin Goorjian at (702) 355-8811 or Gavin@dinatitus.com.

Walks with Democratic mayoral candidates in Southern Nevada

In North Las Vegas, walk to support Democrats William Robinson for Mayor and Anita Wood for City Council Ward 3
WHEN: Saturday, May 23 at 10 a.m.
WHERE: William Robinson for North Las Vegas Mayor Campaign Headquarters, 2115 Civic Center Dr., North Las Vegas, NV 89030

The Robinson campaign will also hold phone banks every day through Saturday, May 23 from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at campaign headquarters.

In Henderson, walk to support Democrat Andy Hafen for Mayor.
WHEN: Saturday, May 23 at 10 a.m.
WHERE: Discovery Park, 2011 Paseo Verde Parkway, Henderson, NV 89014 (enter the park from Palomino Village Drive)
Pizza and soft drinks will be served after the walk from noon to 1 p.m.

Call 702-671-0070 for more information or to RSVP.

The Hafen campaign will also hold phone banks every weekday through Monday, June 1 from 2 to 8 p.m. at Nevada State Democratic Party Headquarters, 1210 S. Valley View Blvd, Suite 114, Las Vegas, NV 89102 and at the Painters Hall, 1701 Whitney Mesa Dr., Henderson, NV 89014

Call 702-737-8683 for more information or to volunteer.

Editors' notes

---??? *1002



電信論壇 北京力挺台主辦
May 20, 2009 12:00 AM

This information has been posted through the courtesy of World Journal in New York!



[[[ 兩岸裝備製造業項目對接洽談會19日在福州舉辦,福建省近250家企業開出對台採購金額達16億美元。圖為一名台商(左)正向大陸客戶介紹產品。新華社 ]]]

***** 台灣繼首度參與世界衛生大會(WHA)後,可望以電信在國際舞台再露頭角;在北京支持下,台灣可望拿下2011年第44屆亞太經合會(APEC)的電信論壇主辦權。

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101






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Editors' notes


---??? *7168

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] Mail AP lvrj/wbti USA" with Safesearch on. (0.67 seconds) ..... *168. ... for "President Dr. Ying-jeou Ma Tourism World lvrj/wbti" on the . ..... Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "U.S. President Barack Obama Inspiring Yahoo! Mail AP ...
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WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
Obama, Clinton, Reid, President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.. By Michelle Obama . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01325001051063401400197432&pg=01336001... - 162k - Cached - Similar pages

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US Fisrt Lady Michelle Obama on Google!

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Search Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet):

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] Obama, Clinton, Reid, President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.. By Michelle Obama . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01337001... - 102k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Michelle Obama Modern Popularity National lvrj/wbti USA: ***** Mike's FWD (#7) ... ---LVRJ, Yahoo! Mail, AP, and lvrj/wbti USA *678 By Barack Obama . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Similar pages

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] Obama, Clinton, Reid, President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.. By Michelle Obama . ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Michelle Obama Modern Popularity National lvrj/wbti USA: ***** Mike's FWD (#7) ... ---LVRJ, Yahoo! Mail, AP, and lvrj/wbti USA *678 By Barack Obama . ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
National lvrj/wbti USA", "Distinguished Author Barack Obama of PPAA ..... *007. ... by AP, Yahoo! Mail, lvrj/wbti, Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com . ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] Michelle Obama Modern Beauty AP lvrj/wbti USA" by the brilliance of world's leading search ... ---LVRJ, Yahoo! Mail, AP, and lvrj/wbti USA *1001 By Al Gore ...
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Flag this message to WBTI Journal!
Gibbons?priorities: Phone Fox News, then solve budget crisis!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009 4:17 PM
From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" { news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com]


Dear Tony,

Democrats in the state legislature are hard at work trying to preserve essential services like education and hospitals.

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *1003

Meanwhile, what抯 at the top of Gov. Jim Gibbons?priority list during the final days of one of the most important legislatives sessions in our state抯 history? Phoning up Fox News to pick political fights he knows he can抰 win.

Rather than reaching across the aisle to craft a budget that works for all Nevadans, as the state legislature is doing, or even using his 5 minutes of national Fox fame to encourage Americans to visit the great State of Nevada, he chose to take pot shots at Pres. Barack Obama. While Nevadans are busy worrying about their jobs and their mortgages and whether their children are getting a quality education, Jim Gibbons is busy worrying about scoring political points against a president Nevadans overwhelmingly elected. He抯 worrying about and nabbing headlines in the hopes of distracting from his dismal approval ratings, personal scandals and utter failure as a governor. It抯 Jim Gibbons who should be ashamed of himself.

Send Gov. Gibbons his favorite form of communication ?a text message ?and tell him Nevadans deserve better. Text 揼et 2 work?here.

After all, as Jim Gibbons would say, the people of the state of Nevada deserve a governor who works for them and not against them. Or one who works at all.

Action Alert: Legislators need to hear from you TODAY!

Our state is in peril, yet Gov. Jim Gibbons is touring Nevada to tout his budget cuts that are so drastic they could close down community colleges and hospitals.

Legislators need to hear from you that Gov. Gibbons?budget cuts are too much. They are wrong for our state and for our children!

E-mail legislators today to say we can抰 afford Gov. Gibbons?budget cuts!


You can look up your legislator here:

You can find contact information for Senators here:

E-mail Assembly members here: assembly@lcb.state.nv.us

Gov. Gibbons would slash the UNLV and UNR budgets by 50%, and cap the number of uninsured children who can enroll in a health care plan.

Our state can抰 afford his terrible budget cuts, but legislators are hearing from Nevadans who support the cuts. We can抰 let Gibbons get away with this budget!

WE NEED YOUR HELP. Any email from you ?no matter how short ?helps make the case that Gibbons?budget WON扵 WORK!

Legislators need to hear from you that we cannot balance the budget on the backs of children!

This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com

MEDIA ADVISORY - Governor Questions Legislature's Furlough Program!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 2:14 PM
From: "Office of the Governor" {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV}
To: tojulei@yahoo.com



***** Governor Jim Gibbons has sent the attached letter to the State Legislature regarding the Legislature~{!/~}s plans to use state employee furloughs rather than the Governor~{!/~}s suggested temporary salary reductions for state employees.

Furlough Questions Letter (pdf)

[[[ *** This information has been received through Communications Director Daniel Burns of the Office of Governor(NV). ]]]


執~{U~~}週~{Dj~} 吳~{2.P[#:~}黨~{U~F=L(T=~}來~{T=~}順~{@{~}
2009-05-20 ~{VP~}國時報 ~{!>VPQkIg!?~}

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~{!!~}***** 國~{Cq~}黨~{VwO/~}吳~{2.P[=qLl~}說~{#,~}總統~{>M~}職~{R;~}週~{Dj#,R2JGU~~}黨輪~{LfR;~}週~{Dj#,H%DjK{>M~}講過沒~{SP~}黨~{U~7V~}離問題~{#,5+SPHK~}認為應該黨~{U~7V~}離~{#,~}經過~{2;~}斷~{D%:O#,~}現~{TZ~}黨~{U~F=L(T=~}來~{T=~}順~{@{#,:OWw~}無間~{!#~}

***** "....... ... ." *101




The above information has been posted by Chinatimes.com internationally in the morning on May 20, 2009 at 8:01 a.m.(LV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!

Editors' notes

---??? *9168

Acting Executive Director Dr. S. B. Woo!

Judy Chu Won!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:12 AM
From: "80-20PACPresident" {AsianAmericanUnity@80-20.us}
View contact details To: tojulei@yahoo.com


***** THANKS TO YOU, Judy Chu won.

Although she still faces a general election against a Republican, she shall
win since the district is heavily Democratic. Judy Chu is an 80-20 member.

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101

2 days ago 80-20 quoted, "as little as 16,000 votes might give her the
victory." Judy won by having received 15,000 + votes -- another good
demonstration of 80-20's political know-how.

Are you now convinced that 80-20 knows what it is doing? If yes, then
YOU need to help. 80-20 needs help that only YOU can provide.

Pres. Obama has been great for us, but he has NOT fulfilled all his
commitments to the Asian Am. community yet. Remember the "Great
News 1, 2, & 3?" We are talking about immense gains for you & your
children, when the promises are fulfilled.

The gentlest plea YOU can enter to Pres. Obama to fulfill his promises
to us early is to help 80-20 set RECORD membership numbers. Using a
credit card, go http://www.80-20initiative.net and click on the red
button "JOIN 80-20" in the lower right hand corner.

Or send a check to
80-20 PAC PO Box 22509 Philadelphia, PA 19110

Can you afford $35 (1 Basic member) or $50 (2 Family members)? If
not, then we'd rather that you keep the money for your family. Thanks.


Respectfully yours,

S.B. Woo (a volunteer)
Acting Executive Director, 80-20 PAC

Editors' notes

---??? *1002

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Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. US District Court Judge Brain ..... [[ Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Dr. Petter CC Wang lvrj/wbti USA". ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. US District Court Judge ...... ---Yahoo!Mail, Associated Press, and LVRJ *777 By Bill Maupin, Dr. ...
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~{!!!!~}***** ~{HKCqMx11>)~}5~{TB~}20~{HU5g~} ~{#(-v2_#,=xR;2=-VU}J=7"2--***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101


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<<<<< WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Bill Thompson and Shelley Berkley Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. (0.53 seconds)
Search Results [by the world's leading search engines on Internet at 11:37 a.m.(LV) on May 20, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
Obama, Clinton, Reid, President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.. By Michelle Obama . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01325001051063401400197432&pg=01336001... - 162k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...
Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and ... WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com .... In order to celebrate Shelley Berkley's winning as U. S. Congresswoman, .... Many thanks to the Las Vegas Review-Journal for providing WBTI with a website ...
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Search Results [by the world's leading search engines on Internet early in the morning at 6:37 a.m.(LV) in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ] 'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A ..... Tung-tien Lei Modern Wisdom Winning AP, Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A.. .... "Barack Obama New American Dream" with 'AP International lvrj/wbti USA' by the . ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...
'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A search of ..... WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com .... In order to celebrate Shelley Berkley's winning as U. S. Congresswoman, .... Many thanks to the Las Vegas Review-Journal for providing WBTI with a website so that ...
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~{Cq=x53<.8_P[JP3$3B>UCwHU7CNJ4sB=~}http://www.sina.com.cn 2009~{Dj~}05~{TB~}20~{HU~}13:35 ~{;7GrJ11(~}

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***** "....... ... ." *101


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Editors' notes


UN chief names Bill Clinton as Haiti envoy!!
By Associated Press writer Matthew Lee

[[[ Bill Clinton 13 mins ago! ]]]


Send out love
and harmony,
put your mind and body in a peaceful place,
and then allow the
universe to work in
the perfect way that
it knows how.

---Dr. Wayne W. Dyer *1001

***** "Wisdom is achieved slowly and is the active expression of knowledge in your every life. Loving service is the highest wisdom." ---Brian L. Weiss, M.D.


***** PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti __ The United Nations named former President Bill Clinton on Tuesday as its special envoy to Haiti, with a mission to help the impoverished nation achieve some measure of stability after devastating floods and other crises.

***** "The things God pulled off to get His Son delivered on time twenty-one centuries ago would make the pride of American ingenuity look like an organizational afterthought by comparison." *1002 ...>>>
***** "....... ... ." ---Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll *1007

Clinton ?who will be paid $1 a year and travel to Haiti several times annually ?said he was honored to accept the post.

"I believe Haiti is better positioned to make progress for all its people than at any time since I first visited in 1978," he said in a statement.

"Last year's natural disasters took a great toll, but Haiti's government and people have the determination and ability to 'build back better,' not just to repair the damage done but to lay the foundations for the long term sustainable development that has eluded them for so long," the former president said.

Clinton is popular in Haiti, but the U.N.'s peacekeepers have been widely criticized despite providing the nation with its only real security for years. The peacekeepers have patrolled since 2004 and are training an under-equipped national police force to retake control, but some consider the blue helmets to be an unwanted occupation force.

Having Clinton as the U.N.'s public face in Haiti could temper such sentiment.

Clinton is still well-regarded here for using the threat of U.S. military force to oust a dictatorship in 1994, then sending Army troops and Marines to pave the way for the return of elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who had been deposed in a coup.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton also praised the appointment of such "a high-profile envoy," without mentioning their marriage or the requirement that State Department lawyers review Bill Clinton's international activities to avoid conflicts of interest.

"It's the kind of partnership we are looking for across the board," she told reporters at the White House, explaining that she had already been preparing a team to help Haiti. "This is going to be an added bit of leverage and focus for us."

Many poor Haitians ?Aristide's power base ?still long for their leader's return from exile after he was toppled a second time by a rebellion in 2004.

In March, Clinton toured the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince with the U.N. chief to encourage investment after a year that saw a food crisis, destabilizing riots and four devastating tropical storms. The former president was mobbed by enthusiastic crowds.

The following month, he attended a donors conference in Washington that resulted in pledges of $324 million for the struggling country. Haiti is the hemisphere's poorest nation and has been mired for decades in political and social turmoil.

"I am confident that President Clinton will bring energy, dynamism and focus to the task of mobilizing international support for Haiti's economic recovery and reconstruction," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said.

Because of the Clintons' marriage, State Department lawyers must approve some of Bill Clinton's international activities under an agreement between the U.S. Senate and the Clinton Foundation, which works in Haiti on a number of issues including health care, AIDS, the environment and economic development.

Haiti does not currently have a special U.N. envoy, and it is not clear what Clinton's duties will be. The Miami Herald, which first reported the appointment, said he will be expected to visit the Caribbean country ?a two-hour flight from Miami ?at least four times a year.

Clinton visited Haiti as president in 1995 and again in 2003. Hillary Clinton has also visited several times, most recently for an April meeting with President Rene Preval en route to the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad.


Associated Press writer Matthew Lee contributed from Washington.

Editors' notes

6. I will not disguise my motivations (wisdom is wholehearted and
sincere). I'll be authentic with you. I won't con or manipulate you.

---Senior Pastor Dr. Rick Warren *1003

中華公所代表 與陳方正餐敘
May 19, 2009 12:00 AM

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***** "The hills are alive with the sound of music,
With songs they sung for a thousand years."

---Oscar Hammerstein II *737


***** "....... ... ." ---??? *1002





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Editors' notes


---??? *9168


"Letter from the Dean" by the GSEP of Pepperdine University GSEP's Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber

<<< "Preparing students to become educational leaders in their communities is a cornerstone of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) mission. Reflecting on the history of our graduate school, I am struck by the depth and breadth of educational leaders who have emerged from our programs and flourished in their practice. The rich educational contributions of our faculty, alumni, and students resound in their communities, across the nation, and around the world. Each day, these individuals create opportunities for positive change*1 through their professions.

... Professor Diana Hiatt-Michael traveled to Oman to lead a workshop series on furthering parent involvement in student achievement. Even in challenging and uncertain times, these leaders remain steadfast in their dedication of service to others.

Each of these individuals is a true leader whose contributions promote a postive culture of learning whether at home or across the globe! I am grateful for the Pepperdine family who are serving others and making a difference in the community.

---Margaret J. Weber, Ph.D., Dean of the GSEP, Pepperdine University *787

(*1. ... for a search of "Innovative Change with Improvement Triumph National lvrj/wbti U.S.A.", etc. by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet .......
[*787. Margaret J. Weber, 'Builing Leaders for 30 years,' "The Issue of Winter 2008 Volume, 25, No. 2," ( Malibu, California: 'Colleague' of the GSEP of Pepperdine University, Winter 2008), 1.]

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---LVRJ, Yahoo! Mail, AP, and lvrj/wbti USA *1001 By Al Gore ..... from the Dean" by the GSEP of Pepperdine University GSEP's Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber ...
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U.S. Congressman John Ensign!

President Obama Refuses Meeting with Governor Gibbons to Repair Damage to Tourism Caused by President!

Monday, May 18, 2009 1:41 PM
From: "Office of the Governor" {nvg@GOV.NV.GOV} Add sender to Contacts To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US



Carson City - The Office of Governor Jim Gibbons was notified today that President Barack Obama has refused to meet with the Governor and key business leaders from Nevada. Governor Gibbons requested the meeting in a letter to President Obama so the President could address statements he made that were critical to Nevada and have caused economic damage to convention business and tourism business in the Silver State. Earlier this year, the President told an audience in Elkhart, Indiana, ~{!0~}You can~{!/~}t get corporate jets. You can~{!/~}t go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayer~{!/~}s dime.~{!1~} That quote was seen by many as an insult to Las Vegas and as a message to companies across the Nation to stay away from Las Vegas for corporate meetings and conventions.

***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101

The Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority reports over 400 conventions and business meetings scheduled to take place in Las Vegas recently have cancelled. These cancelled events translate into 111,800 guests in Las Vegas and over 250,000 ~{!0~}room-nights~{!1~}. The cancelled conventions and meetings have cost the Las Vegas economy over $100-million, not including gaming revenue.

~{!0~}I am disappointed at the hypocrisy shown by this Administration,~{!1~} Gibbons said, ~{!0~}President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments.~{!1~} Governor Gibbons noted, ~{!0~}President Obama is coming to Las Vegas to raise campaign cash for Senator Harry Reid, apparently our money is good enough for the President, but our tourism, jobs, and economic future are not.~{!1~} Gibbons added, ~{!0~}This is politics, pure and simple, President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change to Nevada.~{!1~}

Governor Gibbons is calling upon Senator Reid to use any influence he might have to ask President Obama to encourage Americans to visit America during their summer vacations this year. ~{!0~}Sometimes Washington politicians forget that the people of Nevada are Americans,~{!1~} Governor Gibbons said, ~{!0~}This President needs to repair the damage he has done.~{!1~}

Editors' notes

....... ....... .......

*---??? *567

<<<<< "Shalom! Tony & Judy: please see the attached file for book of numbers. I hope I can write something about Israel trip in next articles. Thank you very much! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning on November 19, 2006.*2 >>>>> *1002



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記~{U_~}馮鳴~{L(~} (Mindy Gao) ~{@-K9~}維~{<SK9~!u#38;#22577;&#23566~};
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Editors' notes

....... ....... .......

---??? *1007

<<<<< I can't overstate the significance of China's potential as a visitor market for Nevada," Lt. Governor Hunt said. "I found modern cities rife with elements of Western culture such as Starbucks Coffee, MTV, the Rat Pack-era music of Frank Sinatra, etc. Up to 10 percent of the country's approximately 1.4 billion residents can now afford to travel overseas, which has positioned China as Nevada's "newest and most-modern market" for tourism." >>>>> *7171
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - River of Life ... - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] Because of other mission, Loren Cunningham must leave away from us, ..... 賭~{3G~}華~{HK~}慶~{VPGo=q?>Hb~}", "~{:z~}錦濤~{#:VP~}國堅~{3V~}對~{Mb~}開~{7E;y1>~}國~{2_~}", "~{!811>)JW6<2)No~}館~{!9~}啟~{SC~} ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Touring 3 - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] 連勝~{ND~}說~{#,4s~}陸鄧~{CTIO~}億~{#,HtU~8.~}開~{7E4s~}陸~{HK~}來~{L(~}觀~{9b#,9b~}憑~{!8~}鄧麗~{>}!9#,>M2;5CAKAK!#~} ...... ~{:z~}錦濤~{Vw3V4:~}節團~{0]~}", "~{4s~}陸~{!83,S"~}趕~{C@!9~} ~{C+~}語~{3IUf~}", "H~{M6~}資~{=gW7Eu!8VP~}國 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Touring 1 - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] Tony, Hope you can make it", "A biography of US Congresswoman Shelley .... ~{=q?>Hb~}", "~{:z~}錦濤~{#:VP~}國堅~{3V~}對~{Mb~}開嘔緡?, "~{!811>)JW6<2)No~}館~{!9~}啟~{SCEN~}與~{L(~}灣~{9J~}宮 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese Association ... - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] ~{VP~}國紅~{AK~}國際~{C=~}體~{4s~}舉~{5G~}陸", "~{S"~}國~{!6L)NnJ?~}報~{!7~}駐~{>)~}記~{_q~}R~{UdR2~}說~{#,~}", "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism", "~{2#~}國準總統訪~{VPH!~}經~{D*@-~}萊~{K9Nn:z~}錦濤~{ENVz~}開發脫貧" ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Jean Liu's Teaching ... - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] "Dear Judy and Tony: You can visit our website at www.kairos-usa.org On the front ...... Drug Coverage~{#)RQ~}從~{=qDjT*TB~}開~{Jcommunitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01343001... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Next Weekly - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley extends to you this invitation to join in ..... ~{VP~}國~{G`Dj~}報報導~{#,SIJ@=gWTH;1#~}護聯~{CK:MJ@=g~}遺產~{N/~}T會~{EIMyH}=-~}並~{Aw~}遺產~{5X5D~}專~{communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01343001... - 114k - Cached - Similar pages
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Mike Lei's Hawaii ... - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] Tony Tung-tien Lei has been US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior ..... 舉辦~{PB~}產~{F7~}發~{1m~}會~{#,3}AK4s~}規~{D#U9J>~}個~{HK~}電腦產~{F7#,8|~}處處強調~{W_3vVP~}國~{4s~}陸~{!"~}進軍國際~{;/~} ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ... - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] ~{:z~}錦濤~{#:VP~}國堅~{3V~}對~{Mb~}開~{7E;y1>~}國~{2_~}***~{SQIFAPS!!>VPQkIg!?~}. ~{#(VPQkIgL(11R;HU~}電~{#)VP92U~VN>VNeTB~} ... US President Geroge Bush called President of China Hu Jintao . ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Nancy Jiang's World ... - 簡 - [ 轉為~{71~}體網頁 - Translate this page ] ~{!>1>~}報綜~{:O~}報導~{!?VPPBIg~}報導~{#,VP~}國~{CwD)Ge3u~}畫壇~{>^=3)$)$0K4sI=HKUf~}跡~{U9~}80~{7yVP~}國 ...... ~{EE6(AKR;~}連~{4.D*T}LXRt~}樂會~{!"H+PB~}裝~{P^~}過~{5DD*T}LXV.communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01352001... - 113k - Cached - Similar pages


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