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>猭穝 ね到 毙﹙縫吹狶簍弧﹙毙琌秖 穝ら戳:2009/05/10 02:35 F08 尝缝 This has been posted through the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! chiemo News, Yahoo!, and among others! 猭穝耙9ら筿 毙﹙セ縲せBenedictXVI竧ぇさぱ秈材ぱス縫吹狶烩砈祇簍弧宁砫種醚篈癸﹙毙秈︽巨玃﹙毙ぇ丁㎝秆 セ縲せ禗霍籈耙动岸璊辽睲痷Al-Hussein Mosque钮渤﹙毙莱Θ秖τ獶だ吊秖测钮毙﹙簍量钮渤珹膀服毙蔼毙 硂琌セ縲せΩ砐拜┰瓣產窗玃縫吹狶籔膀服畕盧痚㊣は癸玌竡癸﹙毙穦à︹у蝶 ぱ毙瞴Τ11货毙畕硂ぱ毙烩砈さぱ禗钮渤讽礛ぃ﹙毙獺畕丁┮玻ネ候眎籔だ猍ベぃ┋琌ン礚猭粄ㄆ 毙﹙弧礛τ┕┕琌種醚篈癸﹙毙秈︽巨Τ琌笷現獀ヘ痷タ候眎籔だ猍Τ穦忌硂ぃ琌ㄆ龟盾 さぱ矗粅は癸﹙毙Θだ吊方亩尝缝 ---------------------------- | |
張智真指揮專題演講 (2009-05-10)舊金山晶晶合唱團 在團長張智真的率領下 曾來休士頓做過極為成功的演出 張智真再度應邀訪問休士頓 並發表演說 他以帶領晶晶的經歷 與聽眾分享音樂合唱藝術的特性 並介紹合唱音樂譜表 指揮及練唱的新潮流 另外他也帶來晶晶合唱團 2007年在台北國家音樂廳的 演唱錄影 讓大家欣賞到 年輕成員們在台上 活潑動人又創意十足的演出 我們教小孩子 是希望藉著合唱音樂教育 因為合唱音樂教育 是一個藝術群育的工作 我們希望藉著這個 除了認識各國文化 我們的根之外 能夠把這個社會更祥和 藉著音樂的風氣 藉著團體的合作 這對他們一輩子的影響 是很大的 休士頓僑教中心主任盧景海 與休士頓和樂之聲音樂協進會 首屆理事長楊明耕 特別頒贈水晶獎座給張智真 感謝他為大家分享合唱藝術特點 張智真出生於台南市 擁有美國德州大學 工業工程及企業管理碩士學位 高中曾加入合唱團 並於1981年在史丹佛校區 成立青青合唱團 積極參與社區文化服務 曾榮獲美國傑出青年獎 及亞裔社區英雄獎 在合唱藝術的努力 與音樂教育的成就 受到海內外音樂界一致推崇 張智真近年來帶領晶晶合唱團 在國際上為華人爭取最高榮譽 豐富的曲目融和了多元文化 演出風格十分獨特 更激勵許多社區年輕人 對音樂的熱愛與投入 台灣宏觀電視 王洋 美國休士頓 採訪報導 ------------------------------ | |
祏 蝶⌒琌獶籔稰薄 2009-05-09 い瓣厨 セ厨癟This information has been posted through the courtesy of chinatimes.com! 霉ゅ古玡┕┮贝跌朝莱碈砰高拜酵琌獶籔稰薄硂琌脄祇ùさチ秈囊芖穦絵﹍沧⊿Τ穌睲贰み拜肈 霉ゅ古弧Τ琌獶Τ稰薄稰薄и程чㄓ猭辨眔そキ癸琌獶и讽礛Τ耞㎝绊 ㄤ龟琌獶籔稰薄碞琌瞶┦籔稰┦瞶┦侩琌獶耞癸岿穦Τそキタ竡稰┦ゴ瘆波瞒蝴么瞶丁Τ放穢薄稲 礛τ狦筁稰薄ノㄆê碞甧睼瞔琌獶彼旧璓基岿睹祇ネ厚犁ず场ち澄籔拜肈某繵ごタ琌眖稰薄àㄏ礛讲璣ゅ弧璶臮のや稰玱аㄏ堡薄竡ぃ⊿琌獶 霉ゅ古禲らρ馏ぃ恨琌搂琵╭浆虫縒穦ǎ┪琌砆朝胞┶程沧常琌贝辨ぃΘ临綝极癵碿ē硂挡狦砛螟臭玱癸砰瞷琌獶籔稰薄ぇ丁暗о拒玦 礚阶癸朝ビ叫囊Τ┮玂痙霉ゅ古匡拒ō砰ぃ続临┿筳ぱ刚瓜┮贝辨硂笆セō陪ボ琌獶籔稰薄琌ㄢ笵キ︽絬τ獶ゲ礛鸟露癬を絬瞴 阶р琌獶耚薄稰ぇ玡Τê或螟盾 ------------------------- | |
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美缺席世博? 朝野急 記者邰彥紐約8日報導May 09, 2009 12:05 AM | 2265 觀看次數 | 0 | |This information has been posted though the courtesy of World Journal in New York! 受金融危機影響,美國可能沒錢營建上海世博會展館。從國務卿喜萊莉到一般美籍華人,正努力挽救這個讓北京和華府都丟面子的尷尬局面。 美國本是上海世博會的重要參展單位,中國幾年前應美國駐上海領事館的要求,在展區黃金地段為美國館劃出6萬5000平方尺的地盤。美國國務院也承諾參展。不過,美國法律禁止政府出資建館,國務院指定的美國世博會委員會在政府政權交替和金融危機影響下,至今僅籌到6200萬元建館總經費的280萬元。 面對美國館可能缺席的前景,華裔精英組成的「百人會」此前致函國務卿喜萊莉.柯林頓,希望國務院關注這項對中美兩國都有多層面重要意義的事情。本報獲得喜萊莉回函寫到:「上海世博會為美國企業和團體在世界最重要的商業與文化中心展示旗幟,提供絕無僅有的契機;我相信美國與其他180個國家一起出席這個全球活動非常重要…美國的參與將加深中美人民友誼。」 力促美國與會的百人會前會長楊雪蘭表示:「上海世博會重要得不能與以往的世博會相提並論,美國在這樣的盛舉中缺席,是令人無法相信的事情。」她從去年7月起一直努力宣傳此事的重要性。她說:「多數美國人和在美華人都不知道美國可能缺席的情況,而聽說此事的人都難以置信。百人會日前大會中商定,發動會員協助主辦單位遊說15至20個企業贊助美國出席上海世博會,包括華爾市場、微軟公司等。」 法新社報導,國務院去年曾委託一民營企業設計美國館,但該企業後來表示無力籌集經費。上海世博會美國館委員會由前駐新加坡大使拉梵(Frank Levin)領導,他表示募款活動正積極展開。 楊雪蘭表示,媒體宣傳後,很多公司會關注此事,如果十幾個企業集資贊助美國館,並非困難之舉。柯林頓的推動對募款推動作用很大。 楊雪蘭說:「我越來越樂觀地相信美國可以出席,雖然中國對動工截止日期迫近,但一旦美國籌到資金,中國可以飛快施工。」 It has been posted by the Worldjournal.com of the Newspaper in Chinese! ------------------------------- | |
民呷耸?罱ɡ磺菜吞ū 2009-05-10 中??r? 【中央社】 This information has been posted through the couretesy of Worljournal.com! 旅居美?闹?箨?民呷耸?罱ɡ裉焱砩显饩芙^入境香港後,被遣返出發地台北。 與?罱ɡ煌瑏砀鄣闹?裰鼽h?合?部(海外)祕?L汪岷告訴中央社?者,?罱ɡ锻砩9 ?r許被香港海關勒令搭?C返回出發地台北。 ??罱ɡ痪苋刖常赫f,這說明北京和香港?局?γ襁人士來港?⑴c「六四」紀念活?印干畲婵?帧梗词咕嚯x正式日子?有一??月,已高度戒?洹 他說:「看來北京和香港?局?γ襁人士入境?⑴c『六四』活?犹?於高度緊?狀?B。」 汪岷表示,?罱ɡ騺硎且院推椒绞奖磉_?Υ箨?民主的訴求,香港?局拒絕其入境是令人失望的。 汪岷與美?腹窳α俊拱l起人?罱ɡ砩弦黄饛奶ū贝?C來港,??渑c本地民呓M?商?籌辦「六四」紀念活?樱挥型翎韩@准入境。It is posted on the website of World Journal in the morning at 10:43 a.m. (LV)! ------------------------ | |
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On the top left: Nature of Beauty series FWDs from the Pacific!---Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung *1005 ------------------ FW: Happy Chinese New Year 2010.ppsFriday, January 29, 2010 12:05 AM From: "Yu Yu" View contact detailsTo: undisclosed-recipientsMessage contains attachments1 File (6196KB)Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 01:08:42 -0800 Subject: Fwd: Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps From: dyu526@gmail.com To: dorisyu265@hotmail.com ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: TC Hou Date: 2010/1/19 Subject: Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps To: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: TC Hou Put Tiger in your life! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: lee 棝chang sheng 忢惗 Happy Chinese New Year 2010.pps 弔愡夣炠 漭帠擛堄 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. ReplyReply AllMove... (To be continued ...) ------------------ | |
ㄈ盖坝穨蔼畃穦羛剿边穦 禥猾冻栋 癘璟皑厨旧May 09, 2009 12:00 AM | 1 芠Ω计 | 0 | 0 | | This information has been posted through the courtesy of Worldjournal.com and World Journal in New York! [[[ㄈ盖坝穨蔼畃穦羛剿边穦い莉贱籔ㄈ盖坝穦穦宾眎腞睲玡逼オ籜皃皃筽玡逼オの禥猾紇 癘璟尼紇 ]]] ㄈ盖坝穦Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce籔ㄈ盖坝穨蔼畃穦ら玡羛安籜皃穝癩繺芔羭︽羛剿篬箋贱ㄥ搂箋贱倒地盖瞶癩臮拜眎ゅ秈龙盖爹畍Φ┚膀Chung Pak禫盖玻坝ǹΤ篴Vinh Nguyenの盖筿福м穨Jay Sunny Bajajㄈ盖坝穦赋ㄆ法ミ玥莉赣穦┮箋羆参贱 硂初边産パ钡捌厨膀俱の闽超臮拜刮Base Realignment and Closure虏嘿 BRAC地盖磅︽ Asuntha Chiang-Smith 踞ヴ祸法ミ璓秨辊迭稰谅產ㄈ盖坝穨蔼畃穦羭︽玡霍籈绑 ㄈ盖坝穦穦宾眎腞睲璓舧迭眏秸毙▅璶┦癳辰ぃ毙敞辰玌粂㊣苸穦淋叫㏄綝城赣穦秨量琵產痲竒蕾螟闽ㄏ穦竒蕾挂いネㄓゼㄓㄉ羉篴琌赣穦ヘ夹窗玃赣穦穦の畊丁侗躬纘裤臘把籔2010炊琩獽は琈痷龟ㄈ盖计 踞ヴ边穦量籜皃皃筽ざ残籜皃穝ヴ竒蕾祇甶场ヴ蝴耙弧籜皃局Τ毙▅╰参じゅて单盢絋玂ㄈ盖琌跋璝暗痷タ磕產碞ぃだ┘┮Τ镑礛磕癬 ビ現┎蹦潦筁祘い螟Τ﹛贡璓э跑ㄤいゅて㎝篈辨﹡チやㄏ硂ㄇ┯空Θ痷 硂初边産畊秨23パㄈ盖坝穨蔼畃穦膚〆穦〆獀风踞ヴ畊ㄤΞ埃喘ㄈ盖跋城ぇ筳ぱ秨蔼畃穦穢ō ㄈ盖坝穨蔼畃穦さ羭快材程琌パ籜皃竒蕾秨祇そヴ诧产㈱ī某旧さパ快そㄈび盖ㄆ叭〆穦觅の旧皑秈︽俱ぱ穦某秨辊Α珹皑θ紈瓣穦渤某甊稲紈地逮の皑坝穨篬竒蕾祇甶芔芔揩此常畊璓迭 埃坝甶の碞穨痴凝穦ぇ蔼畃穦臥初癚穦肈珹籔┎ネ種膀俱の闽超の羛ü縀よ诀穦瓣悔カ初竒坝のさら竒蕾坝穨㎝磕淋叫讽Ы璶璽砫初弧讽叭龟会莉蝶 ----------------------- | |
美国国会宣称美籍华人帮中国窃取情报http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年05月09日14:09 环球时报 This information has been posted through the courtesy of Sina.com.cn! 环球时报特约记者王斯报道 长期以来,美国舆论所渲染的“中国间谍案”层出不穷。美国国会中美经济和安全审议委员会4月30号又举行了题为“针对美国的中国间谍和情报行动”的听证会。美方情报专家称,“中国正通过各种渠道获取美国科技”。 据美国之音报道,美国联邦调查局前特工史密斯在听证会作证的时候称,中国的情报搜集是“分散”的,称“中国并不特别针对某一个特定的信息情报或者科技,而是采取只收集情报而以后再加以分类整理的做法”。他将靶子对准美籍华人和中国留学生说,称攫取科技情报的收集工作几乎完全依靠美籍华人来实现。 史密斯进一步渲染称,美国允许中国人购买美国的公司,让成千上万的留学生到美国留学接受培训,而来自中国的代表团可以自由的在美国旅游,“因此,现在到了美国向中国提出比较严格的互惠要求的时刻了”。 美国一智库情报研究和分析中心主任的毛文杰则称,“中国是世界上发生间谍活动最多的国家”。他表示,美国联邦调查局过去几年来已经显著增加了对中国进行反间活动的特工人数,但应对中国的间谍活动有“语言障碍”。毛文杰由此认为,美国在“出口管制法律”上存在漏洞,他宣称“美国必须加强识别这些美国境内出售科技情报给中国的个人和公司”。 美国舆论针对“中国间谍”的指责一直层出不穷,前不久还有西方媒体称中国已经在全球撒下“幽灵间谍网”。对此,中国外交部发言人斥之为那些“冷战鬼魂”附体的人携带着“中国威胁论”的病毒不时地在发作。 西方情报研究学者鲍勃·艾耶斯和中国学者李伟也曾在接受《环球时报》采访时表示,国外舆论炒作中国人力间谍“很不专业”,中国不仅没有他们说得那么夸张的间谍能力,而且从全球发展趋势来看,人力间谍的作用也正在走下坡路。 ----------------------- | |
Aide resigns over NYC flyover; probe continues By Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer 1 hr 43 mins agoThis information has been posted through the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, AP, lvrj/wbti USA, and among others! WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon and Air Force are reviewing whether their officials may be partly to blame for a $328,835 photo-op of a jumbo jet used by the president soaring above New York City that has already forced the White House military director to step down. Former Army Secretary Louis Caldera, the White House aide who authorized the flyover, resigned under fire Friday as the Obama administration tried to move past the embarrassing incident that sent panicked workers rushing into the streets amid flashbacks of Sept. 11. The White House released the findings of an internal review that portrayed Caldera as out of the loop in a cycle of missed messages and questionable judgments as plans for the photo shoot proceeded. But the investigation is hardly the end of the matter. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has ordered a review at the Pentagon; the Air Force is conducting its own review as well. In a May 5 letter to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Gates apologized for the incident, saying "we deeply regret the anxiety and alarm that resulted from this mission." McCain posted the letter on his Web site Friday. "I am concerned that this highly public and visible mission did not include an appropriate review and approval by senior Air Force and (Defense Department) officials," Gates wrote. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said President Barack Obama has ordered a review of how the White House Military Office is set up, and how it reports to the White House and the Air Force. That review, to be conducted by deputy chief of staff Jim Messina and Gates, will also offer recommendations to Obama designed to ensure that such an incident will not happen again, Gibbs said. According to the findings released Friday, Caldera said he didn't know the jet known as Air Force One when the president is aboard would fly at 1,000 feet during the April 27 photo session. He also failed to read an e-mail message describing the operation and seemed unaware of the potential for public fear, the findings said. Local officials had been notified in advance. But it was a shock to New Yorkers who looked up to see the Boeing 747 and its fighter jet escort flying near the Statue of Liberty and lower Manhattan's financial district, a terrifying reminder of the terrorist attacks in which jets brought down the two towers of the World Trade Center. The Federal Aviation Administration told local officials in advance of the flight, but asked them not to disclose it to the public, the White House report said. There was a prepared statement for the FAA's New York regional office and for the Air Force in Washington to release if anyone called to ask about the flight. In his resignation letter, released by the White House, Caldera said the controversy had "made it impossible for me to effectively lead the White House Military Office," which is responsible for presidential aircraft. Caldera's office approved the photo-op, which cost $35,000 in fuel alone for the plane and two jet fighter escorts. The Air Force estimated the photo shoot cost taxpayers $328,835. The purpose of the flight was to update the official photo of the president's jet. Editors notes ... ....... ............ ----------------------------- | |
穝籇 >瓣悔 >瑆 >猭穝 | ね到| 稼ぺ皑畒诀纞胊ㄆン フ甤﹛ま㏒勉戮 穝ら戳:2009/05/09 09:50 讲ㄎ庇 This information has been posted through the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Chiemo News, Yahoo!, and among others! 猭穝地脖箉8ら筿 瓣羆参稼ぺ皑畒诀ぇる┏︽珼笆9-11┢ю阑ㄆン痙潮紇庇稰竒フ甤瓁ㄆ快そMilitaryOfficeヴ紈┰Louis Calderaさぱㄆンま㏒勉戮 瓣20019る11ら佩肚┢ю阑ㄆン讽ㄢ琜綝诀侥疾禩いみWorld Trade Center硑Θ3000赤ネ讽稼ぺ皑羆参ㄢ琜﹛よ猧747畒诀ぇ㎝ㄢ琜F-16驹矮诀4る27ら︽⊿猔種诀ō羆参夹癘痁壁┢ю阑ㄆン簍 讽チ渤祇瞷ㄓ琌秈︽い尼紇㎝磅︽癡絤羘癬 紈┰璓稼ぺ皑獺ㄧボ竒筁и獺и瞶讽勉戮フ甤瓁ㄆ快そヴ戮 挪硂癬︽ヴ叭現韭比癬猧膇紈┰ボ璝膥尿痙ヴ盢Θ稼ぺ皑崩笆动み玨玨璸锚 フ甤そガ紈┰硂獺︽ㄆン秸琩厨の糛甮诀筁パ钩酚 フ甤厨┸臩瓁よ㎝フ甤現┎﹛4る秨﹍帝も硂Ω︽璸礶 厨﹛禗紈┰惠璶硄フ甤祇ēガRobert Gibbs㎝ㄤ﹛硂ン盢秈︽︽ヴ叭繷ㄓ玱ゼ酚快亩讲ㄎ庇 ----------------------- | |
瓣い地穦繻い地ゅて把砐刮边産 (2009-05-10)边丁せ翴筁 瓣い地穦繻い地ゅて把砐刮 笴凝ó 碞氨綼101 硂產繺芔玡 刮皑稰 芖縱ぇ τボ勾〆穦脖薄 勾〆穦〆璣驾克畊 埃р勾叭臮拜竨箋祇倒 瓣い地穦繻捌瞶ㄆ朝翬裹 璓迭眏秸 勾〆穦勾瞶├ 穝現┎磅現ぇ摆 勾〆穦痷琌р硂勾 讽и崩︽ヘ夹 璶琌稲臔иい地チ瓣芖 璶琌ぃ穦み篡璽и芖 ┪璶甡и芖い地チ瓣 и常琌蛮も 讽и狟ね ō把砐刮刮 瓣い地穦繻瞶ㄆ眎玊眑弧 场だ刮程稰砍届 琌芖チパ籔 秆芖チパよ 临Τ碞琌笴春翴 临Τ贺ê芖 琌и笵琌獶盽Τ 倒勾璏暗ざ残 и勾璏摆 硄硄辨弧瓣ず ぷㄤ癸弧 睲稧 砱籊硂遏 镑话е 镑ΤΘ罿瞷 镑地 のㄤ瓣產 現韭 镑倒產泊 瓣い地穦繻い地ゅて把砐刮 きる腹秨﹍秈︽戳せぱ砐拜 辨虑帝硈﹃穦︽祘 の把芠笴春翴诀穦 р芖籔秈˙薄盿勾﹡ 琵笵 芖Щ芠筿跌 霍 紈み 蹦砐厨旧 --------------------------------- | |
050809-1637 |
The Reid Report - May 8, 2009Friday, May 8, 2009 4:19 PM From: "Senator Harry Reid" {senator_harry_reid@enews.senate.gov} Add sender to Contacts To: "judy lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} Senator Harry Reid -- Putting Nevada First Dear Fellow Nevadan, I joked with Senator Ensign yesterday morning that there hasnˇt been much news out of the Senate this week because there hasnˇt been any controversy. In fact, both sides have been working together on important legislation that will help countless Nevadans. This week, we passed a bill that will help Nevadaˇs homeowners and renters. We also notched a lasting victory in the fight to end Yucca Mountain, as President Obama made good on his campaign pledge. I also took a few minutes on Tuesday morning to talk with Matt Lauer on the Today Show. Please click on the picture below to watch the video: The Housing Bill we passed addresses one of Nevadaˇs most pressing problems. The legislation provides incentives for banks to work with homeowners to modify existing mortgages and gives HUD the resources to help vulnerable homeowners. I hear from Nevadans every day who are struggling with their mortgage payments, underemployed and trying to raise a family. It doesnˇt have to be this way, and I am working to provide hope for the countless Nevadans in this terrible situation. To learn more, click HERE. This week, Nevada scored another major victory in the fight against Yucca Mountain. As promised, President Obama cut funding for the nuclear dump to its lowest level in the projectˇs history and officially announced the projectˇs termination. This means there is absolutely no way the dump will be built in Nevada. Instead, a Federal Blue Ribbon Commission will consider other, safer options. I have been working to terminate this project since I first came to Washington, and I want to thank all of the Nevadans who joined me in the fight against Yucca Mountain. Click HERE to learn more. Next week, the Senate will consider important legislation to protect consumers from some banks' unfair, but fortunately common, credit card practices. Thank you for reading this update. If youˇd like to learn more, please visit my website. HARRY REID United States Senator for Nevada Recommended Reading: Reid Announces Millions to Fight Nevada Wildfires Reid Discusses Clean Energy Job Creation, Consumer Protection with NV Rural Electric Association ----------------------------- | |
050809-1357 |
Join Us and Help Enhance the Reputation of Your Degree!Friday, May 8, 2009 11:10 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Graziadio School" {gsbmalum@mail2.pepperdine.edu} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ***** Join us as we launch a campaign designed to enhance our strong reputation and move it to the highest level possible. **__** Dear Tony, Your relationship with the Graziadio School did not stop the day you earned your degree. As a graduate, you and your classmates represent Pepperdine University to the world. <<<<< Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone International AP lvrj/wbti with Safesearch on. (0.49 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Welcome Dean Dr. Linda Livingstone of Pepperdine University's Graziadio ..... in WBTI's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ...... to increase Customs Border Patrol agents at McCarran International Airport. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 185k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... The president, along with Dean of the business school Dr. Linda Livingstone, hosted several special guests including David Mount, Mrs. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 191k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ >>>>> *1037 How can you become more involved in promoting our prestigious reputation? Refer a friend or colleague to the program. ?You can best identify prospective students who are aligned with our mission: to develop values-centered leaders and advance responsible business practice. Provide summer internships for our full-time students. ?Utilize the diverse experience available to you and your company. Hire our students and alumni. ?You know you can trust that a Graziadio graduate will be a high-quality , experienced employee. Please visit bschool.pepperdine.edu/reputation and join us as we launch a campaign that will enhance the reputation of your degree. Pepperdine University Graziadio School of Business and Management West Los Angeles Campus Howard Hughes Center | 6100 Center Drive | Los Angeles , CA 90045 bschool.pepperdine.edu | (310) 568-5500 --------------------------- | |
050809-1337 |
讲礮簈羘М粂┖狝簈癵磝羘羘ぃ荡φ 2009-05-08 い瓣厨 いァ This quick information has been posted through the courtesy of Chinatimes.com! 簈讲礮さ边瓣悔穦某いみ綣簈羘┖狝簈癵抄︸瞷初ρい獵洱珆矗玡筁ダ克竊胺酵ぃ耞籔簈癵が笆簍佰穦钩琌叉╭初磝羘羘ぃ荡φ 讲礮玡ぃ薄竒ㄥρ簈簍佰穦硈秨45初穝ぃ薄⌒篯Ρ20簍佰穦16初さダ克竊佰3初硂ㄇ瞏芠渤尺稲簍笷64初嘿硂Ω簍佰穦琌穝ぃ薄ダ克竊 硂初腹嘿眏簍佰穦讲礮Ρヘ逼禣荷みΤ30ㄓ临Τ堕チ簈舱Ρ孽ъ猟南盋缄打芖琵и冻讲礮沽刚城初笴栏初冠眎ノみ▆璚盿倒簈癵ぃ佰稰谋 讲礮さぱ临匡佰鼓羘弧Τ初翬栋刮赋ㄆ尝皇蔼绑ダ克ッ痷翴佰硂簈讽ゼ暗非称礚猭膍佰さぱ疭佰硂簈ッ痷璓穛快虫弧尝產禦硂Ω簍佰穦布ぃ絋ッ痷穦畊初 疭琌讲礮さぱ临淋叫郡產нいみ穝┍狝叭矪16狟ね籔放纳簍佰毛さ边ㄓ狈初Τカ皅纒賧ひ包產郭谨璣簈佰刮砰默ゴ厚单郭谨璣琌猳陈垫恶迭讲礮疭淋瞷初测钮佰的砛簈癵盿帝洱洱玡ㄓ猋洁讲礮洱洱琌讽礛禥猾 簍佰穦讲礮材眎盡胯い峨Ρ处秨辊璶簈癵ぃ璶踞み钮ぃ稱钮ρ簈﹚穦骸ì產弧佰ゎ讲礮临禗芠渤ぃ琌ρ鲸恨蛤帝竊ゴ╃ 讲礮さ边簍佰25簈胺酵临弧14琿杠㎝簈癵だㄉみ挂簍佰穦┗Θ叉╭簈癵ぃ耞砆М粂痌杠粂硆眔初磝羘羘ぃ荡φ980508 [In the afernoon at 1:37 p.m.(LV) Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. (by the Chinatimes.com on Internet)!] ------------------------ | |
On the top left: Mike's series FWDs on the Beauty of Nature!***** "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." ---Abraham Lincoln *5007 ***** "Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." ---Lin Yutang *101 --------------------------- | |
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050809-0537 |
瓣美崩ざ┰籖刮さ甃簍 2009-05-08 穝籇硉厨 いァThis information has been posted through the courtesy of Chinatimes.com in the afternoon on May 8, 2009! [[[ 瓣懂狤籖列美砃竊︽現羆菏ぺElla Baff籔嚎诧腐孽﹊籖刮美砃羆菏︺焊琭Janet Eilberさぱ崩ざㄓ芖┰籖刮 ]]] "緉竒蕾快ㄆ矪ゅていみさぱ羭︽癘穦弧┰籖刮さ甃ぱ莱淋の陈履窖峨簍籖列產砛﹜籔絪籖產ガ┰风喘 2007 芖承ミ┰籖刮さ莱淋瓣簍 纯竒踞ヴ嚎诧腐孽﹊籖刮畊籖砛﹜莱籖刮淋叫踞ヴ腐孽﹊竒ㄥ珇产㈱ê吹娥Clytemnestra穝膏睦簍畒畊┏癬镁懂ㄥ瓣地脖箉の猭瓣ぺ兢单簍約莉蝶籖刮5る12ら16ら盢崩硂羫籖粿," Chinatimes.com posted it early in the morning on May 7, 2009.*101 嚎诧腐孽﹊籖刮美砃羆菏︺焊琭癘穦疭ざ残籖刮ㄢㄓ淋叫瓣悔穝綰絪籖產承よ弧2007秨﹍籖刮約淋瞴穝綰絪籖產芠腐孽﹊侣祇稱肈–そ簍籔籖刮崩穝 2009籖刮そ簍疭淋叫┰籖刮美砃羆菏ガ┰风喘腐孽﹊侣磀篍Lamentation币祇承穝籖盢5る14らの16ら簍," ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *168 <<<<< The significance of all art is to have joy in giving joys! By Tiffany Chang ***** "It has bothered me all my life that I do not paint like everybody else." "It would be a mistake to ascribe this creative power to an inborn talent. In art, the genius creator is not just a gifted being, but a person who has succeeded in arranging for their appointed end, a complex of activities, of which the work is the outcome. The artist begins with a vision -- a creative operation requiring an effort. Creativity takes courage." ---Henri Matisse >>>>> *7168 "懂狤籖列美砃竊Jacob's Pillow DanceFestival琌瓣程ρ籖列美砃竊さ琌材77羭快6る20ら8る30ら戳ㄢる竊ヘ淋叫ㄓ猭瓣﹁痁吹蝴ェㄈ芖の瓣セ50籖刮簍 美砃竊︽現羆菏ぺボ纯竒砐拜芖癸芖籖刮籔粿初祇甶禜瞏ㄨ脖苂砛﹜籖美のガ┰风喘絪籖," the reporters of the website continued.*102 ┰籖刮琌さ懂狤籖列美砃竊翴肚竊ヘぇ盢7る1ら5ら腞吹そ里粿皘Doris Duke Theatre簍6初籖刮絪籖の籖穦秈︽初畍痁量畒のボ絛," Editors' notes ... ....... ............ -------------------------------- | |
050809-0401 |
Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll inspires! Persistence pays!!Insight for Today Friday, May 8, 2009 4:00 AM From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Insight for Living" {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com May 8, 2009 Persistence, Part Two by Charles R. Swindoll *1002 Luke 11:5-8 **--** ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ... ....... ............ ---??? *1001 Yesterday, we focused on Philippians 1:6, noting that God "who began a good work . . . will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." And, since we are to be "imitators of God" (Ephesians 5:1), it seems to me we oughta be about the business of persistence. It sure is easy to bail out theologically. You know, the age-old sovereignty cop-out. "If God wants such-and-such to happen, He's gonna have to do it all. I'm unable in myself." Now there may be a few occasions where that is an appropriate game plan; but by and large, His Spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak---dare I say lazy and indifferent? Unlike our Father, we tend to fade in the stretch. ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101 May I get painfully personal? A proper, nutritional diet and a realistic program of exercise. Most folks I know have lost hundreds of pounds in their lifetime, only to put 'em on again. They all started well . . . but just about the time persistence was paying off, they quit. Believe me, I understand. That was the story of my life for about twenty years. But one day---one eventful, life-changing day---I stopped all the excuses (glands, stress, travel, reward for hard work, expensive wardrobe, not as heavy as a rhino, my wife Cynthia's good cooking, etc.) and began a sensible process of taking off and keeping off fifty-five unwanted and unhealthy pounds of fat. People didn't help much. Can't remember the number of times they warned me about being too thin, that I shouldn't take such "risks." I was "looking ill." A rumor spread that I had cancer. Some thought I'd died. Would you believe that my wife got several sympathy cards expressing sorrow over my death? But I stayed at it. By the grace and power of Almighty God, I persisted. All because of a simple, personal decision. Simple, yes . . . but easy? You gotta be kidding. Perhaps the single toughest decision of my adult life. Personal, yes . . . but automatic? It's still an everyday battle---no, three-times-a-day battle. And my relentless commitment to conditioning gets tougher every month, I openly confess. But with every mile I pound out in my sneakers, I cast another vote for persistence. Enough about me---you've got the next season stretching out in front of you. Think of these weeks as a time framework for your own investment. Choose an objective carefully, state it clearly in writing, then, with the persistence of an athlete training for the next Olympiad, go for the goal! Trust me; when this season gives way to the next, you'll be so glad you did. And by then, you'll have a new two-word motto: Persistence pays. Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ------------------------------- | |
050709-1858 |
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On the top left: ***** Mothers in all colors! --- Mrs. Lillian Tsai (筽篲ネ Y. S. Lei) FWDs ---------------------------- <<<<< ***** Is there a heart that music cannot melt? Alas! how is that rugged heart forlorn! ---James Beattie ***** Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune. ---Thomas Fuller ***** Music is one of the fairest and most glorious gifts of God. ---Martin Luther >>>>> *168 ---------------------------- | |
050709-1657 |
Berkley for Congress Spring Newsletter! Shelley Delivers Critical Resources to Nevada!!Thursday, May 7, 2009 4:40 PM From: "Shelley Berkley for Congress" {newsletter@sberkley.com} | |
On the top left: ***** U.S. Congresswoman Honorable Shelley BerkleyWeb Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Leadership International Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti USA" with Safesearch on. (0.67 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... 'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A search of ..... Her successful leadership both good in work performance and human ... "A mail from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," .... (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 97k - Cached - Similar pages ----------------------- Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Leadership International lvrj/wbti" with Safesearch on. (0.29 seconds) Tip: Save time by hitting the return key instead of clicking on "search" Search Results [by the world's leading search engines on Internet at 6:21 p.m. (LV) in the evening on May 7, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2001 #2 The international Event and cultural Concert will be presented by State of ... Ensign and U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley are Chairpersons of the Event. .... of China would be most appropriated under the leadership of Dr. Lei. ... and Technology Institute at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01250001... - 49k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... 'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A search of ..... By Ofiice of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and PAI of WBTI ... Her successful leadership both good in work performance and human relations .... Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 97k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ On Page 1 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Graziadio School wbti: GSBM of Pepperdine University's international visibility ...... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 53k - 畐郎 - 摸呼 ... US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley has put her ground of leadership on the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01316001... - 153k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ... "This is an international spiritual family, since we believe that the river of ... Under his holy leadership, ROLCC is the largest Chinese Christian Church in ..... This and related Websites ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ...... U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley introduced Senator Harry Reid to the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 193k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... The 2005/2006 Dean's Executive Leadership Series is proud to welcome founder and ..... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti. Sincerely, .... As a new talent war looms over rapidly growing international competition, ..... shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley ; jim gibbons wbti, congressman jim gibbons, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... 040307-3537 "Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman" of WBTI . ..... Dean's Executive Leadership Series featuring William George ..... Embassy Suites Hotel Los Angeles, International Airport South ...... on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 248k - Cached - Similar pages ------------------------------- | |
050709-1657 |
Add sender to Contacts To: "judy lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com}[[[ Shelley Delivers Critical Resources to Nevada ]]] **__** ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ... ....... ............ ---??? *1047 {Berkley for Congress 1210 S Valley View Rd Suite 114 Las Vegas, NV 89102 ph: 702 212 3350 Paid for by Berkley for Congress.} ***** Southern Nevada will benefit from tens of millions of dollars in federal funding included by Congresswoman Berkley in legislation recently passed by the House of Representatives. ¨This bill will provide funding for work on the Las Vegas Beltway and I-15, for safety equipment and air traffic control needs at McCarran Airport and to build a modern transportation center in downtown Las Vegas and thatˇs just for starters,〃 said Berkley. ¨Clark County schools will see additional funding to help with dropout prevention efforts and to increase energy efficiency and Metro will get funding for the removal of hazardous material from meth labs,〃 added Berkley. ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *7168 ¨...North Las Vegas will see more than $2 million for a water re-use facility. All of these are worthwhile investments that are crucial to public safety, education, and health of our families and other issues that impact the Valleyˇs quality of life,〃 commented Berkley. The House of Representatives has approved a provision by Congresswoman Berkley that provides land for a new campus of the Nevada Cancer Institute. ------------- Shelley has cosponsored legislation that will help ensure breast cancer patients have access to appropriate care. ---------------- Shelleyˇs thrilled that the Administration will continue covering the cost of care for veterans who are disabled or injured. Trivia Questions: How many members did the House of Representatives originally have? A) 435 B) 176 C) 59 What is Shelleyˇs favorite sweetener? A) Equal B) Sweet-n-Low C) Splenda Stay tuned to the next edition for the answers! Shelley Stands Up for Las Vegas! Congresswoman Berkley applauded comments by the White House expressing support by the Obama Administration for travel to Las Vegas by families and businesses. 〃When the White House says to American families and businesses that they should travel to Las Vegas and other destinations for work or a vacation, itˇs a boost to our tourism and convention industry,〃 said Berkley. ¨I am very pleased that when given the opportunity, the Presidentˇs spokesman made it clear that tourism is a vital part of our nationˇs economy and that the industry has the support of this White House...And we will do our part to remind the world that Las Vegas is a destination that offers great value, unsurpassed service and world-class convention, business, and hotel facilities along with a little bit of entertainment!〃 Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ----------------------------- | |
050709-1737 |
笴戒 ︽ ㄉ禣甌贾 癘毒伙┰吹蝴吹厨旧May 07, 2009 12:00 AM This has been posted through the courtesy of Worldjournal.com. [[[ 瓜 1 / 3–る材琍戳き戒美砃笆竊狟ね畊礶礶 癘毒伙尼紇 ]]] "礚阶琌把芠礶碮硙戒笵刁春い簍┪今獵┰吹蝴吹硂笴贾初Τ砛砛ぃ窥笴凝春翴戒初安いみ癸莱竒蕾癐癶崩κ贺窥甌贾肚 戒笵產花地戒初安いみ碞Τぇ矪笵ㄓ┕奸娩ǐ猋洁刁春眖甁の娥秈いㄈ锋糃瓣パ锣┕ぺ兢臟娥惩臂秈惩蓟甤返笴ェ吹秏ぱぇず单ǐ筂ぱ睵à眖筁菌ǐ綝瞷," ... WJ(Worldjournal.com) ... Reporter 癘毒伙 ....... *101 "戒初栋い跋い跋瞒戒笵娩琌戒祇格よエほ眒ぱ辊泞竛┏產玡碞Τ戒初縱ぱ辊–簍紇╭刁繷美禣簍籖贾刮瞷初簍佰笴砍癬籖 材Ω笴戒┤癵ア繭璱縊τぃ幢瞒秨盝戒初繻ㄤ龟┰吹蝴吹続笴繻耫眎戒刁笵瓜胔帝玙繧み薄み穦ΤΜ矛." Reporter 癘毒伙 continues vividly.*102 "ぃ恨ê產戒初皊┍常Τよ獽璸祘ó24单钡癳ヘ戒笵临Τ24秨蛮糷ぺ戒初よ虫瓂筿ó秨2ぃ稵ぃ繻 ゼΘㄠ担笴贾初┮砏家常皑栏刮戒初糃戒初の戒初ずАΤㄠ担笴贾いみ⊿Τ笴贾いみ戒初常砞Τ筿笆ㄣ牡矫腊Γ蠢產痙種ň称戒初胊產戒初盿酚臮ギㄠ狝叭." Reporter 癘毒伙 continues vividly.*102 "戒╭璶禦布琌Τぃゲ窥╭硂ㄇ⊿Τ畒簍笴帝猋洁拇腞打Bellagio籖贾穦返 (Mirage糛聄ガッWynn冠ほぇェ吹Venetian竧皑約初簈粿簍の秏胷ひ佰薄簈临Τ蝗畄TI籔祍╭芠洁 い跋砏礶美砃跋–る材琍戳き边骸钢薄礶種硂㏕﹚美砃產紋穦ら––栋窾緇稲美砃玡┕㎝摸美砃產ユ瑈猋洁承秨币美砃泊㎝瞏." Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ---------------------------------- | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87] 88 [89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |