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<<< To be continued ...
....... >>>
Insight for Today!! ---Charles R. Swindoll *447777

Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:00 AM
From: This sender is Domain Keys verified "Insight for Living" {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com

April 18, 2009

Getting Involved, Part One
by Charles R. Swindoll *1002

^^^ Luke 10:30-37

Kitty Genovese was brutally attacked as she returned to her apartment late one night. She screamed and shrieked as she fought for her life . . . yelling until she was hoarse . . . for thirty minutes . . . as she was beaten and abused. Thirty-eight people watched the half-hour episode from their windows with rapt fascination. Not one so much as walked over to the telephone and called the police. Kitty died that night as thirty-eight witnesses stared in silence.

Andrew Mormille's experience was similar. Riding on a subway, the seventeen-year-old youth was quietly minding his own business when he was stabbed repeatedly in the stomach by attackers. Eleven riders watched the stabbing, but none came to assist the young man. Even after the thugs had fled and the train had pulled out of the station, as he lay in a pool of his own blood, not one of the eleven came to his side.

Less dramatic but equally shocking was the ordeal of Eleanor Bradley. While shopping on Fifth Avenue in busy Manhattan, this lady tripped and broke her leg. Dazed, anguished, and in shock, she called out for help. Not for two minutes. Not for twenty minutes. But forty minutes, as shoppers and business executives, students and merchants walked around her and stepped over her, completely ignoring her cries. After literally hundreds had passed by, a cab driver finally pulled over, hauled her into his taxi, and took her to a local hospital.

I heard of an experiment a small band of seminary students carried out on fellow members of their class some time ago. I know it is true because I later spoke with one of the men involved. The class was given an assignment on Luke 10:30-37, the familiar account of the Good Samaritan. The assignment was due the next day. Most of the men in that class traveled along the same pathway leading to the classroom the next morning. One of the seminarians in the experiment wore old, torn clothing, disguised himself as though he had been beaten and bruised, and placed himself along the path, clearly in view of all the young students making their way back to class. With their assignments neatly written, carefully documented, and tucked under their arms, not one seminarian so much as paused to come to his assistance or wipe the catsup off his neck and chest.

Intellectually, the assignment on love and caring was completed. But personally? Well, you decide.

What's happening? Why the passivity? How can we explain the gross lack of involvement in our world today and especially among Christians? We'll talk about that tomorrow. For now, go out on a limb: ask God to let you help someone in urgent distress in the immediate future. Be sensitive . . . He's going to answer your request! And take extra time today to thank God for the constant protection you enjoy from Him, allowing you to reach out confidently to others (read Psalm 121:7-8). Be ready!

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright ?1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. ^^^^^All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

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*1002. ... '***** Spiritual International lvrj/wbti U.S.A.,' " Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll ... .......


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Democratic Dispatch - April 17, 2009

^^^On Friday, April 17, 2009 at 11:18 AM
From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Judy & Tony" {tojulei@yahoo.com}

April 17, 2009

Reid meets with grassroots volunteers, calls them foundation of party
Sen. Harry Reid spoke to volunteers and supporters at the first Democratic Organizing Convention in Clark County on Tuesday, emphasizing the importance of grassroots organizing. Reid told the more than 350 Democrats who attended the event in Las Vegas that the same strong, grassroots networks that turned Nevada blue in 2008 and helped elect Pres. Barack Obama would be the key to successes up and down the ballot in 2010.

Reid called grassroots activists the foundation of the party and thanked them for the opportunity to serve. He talked about the critical need to organize early to build on the momentum of 2008 for Democratic victories in 2010.

We must reelect Sen. Reid so he can continue to be a tireless advocate for you in Washington, so he can continue to ensure legislation is passed that cleans up the fiscal mess left behind by eight years of failed leadership by George W. Bush and the Republican Party.

***** State Sen. Steven Horsford, Senate Dems pass green jobs initiative
Last week the Nevada Senate unanimously approved Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford~{!/~}s Green Jobs Initiative, which will create job-training collaborations throughout Nevada to train workers and put them to work using federal stimulus money.

The program will train at least 3,200 unemployed or underemployed workers to weatherize and retrofit the homes of how incomes families as well as schools and public buildings. These programs could create thousands of new jobs in the private sector.

State Senators Steven Horsford and Maggie Carlton will also host a Nevada Speaks Community Conversation forum on Saturday at the Dr. William U. Pearson Community Center at 1625 West Carey Ave. in North Las Vegas to discuss education and the economy with their constituents. For more information on this Nevada Speaks event, click here.

In The News
In his latest Las Vegas Sun column, Jon Ralston said it takes ~{!0~}a brave governor to so brazenly spite the people of his state.~{!1~}

***** Review Journal political reporter Molly Ball covered the Nevada State Democratic Party~{!/~}s Organizing Convention in Clark County, where Sen. Reid talked about the important role of grassroots organizing in the 2010 campaign.

The Nevada Appeal~{!/~}s Geoff Dornan wrote about Sen. Reid~{!/~}s tour of green projects in Northern Nevada that are helping make our state energy independent.

The Virginia Informer sat down with Congresswoman Dina Titus for a Q&A on her biography and legislative priorities.
Coming Events
Lyon County Democrats Meeting
April 18, 2009 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

***** Nevada Speaks-Community Conversation, Senators Horsford & Carlton

April 18, 2009 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Red Rock Demo Club meets
April 22, 2009 8:00 pm

View Full Calendar ...

New Resources
Check out the Nevada State Democratic Party's website with important information about Republican Governor Jim Gibbons

America's Worst Governor

Leadership Links
Give 'em Hell Harry

US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

US Congresswoman Dina Titus

Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley

Nevada Senate Democratic Leader Steven Horsford

Clark County Commission Chair Rory Reid

Paid for by the Nevada State Democratic Party
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com

Editors' notes


***** Psalm 17 1:15

***** Proverbs 17 1:28


<<< Important Respondences by Random Sample! [To be continued ...] >>>

Insight for Today

Friday, April 17, 2009 4:00 AM
From: This sender is Domain Keys verified "Insight for Living" {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com

April 17, 2009

Encounter on the Damascus Highway, Part Two
by Charles R. Swindoll *1002

Acts 8:26-40

Yesterday, I told you about several methods of evangelism that are ineffective, or at least are not the full picture of how God desires His children to share the good news with others. Today, I want to tell you about an alternative. A method that works . . . and also glorifies the One it should glorify: the Savior.

I submit to you the Philip Approach. This Christ-centered method is set forth in a series of seven principles drawn from Acts 8:26-40. That grand and gifted gentleman was engaged in a citywide crusade at Samaria. God was using him mightily (8:5-8). Suddenly, the Lord spoke to Philip and instructed him to leave the city and spend some time in Gaza, a desert area (8:26). Faithful Philip "got up and went" (8:27). He was available (Principle 1).

He then encountered a distinguished statesman from Ethiopia riding in a chariot en route back home (8:28). Of all things, he was reading Isaiah! The next verse tells us that the Spirit of God prompted Philip to go and get acquainted with the traveler. Philip was led by the Spirit (Principle 2). In today's terminology, he felt a keen and definite assurance that God would have him strike up a conversation and later, quite probably, share with that person the magnetic claims of Christ. In other words, he sensed that God was clearly opening the door.

As you'd expect, Philip cooperated. Obedience (Principle 3) is essential.

He then heard the man reading aloud (8:30) and calmly asked, "Do you understand what you are reading?" What an excellent start! A proper opening (Principle 4) is essential. Philip didn't barge in and start preaching, nor did he crank out a canned, broken-record series of statements. He simply asked a logical yet leading question. The statesman instantly invited the stranger to come and sit by him and assist him in his quest for understanding (8:31-34).

This remarkable response was met with great tact (Principle 5) on Philip's part. Even though he had his foot in the door, he remained gracious, courteous, a good listener, and yet sensitive to the time he might speak of salvation.

When that moment came, he "opened his mouth" (8:35) and became specific (Principle 6) concerning faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. No reluctance. No vague dialogue about religion . . . he spoke only of the Savior, the main issue.

The last few verses (8:36-38) describe the brief but memorable follow-up (Principle 7) Philip employed in this case.

As you rub shoulders with hungry, thirsty humanity and sense their inner ache for help and hope, keep these principles in mind. Let's become more alert to those empty chariot sidecars God wants us to occupy. You may even begin to feel comfortable in them before long. You know what? There isn't any place I'd rather be when Christ returns than riding shotgun in a twenty-first-century chariot.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright ?1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Editors' notes


About the Author


*1002. ... '***** Spiritual International lvrj/wbti U.S.A.,' " Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll ... .......


<<< To be completed ...!! >>>

[KCBi-mail] Verse of the Day for Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:00 PM
From: "KCBI 90.9 Verse of the Day" {kcbi_votd@mailman.isphereagency.com} Add sender to Contacts To: KCBI_VOTD@mailman.isphereagency.com

Friday, April 17, 2009

Today's Readings : Acts 6; Deutoronomy 28; Job 17

Today's verse: Acts 6:2

So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said,
"It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the
word of God in order to wait on tables.

New International Version

Click here for daily Bible reading schedule


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Democratic Elected Offficals to Meet With Constituents This Weekend!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:56 PM
From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Judy & Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Nevada Speaks in North Las Vegas!!

Join Senator Steven Horsford and Senator Maggie Carlton for a Nevada Speaks Community Conversation about the future of Nevada. In these tough economic times, Nevadans must come together as a community to identify the priorities we feel should be protected by the limited budget. Senator Horsford and Senator Carlton want to hear what YOU think.

Don~{!/~}t miss out on this opportunity to get your voice heard!

DATE: Saturday, April 18, 2009

TIME: 2:00pm-3:00pm

LOCATION: Dr. William U. Pearson Community Center
1625 West Carey Avenue
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
For more information, or to RSVP, please visit www.nvsenatedems.com
or call (702) 307-9008

Congresswoman Titus to Host Housing Workshop on Foreclosure Prevention

Congresswoman Dina Titus will host a housing workshop on Saturday, April 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Desert Breeze Recreation and Community Center. The purpose of the workshop is to provide people in the community with help and information on foreclosure prevention, loan modification, and refinancing options.

WHAT: Housing Workshop on Foreclosure Prevention

WHEN: Saturday, April 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

WHERE: Desert Breeze Recreation and Community Center
8275 Spring Mountain Road
Las Vegas, NV 89117

Meet Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto in Reno

Please join the Washoe County Democratic Party for a meet-and-greet with Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto. The great state of Nevada is facing many challenges and the Attorney General wants to hear what Nevadans have to say! Don~{!/~}t miss this opportunity!

DATE: Saturday, April 18th, 2009

TIME: 11:00 a.m.

LOCATION: Washoe County Democratic Party Headquarters
1465 Terminal Way, Suite 1
Reno, NV 89502

For additional information, or to RSVP, please email sgray@nvdems.com

This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com

Editors' notes



....................... ---??? *9007


"Dear Dr. Lei, ... Now we hope you will join us as we launch a campaign ... .Our best students are often those referred to us by gratuates of our programs because you know what we are looking for in a Graziadio candidate. We are asking you to refere a friend or colleague into a MBA, masters, or bachelors program," Ms. Nicole Hall wrote WBTI on March 9, 2009. "Pepperdine will give a $2,500 scholarship in your name to each enrolled student that your refer. Your name will be added to the leadership honor roll on our 'Enhancing Your Reputation' website."

[*12347. Nicole R. Hall, 'Nicole Hall, MBA '05; Executive Director, Alumni and Career Services,' "A U.S. mail from ... GSBM of Pepperdine University .......


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Flag this message to the WBTI Journal! Insight for Today!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009 4:00 AM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Insight for Living" {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com

April 16, 2009

Encounter on the Damascus Highway, Part One
by Charles R. Swindoll *1002

Romans 10:17

Various methods are employed to communicate the good news of Christ to the lost. Some of the approaches appear to be successful and effective on the surface, but underneath they leave much to be desired.

Take the Redskin Approach, for example. The philosophy behind this method is: The more scalps, the better. The major emphasis is numerical---telling the absolute maximum number of people every day about salvation, regardless. This approach is decision centered, and little (if any) effort is directed toward follow-up or discipleship. Redskins aren't difficult to identify. They can usually be overheard counting (out loud) the scalps in their belts or seen shooting their flaming arrows into every wagon train they spot during the day or night.

The Harvard Approach is quite different. The thinking behind this method is: Let's all discuss the world's religions. Because it's reason centered, it attracts both genuine and pseudo intellectuals. The modus operandi is invariably a vague discussion that shifts from Bahai to Buddhism . . . from the pros and cons of no prayer in public schools to the rapid growth of the Rajneeshies in the 80s. This approach is educational and occasionally quite stimulating, but it suffers from one mild drawback---no one ever gets saved! Specifics regarding salvation by grace through faith are frowned upon. The direct discussion of forgiveness of sins through Christ's blood at the cross and His miraculous resurrection is about as welcome in a sophisticated rap session on religion as a life-sized bust of Martin Luther would be in the Vatican. ...

Perhaps the most popular is the Mute Approach, which promotes: I'm a silent witness for God. The best you can say about this method is that no one ever gets offended. That's for sure! The saint who settles for this self-centered approach could be tagged a Clairol Christian. No one knows for sure but God. Somewhere down the line this person has begun to swallow one of Satan's tastiest tidbits: "All God expects of you is a good, silent life. Others will ask you about Christ if they are interested in hearing." You know, I can count on one hand (and have fingers left over) the number of people in my entire life who have suddenly come up and asked me about Jesus Christ. While no one can discount the value of a godly life, that alone never brought anyone into the family of God. "Faith," please remember, "comes from hearing" (Romans 10:17).

Okay, so I've given you some methods that don't work. I'd like to tell you about one that does. I submit to you the Philip Approach. This Christ-centered method is set forth in a series of seven principles drawn from Acts 8:26-40. This approach is radically different and phenomenally successful. We'll take a look at it tomorrow.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright © 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.


(In the early morning at 6:01 a.m.) >>>
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow -- in April

"Some sledders took advantage of the unusually frigid weather Wednesday on Mount Charleston, which received 5 inches of snow Tuesday night. Thanks to a cold front, the Las Vegas Valley experienced strong winds, a little rain and much cooler temperatures. The National Weather Service said Wednesday's high was 59 degrees, short of the record low high of 56 degrees set in 1998. Flurries were spotted in parts of Summerlin and Henderson, while in other parts of Las Vegas, high winds took shingles off homes," reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal on April 16, 2009.*0757

*0757. By the Local News lvrj/wbti ... on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com .......


04/15/2009 Prayer Journal -Mike
á¢?¶?? ?l?? 15, 2009 ?R ccc75007
Dear Heavenly Father,

Tommorrow I will return back to Dallas. Thank You for these 2 months I can come visit my parents. I hope we will be together more in the future. Thank You today my old boss called about giving me a 6 months contract towards end of May to work in Sunnyvale, CA. May You continue to guide me in my job search. I thank You for the 5 months of break. My life has adjusted a lot through this. This is trully a precious and valuable time that will help me the rest of my life. I also found out today that I can continue to take classes at DTS at Alumni rate, which is a big discount, after I graduate with MABS this May. Praise the Lord! I hope I can eventually get the Dmin. if itfs Your will. Please help me get back to help out at church when Ifm back and make the most of my time to serve while I can. In Jesusf precious name I pray. Amen.

<<< To be continued ....... >>>

Insight for Today!! On Wednesday, April 15, 2009 4:00 AM ^^^From: This sender is Domain Keys verified "Insight for Living" {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com [To be completed ... ]

April 15, 2009

Ultimate Rejection
by Charles R. Swindoll *1002

Psalm 147:2-3

A number of years ago, on Valentine's Day, a couple was enjoying a romantic drive along a wooded section near Belle Chasse, Louisiana. Something white, shimmering in the trees, caught their eyes. Their investigation led them to a dead teenager hanging from a limb, a white bedsheet knotted tightly around his neck. A farewell note, laced with despair, was near the trunk of the tree. It was addressed simply to "Mom and Dad."

I never did develop into a real person and I cannot tolerate the false and empty existence I have created. . . . What frustrated me most in the last year was that I had built no ties to family or friends. There was nothing of lasting worth and value. I led a detached existence. . . . I am a bomb of frustration and should never marry or have children. It is safest to defuse the bomb harmlessly now . . . simply cremate me as John Doe.

Authorities circulated the youth's description and fingerprints to police across the country. He was later buried---unidentified and unclaimed.

Grim and gripping though they are, such scenes and words are not that unusual. Our nervous age seems on trial for its life, and the fuse on the powder keg is becoming shorter by the day! Contrary to popular opinion, people who threaten suicide often mean it. The old myth "those who talk don't jump" is dangerously false. Threats should be taken seriously.

Suicide, the ultimate rejection of one's self, plays no favorites and knows no limit. In my files and memory are unforgettable cases that span the extremes: a successful banker, a disillusioned divorcée, a runaway, the son of a missionary, a mother of three, a wealthy cartoonist, a professional musician, several collegians, a Marine, a retired grandfather, a medical doctor, a middle-aged playboy, a brilliant accountant, a growing number of teens who were in junior and senior high schools. These individuals struggled with feelings of loneliness, worthlessness, insecurity, a lack of hope, intense perfectionism, alienation from meaningful relationships, and a tragic sense of feeling unloved and unlovely.

In all of this darkness, there is one beacon of light. People considering suicide usually want to be rescued. They leave clues that read, "Help me!" They drop hints, consciously or unconsciously, that announce their intentions.

Sensitive, concerned observers ought to be alert to the signals. Here are a few: (1) talk about suicide; (2) a sudden change in personality; (3) deep depression; (4) physical symptoms---sleeplessness, loss of appetite, decreased sexual drive, drastic weight loss, repeated exhaustion; (5) actual attempts; and (6) crisis situations---death of a loved one, failure at school, loss of a job, marital or home problems, and a lengthy or terminal illness.

These, of course, are not "sure signs," but anyone that seems unusually suspicious warrants your time and offer of help. Occasionally, all that is needed is someone to step in and be a friend . . . a listening ear . . . a support to lean on . . . a shelter in the time of storm. That's genuine Body life! That's Romans 15:1 in action:

We who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength.
Certainly you should contact your physician or ask advice from your local suicide prevention hotline if you become reasonably concerned. A close friend, a professional counselor, a church officer, or a pastor might also be of valuable assistance. Don't hesitate to seek advice.

The need is urgent . . . and always great. During the time it took you to read this, numbers of people in America attempted to end their lives.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright © 1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Editors' notes




---??? *1004

***** "....... ...," ??? *6789

About the Author



Event starts Reid's pursuit
They turned out in droves for Barack Obama in 2008.

"Now Harry Reid hopes those Democratic voters will turn out for him in 2010," reports Las Vegas Review-Journal early in the morning through the Reviewjournal.com. *3747 "Reid is running for re-election, and Tuesday night marked the kickoff of his organizing effort: About 300 supporters attended a rally and barbecue put on by the state Democratic Party to hear him speak, ask him questions and eat free hamburgers in a downtown office building."

*3747. John Hunt, Sam Lieberman, and Harry Reid. '....... ...,' "Speeches on the Event in the evening on April 14, 2009 at Las Vegas for U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the Senate in Washington D.C. Honorable Harry Reid ...," (Las Vegas, Nevada: National and Local lvrj/wbti U.S.A. on 041509), 1.


[[[ To be completed ... ]]]

Pictures from the Event for Harry {Mike's forwards (7 x 8) } ... .......

<<< Continued essay from Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll >>>



........................ ---??? *1003

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Insight for Today! <<< To be continued ... >>>

Monday, April 13, 2009 4:00 AM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified "Insight for Living" {c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net}Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com

April 13, 2009

Envy, Part One
by Charles R. Swindoll *1002

Galatians 5:25-26

What exactly is envy? How does it differ from its twin, jealousy? Envy (the more sophisticated of the two) is a painful and resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another . . . accompanied by a strong desire to possess the same advantage. Envy wants to have what someone else possesses. Jealousy wants to possess what it already has. Jealousy is coarse and cruel. Envy is sneaky and subtle. Jealousy clutches and smothers. Envy is forever reaching, longing, squinting, thinking (and saying) sinister insinuations.

***** "....... ...," ??? *8607

When you stop and think about it, envy is the worse of the two. God declared several times in His Word that He is a "jealous God" . . . but not once did He say He had envy.

Envy finds acceptable ways of expressing its resentment. One favorite method is the "but" approach. When I talk of someone I envy, I may say, "He is an excellent salesman, but he really isn't very sincere." Or "Yeah, she has a brilliant mind, but what a dull teacher!" Or "The man is an outstanding surgeon, but he doesn't mind charging an arm and a leg."

Another favorite avenue of expression envy enjoys to travel is the "reversal" approach. Someone does a good job, and I cast a shadow over it by questioning the motive. An individual gives a truly generous gift, and we mutter, "He's obviously trying to make an impression." A Christian couple buys a new car and a few pieces of nice furniture. Watch out! There will be somebody who will squeeze out an envious comment like, "Well, they probably don't tithe. We'd have a lot more money to spend if we didn't tithe."

One wag wrote this doggerel:

I hate the guys
Who minimize and criticize
The other guys
Whose enterprise
Has made them rise
Above the guys who criticize.?
The "unfavorable comparison" approach is equally cynical. The baritone does a commendable job on Sunday as an envious pew-sitter thinks, "Compared with so-and-so, he's a dud." Or "If you think my neighbor has a nice lawn, you ought to take a drive out to Palos Verdes. Those places will make the Franklins' grass look like it has the mange!"

It's a curious fact that envy is a tension often found among professionals, the gifted, and the highly competent. You know, doctors, singers, artists, lawyers, business men and women, authors, entertainers, preachers, educators, athletes, politicians, and all public figures. Strange, isn't it, that such capable folks find it nearly impossible to applaud others in their own field who excel a shade or two more than they? Envy's fangs may be hidden, but take care when the creature coils . . . no matter how cultured and dignified it may appear.

God's Word strongly admonishes us against envy; fortunately, it also tells us how to tame the monster within. We'll talk about that tomorrow.

1. Roy B. Zuck, The Speaker’s Quote Book: Over 4,500 Illustrations and Quotations for All Occasions (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1997), 93.

Excerpted from Come Before Winter and Share My Hope, Copyright ?1985, 1994 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

Editors' notes



---??? * 1007


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<<< To be continued ... >>> Flag this message Happy Easter! On Sunday, April 12, 2009 at 7:45 AM (LV) ^^^From: This sender is Domain Keys verified "Mike Lei" {leimih@yahoo.com} View contact details To: tojulei@yahoo.com ***Message contains attachmentseasterclouds.jpg (55KB)

Dear Dad, Happy Easter! Jesus is risen! Here is a great e-card from crosswalk.com. Please note it on your website. Thanks.


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