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Governor Kenny Guinn announces rebate PLAN with Bank of america
By Office of the Governor

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 25, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent

CARSON CITY – Gov. Kenny Guinn announced today the State of Nevada will go forward with a plan for Bank of America to issue 1.9 million checks in order to rebate $300 million in surplus general fund revenue to the citizens of Nevada.

The State of Nevada Board of Examiners will take up the matter of amending its existing contract with Bank of America in its next meeting on Thursday, July 28 at 11 a.m., in the old Supreme Court Chambers, located in the capitol building.

“I’m extremely pleased that we are going forward with the contract so that we can issue checks to Nevada taxpayers by October,” Gov. Guinn said. “The people of Nevada have been patiently waiting for their checks. They deserve to share in the state surplus of gaming and sales taxes, which have been the result of a robust economy.”

The rebate plan calls for Bank of America to sub-contract with Moore Wallace to issue the checks. Moore Wallace, the largest mailing company in the world, has successfully conducted similar programs in the states of Washington and Minnesota.

The rebate is being done through the Department of Motor Vehicles database. The amount those Nevadans paid the DMV in 2004 in Highway Fund registration fees and Governmental Services Tax is the amount that will be rebated from the General Fund, with a minimum of $75 and a maximum of $275. Those who were at least 65 years of age on or before Jan. 1, 2005 and hold a valid identification card issued by the DMV on or before that date will also receive a rebate of $75.

In order to ensure receiving a rebate check, make sure the DMV has an individual’s address and that any bad debt is settled immediately. More information is available at dmvnv.com.

Office of the Governor
101 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Fax: 775-684-7198

Grant Sawyer State Office Building
555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101
Fax: 702-486-2505


The positive thinking is an effective way to prevent the destructive behavior to the harmony of our community
By PAI of WBTI*1

"Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
Woe to the wicked ! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done."
Isaiah 3:10-11 of the Bible

Libeling through the e-mail and slandering to the public are forms of defamation. This tort (evil) will bring its consequence.*2

The positive thinking is an effective way to prevent the destructive behvior to the harmony of our community. The following are some of the golden words which may inspire us with positive thinking:

"A word aptly spoken is like apple of gold in settings of silver." --- Proverbs 25 : 11
"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12 : 10
"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend spring from his earnest counsel." --- Proverbs 27 : 9
"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."
--- Proverbs 15 : 22
"The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining." --- John F. Kennedy
"Seven days without laughter makes one weak." --- Joel Goodman
"Today, more than ever before, every person is a potential user of computers." --- Marilyn Bohl, in her Preface of "Information Processing," 3rd Ed., 1980.
"To be a college or graduate student at this new era, especially in the field of business, she or he should owns four kinds of ability in computing: (1) Word processing, (2) Electronic spreadsheets, (3) Data base management, and (4) Statistical analysis and Charts. As a modern manager and any professionl in business, she or he is more productive in work performance with her or his good talent in computers. --- Tony Tung-tien Lei, M. B. A. (In his Preface of a text book "Mangement Information," 1st Ed., December 1987.)
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
--- Proverbs 16 : 3
"He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend." --- Proverbs 22 : 11
"All hard work brings a profit." --- Proverbs 14 : 23
"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." --- Proverbs 21 : 5
"The reward for work done is the opportunity to do more." --- Jonas Salk, MD
"I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it." --- Frank A. Clark
"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul." --- Moshe Dayan
"With sincere love, it's like living in Heaven. On the other hand, with cruel hate, it's like living in Hell. Fighting and malice for selfish gain belong to Hell. Cooperation and encouragement to promote quality of life are attitudes of Heaven." --- Tony T. Lei, Ed. D.
"Do to others as you would have them do to you." --- Luke 6 : 31
"A man finds joy in giving an apt reply --- and how good is a timely word!" --- Proverbs 15 : 23
"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty." --- Proverbs 11 : 24
"The great Winston Churchill said, 'We all make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.' Tony, I know that you like to exemplify this inspiration same as it's my driving force by which I start out each day." --- Natalie L. Tyrrell
"Freedom, Democracy, and Entrepreneurship are the best three treasures of the United States of America." --- Dr. Tony T. Lei
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?" --- Vincent Van Gogh
"Nothing great was ever done without much enduring." --- St. Catherine of Siena
"Anthing you're good at contributes to happiness." --- Bertrand Russell
"To a friend's house the road is never long." --- Anonymous
"The secrete of joy in work is contained in one word --- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck
"The paralleled practice of both the positive thinking and love in action through the skills with good personal traits such as enthusiam, belief, intellegence, creativity, judgement, liveliness, vision, courage, desire to excel, and persistence, will help people pursue a rich , happier , and successful life." --- Tony T. Lei, Ed.D.*3


*1. PAI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).
*2. Reviewjournal.com. 'Libeling through the e-mail and slandering to the public are forms of defamation.' "A search of 'WBTI - business' on the Google.com," (July 24, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com.
*3. Ibid.


072405-1187 *****Second printing of the Second Edition at July 2, 2004.
By Mike Lei

Where did we come from? Did we evolve from apes? Scientists hope fossils would provide the answers to how modern humans came into being. A recent USA Today (online) article on July 11th reported the discovery of the fossil of another human ancestor that is the oldest so far at 6 million to 7 million years. According to Paleontologist Bernard Wood, who viewed the new skull, know as Toumai, this skull is the oldest ever found, but it has features of a modern face not seen again on fossils until about 1.5 million years ago. The article states that ¡§Over the past few decades, the evolutionary family tree have morphed from an oak with a nice straight trunk and neat branches into something more like an unmanicured hedge.¡¨ In other words, over the years, newer fossil findings have changed the way evolutionary models are drawn. The article explained that in the past, humans were thought to have evolved from Neanderthals, but today the evidence shows Neanderthals are from a different lineage. We used to see in textbooks the drawing with an ape at one end and the human at the other. It would show Neantherhals came before humans. But now, the USA Today article states that, ¡§A more accurate representation should have Neanderthal, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens walking side by side."*1

Ian Tattersal, curator of anthropology at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, concludes from looking at hominid fossil throughout the world that many of these fossils are not directed related to each other, but are from different groups. ¡¥¡§And there is a lot more species out there than we have had the courage to recognize,¡¨¡¦ Tattersal says.¡¨

An interesting comment came at the end of the article. ¡§Wood says one important conclusion that may arise from the new discovery is that human evolution is no different from that observed in other animals, such as birds and cats: Nature allows many different designs of the same basic model to develop.¡¨

In my profession as an electrical engineer, we have different kinds of jobs. There are design engineering jobs and non-design engineering jobs. The design engineer is the one who implements an idea to make a circuit perform a certain function. The other engineers support the design by testing the circuit or doing other functions to make sure the circuit will work in the real world. If the design engineer does not know how to create the right circuit, the other engineering support engineers would not be able to do anything without a workable design.

The reason why I went off this tangent to talk about the importance of design engineers in the process of engineering is because if Nature can allow many different designs of some basic model, then it shows Nature has intelligence. Who is Nature? Isn¡¦t it just the physical world around us? Is it Nature who allows designs to happen or could it be a creator God? In nature, we see the laws of nature, such as gravity, atrophy and chemical reactions. But who came up with these laws? According to evolutionary theory, life arose from random processes of chemical reactions. There are no intelligence or design behind this random process. However, we see there are intelligence built in all things. Just look at our DNA code. It has taken years to map out the human genetic code. A code is not a code without an initial creative intelligence behind it. Who wrote the DNA code? In the movie ¡§Contact¡¨, the scientists searched for intelligent life by trying to detect patterns of radio waves that are not random, but have intelligent patterns. It is hard to look at the complexity of the natural world, such as the structure of a single cell, without seeing intelligent design in it. Today, robotic scientists spend years and millions of dollars to mimic simple functions of the human body, such as walking. From this, we can see that to orchestrate the simple functions of a living organism require intelligence that can be beyond our understanding.

As this news article shows, new fossils have confounded the models used in the theory of evolution. What was once thought to be a simple process of a less developed creature evolving into a more developed creature has proved to be inaccurate. If what used to be thought of as ancestors of humans lived side by side with humans, then are they ancestors at all or are they just a different species. We know many different species have become extinct, so maybe these fossils are not human ancestors, but are different species that had become extinct. That¡¦s why we do not see them today.

Here are some questions to ask about the theory of evolution. What came first? The chicken or the egg? In order for DNA to be replicated, transcribed, and translated into protein, a host of specific proteins must already be present. What came first? Proteins or DNA? Can chaos create order? Can a tornado going through a junk yard produce a 747?

Why is the living world full of amazing adaptive strategies that defy evolutionary explanations? Did the peppered moth of England prove the evolutionary theory of natural selection? Why did nearly all species and adaptive structures appear suddenly in the fossil records with few if any predicted evolutionary transitions? Swimming (whale, seals, turtles, etc.) and flying (insects, pterosaurs, birds, and bats) adaptations appear suddenly in the fossil record with no transitions. Have you ever seen a mutation that benefited the person or animal and was passed on to the next generation? How many ¡§favorable¡¨ mutations are required to give a bird wings, feathers, lungs, bone structure, brain morphology to fly? Why is beauty so pervasive in the natural world, from subatomic particles to crystals to biochemical pathways to butterflies to tropical jungles to the planets to the universe? How often can randomness, chance, accident create something beautiful? If beauty were the result of necessity, why would we be soothed by bird songs used to attract males, establish territories, and threaten enemies? Can we appreciate beauty in nature because our mind is patterned after the intelligence that is responsible for the beauty?

Will the current evolutionary theory change again with new fossil findings? The evidence from fossils will continue to stump the theories of scientists who try to fit evolutionary theory in all this, because the whole theory is not based on intelligent design. Nature can¡¦t have a design without a Designer. Maybe this realization will help us understand where we come from.*2


*1. Lei, Mike. (2002) 'NATURE'S DESIGN?,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*2. Ibid.

***About the writer:

At the time when he wrote this article, Mike Lei worked at Fujitsu Microelectronics America in Dallas, TX as a product development engineer. He was also active in his church.

Mike Lei serves as a youth deacon at Carrollton Chinese Church. He like to play tennis and jogging. He has been an engineer for 6 years. He currently works at Fujitsu Microelectronics America. He has submitted 6 patents dealing with forward error correction circuits while at Alcatel Telecom. You can reach him at mlei@fma.fujitsu.com.


An invitation card mailed from Pepperdine University to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
By GSPE of Pepperdine University and Jennifer Kung*1

The following invitation card was received by Dr. Tony Lei on July 22, 2005:

Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology; 6100 Certer Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045*2

Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
Washington Business and Technology Institute
2245 Homeland St.
Las Vegas, NV 89128-6792

[[[Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology


4th Annual Scholarship Recognitiona Dinner


Radison Hotel - Los AngelesWestside]]]*3


*1. GSPE is the initial of Graduate School of Education and Psychology of Pepperdine University.
*2. GSPE of Pepperdine University. 'An invitation card,' "An invitation card mailed from Pepperdine University to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (July 20, 2005), Los Angeles, California: Pepperdine University.
*3. Ibid.


072305-1178 [072205-1168]
"Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
Woe to the wicked ! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done."
Isaiah 3:10-11 of the Bible

Libeling through the e-mail and slandering to the public are forms of defamation. This tort (evil) will bring its consequence.

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Pepperdine University Alumni Trip to Oxford
By GSBM of Pepperdine University

Graziadio School of Business and Management
October 9 - October 15, 2005
A study tour exclusively for alumni

As we plan this unique opportunity for Graziadio School alumni, we are closely monitoring the current situation in London. Pepperdine has been in contact with the State Department and we will continue to keep all trip participants informed.

Check all that apply:

I didn't get a chance to study abroad while completing my Pepperdine degree.
I miss the classroom learning environment and obtaining new business knowledge.
I don't get to travel or vacation quite as often as I would like.

Dear Tony:

Your alma mater has the solution. We are pleased to announce a trip to Oxford, England this fall exclusively for Graziadio alumni!

Join us for a unique study abroad experience at Oxford University, one of the oldest and respected institutions in the world. Expand your knowledge of international strategy and the business of Europe as you learn from distinguished professors. Return to the small class environment you enjoyed while attending Pepperdine as you share this study abroad experience with 30 classmates.

Invite a friend or significant other and share the experience together as you expand your knowledge and visit the top attractions that England has to offer.

Space is limited for this excursion--sign up now to reserve your place in the Oxford program!



Visit http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/alumni/oxford to register and learn more about the Oxford Program.

If you have any questions about the program after visiting our website, please contact me directly.

Nicole Hall
Executive Director, Alumni and Career Resources
Graziadio School of Business and Management
Pepperdine University
Direct: 310-506-4405


Our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to Commissioner Lynette McDonald's family and friends

This is for us also to take a moment of silence to honor relatives of Commissioner Lynette Boggs McDonald who (her relatives) died this week in a California freeway accident.

"Judy and I offer our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to McDonald's family and friends," said Dr. Tony Lei on behalf some of the Advisory and Faculty members of Washington Business and Technology Institute through the phone to Commissioner Lynette McDonald by her Secretary Judi O'Leary.


Governor Kenny Guinn offers condolences to family, friends, co-Workers of Shelly Hachenberger
By Office of the Governor

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 20, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent

CARSON CITY – Gov. Kenny Guinn today released the following statement regarding the death of longtime Department of Corrections employee Shelly Hachenberger:

“I was extremely saddened to learn of Shelly’s death. Over the past 16 years, she was everything that we look for in our best people: she was always happy, she was always efficient and skilled on the job, she was always a friend, mentor and confidante to her co-workers, and she was always a wonderful parent to her children. This is a great loss for the Department of Corrections, the Northern Nevada Correctional Center and the State of Nevada. Dema and I wish to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to Shelly’s family, her friends and her co-workers.”

Office of the Governor
101 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Fax: 775-684-7198
Media Contact: Bob Harmon
Cultural Affairs PIO


071905-6768 A second printing of the [*****PPAA18 ***** 3:36 p. m., Tuesday, August 17, 2004 #Second Edition].
Google's bidding!
To become more effective online communication
By Tiffany Chang

"Google, the world's most-used Web search engine, may close bidding in its auction-style initial public offering as soon as 2 p.m. today, moving it closer to completing what may be the most biggest-ever internet-company IPO," reported Brett Cole on August 17, 2004.*19

"Google co-founders Larry Page, 31, and Sergey Brin, 30, chose an auction-style IPO to give individual investors an opportunity to buy shares alongsid institutions, the company said in SEC filings. Google's IPO auction may cut investment-banking fees to 1.5 percent, said Michael Madden, principal at New York-based buyout firm Questor Management Co. Google makes most of its money by linking advertisements to search results. That and other forms of advertising constitute 98 percent of Google's revenue, the company said in an SEC filling," continued the reporter.*20

*****To be more successful for your Web site, you need to be favored by the most famous search engine services leaders like Google! (google.com), Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com), Aol! (www.aol.com), Infoseek! (www.infoseek.com), among others.*****

"We need individuals who can restore hope and create positive changes in our society. It is our responsibility as educator to produce leaders who will take that initiative. To do so, we must be at the level of the individual student and alumnus. Utimately, the school must strengthen the student's intellect and create a better, bolder, and more ehical thinker who will yield the greatest impact on the community in roles as educators therapists, and business persons," siad Nancy Magnusson Fagan at the time when she was the Dean of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Pepperdine University.*1

Today, one of the important slogan of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is: To become more effective online communication in every online venue!

Starting from 1980, the author (with the pen name as Tiffany Chang) had been benefited deeply from two main courses of the program of Doctorate Degree of Education (Ed. D.) in Institution Management of Pepperdine University.*2 They were: (1) ED 740 Computer Utilization in Institutional Management; and (2) ED 730 Methodological Approaches to Educational Research and Evaluation. The technical skills and knowledge of information management had sharpened his abilities of the research, management, and teaching in a national organization of information management and the graduate school of business administration. After many years of administrative resposibility in higher policy-making organization and teaching the graduate school of business administration in famous universities, the author concentrated effort to study and acquire the knowledge and utilization of effective information management in the United States of America. That was ten years after he received his M. B. A. from Pepperdine. His two years of computer consulting job at the Computer Laboratory of the Graduate School of Education and Pshchology and the School of Business and Management of Pepperdine University advanced the practical experience on information management for him to complete his dessertation entitled "A Study of the Impact of Enrollment in a Computer Science Class on Mathematics Scores and Attendance in a Secondary School". He taught information management as an Associate Professor for five years at the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chunghsing University before he became a Fellow of Management for the former Dean of the School of Business and Management of Pepperdine University in 1991.
He received his M. B. A. and Doctor of Education in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University in 1969 and 1990, respectively.

Indeed, business achievement is the new yardstick of success in today's society. Therefore, business has become not only the fastest growing major in undergraduate institutions but also in graduate school of famous universities, nationally and internationally. The emphasis of the online communication skills and the quantitative analysis techniques with computers is one of the most important study for the art of success to the business students, professionals, executives, and owners.

In many ways, business school is at the center of this cultural phenomenon. For some, the business school is the passport to the boardroom, the ticket to the top of the corporate ladder. these schools, nationally and internationally, pump out the new generation of business leaders by hundreds of thousands. "They are the pipeline of raw material with which the nation's --- and the world's --- leading business build the future. And MBAs are not limited to the traditional corporate world: From Wall Street to Madison Avenue, from Sand Hill Road to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, today's MBAs lead organizations large and small, in every conceivable industry. They are the executives and entrepreneurs who power the economy."3

"UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN LIVING IN A CAVE, you've seen enormous changes in communications technology over the past two decades. From orbiting satellites routing long distance phone calls to email to undreamed-of growth of the Internet, the age of communicating online, using computers and networks, is upon us all," stated at the first paragraphy of the 'Introduction' of the book, "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspac," written by Kim Baker and Sunny Baker.*4

"And what could be better news? To keep in touch, there's nothing faster or cheaper than email. To gain access to information and people, the power of online communication expands your reach from the local to the global. To meet new friends and even romance a potential life partner, online venues provide rich opportunities (if you know the right things to say and the best way to say them). At school, the Internet places volumes of knowledge on ever subject at your fingertips, and at work, computer networks make business communication more efficient than ever." *5

Whether you are in business or in non-profit organization, you need to have a Web site. This seems to be a common wisdom in now- a-days. Think seriously about the needs of your market before you go onto the Web to make more money for business, to develop better non-profit organization, or to contribute to more community service. "It's hard to believe that Fred's Service Station really needs a Web Site to reap new profits. However, for some businesses and professional service firms, the Internet and web to gether offer viable marketing and distribution opportunities. Software companies, online magazines, and email order businesses can do quite well from the Web --- if the owners know how to say the right things on their sites. The Secrets of a Successful Web Site: Just having a site on the Web will do almost nothing to sell your products or services. To promote your Web site, there are three things you must do: (1). You must register your Web site with the best search engines. (2). You should consider using the many free and not free advertising opportunities on the Web. (3) You should search the Web regularly for competitive and related sites, where you can attach a link to your site." *5 To be more successful for your Web site, you need to be favored by the most famous search engine services like Google! (google.com), Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com), Aol! (www.aol.com), Infoseek! (www.infoseek.com), among others.

"There is no longer any such thing as a purely national economy. The rest of the world is just too big to ignore, either as a market or as a competitor. If business schools do nothing other than to train their students to think internationally, they would have accomplished an important task," said John Young, CEO, Hewlett-Packard.*7

Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project.

Many business are becoming global companies and moving toward transnational e-business strategies in which they integrate the global business activities of their subsidiaries and headquarters. The international dimemsions of managing global e-business technologies include dealing with cultural, political, and geoeconomic challenges posed by various countries for global marketplace. The e-business technologies are changing the distribution, relatonships, resources, and responsibilities of managers. Information Technology is helping managers of e-business to eliminate layers of amangement, enabling more collaborative forms of management, providing them with significant information technology resources, and confront them with major e-business and e-commerce challenge.

Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project.*8

In order to keep the online universe a productive, safe, communicative environment, it is interesting and worth to post the ten commandments for computer ethics. They were created by the Computer Ethics Institute: (1). Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. (2). Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work. (3). Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files. (4). Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. (5). Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness. (6). Thou shalt not use or copy softwear for which you have not paid. (7). Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization. (8). Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output. (9). Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write. (10). Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.

A sucessful businessperson always know the old rule that says "It's easier to keep an existing customer than to find a new one." In online customer relationships, this rule is just as important. Your goal should not only to get new visitors, but to cultivate your customer base to yield repeat sales, services, and referrals from satisfied purchasers, clients, and patronagers. "Besides a good product or service, there are only three things you need for successful online customer relations: strong communication, common courtesy, and exemplary customer service. Unfortunately, these old-fashioned values are often missing in many companies' online promotional communication." *9

President Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University took the opportunity to give the Grduate Schools Board of visitors a sneak preview of the campus in last May. The president, along with Dean of the business school Dr. Linda Livingstone, hosted several special guests including David Mount, Mrs. Reva Graziadio, who was accompanied by her daughter and son-in-law, Aliva and Stevan Calvillo.

In Addition, President Andrew Benton welcome former U. S. President Gerald Ford. "It is so right that he is here today, becuase when he serve on our Board of Regents we were envisioning this project," President Benton remarked.*2 President Ford understood what the completion of the Drescher Graduate School meant. More importanly he understood that the project reprents all that is good about a generation of people who continue to build a great America.

"I think our country should be proud of the fact that we proved that free enterprise, free election opportunities, free economic systems could prevail over state-run, governmen controlled nations," said President Ford.

"How can we leave the world in a better conditiion than we found it? Near the top of such answers is this: Build a teaching institution that is grounded in timeless truths. Or, as our mission statement expresses it, 'Pepperdine is a Christian unversity committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthened for lives of purpose, service, and leadership.' That is a mission worth investing a life in," pointed out President Benton at his message on the "Pepperdine People".*10

To encourage a good writing and to inspire a good idea, we must have good readers and sincere friends!*11 One of the examples has been shown at the bottom paragraphs of this feature article.

"People worry about the huge amount of creativity that is wasted---lost forever---because talented people are prevented from giving their best by their lack of ability to influence others effectively," wrote Dr. Ken Blanchard in the 'Foreword' of the book entitled "Winning Ways," written by Dick Lyles.*12 "The business world has changed; organizations are getting flatter and more networked. Today, the key to success is one's ability to exercise peer leadership. The most successful individuals shine because of their ability to influence, empower, and energize others. In essence, they embody the principles and practices of Winning Ways."

"Rapid changes in technology and global competition have combined to reshape the corporate landscape. Corporate management has responnded to these changes by iniatating sweeping changes. The introduction of new technology may be touted as a productivity booster and turn out instead to be a total bust. Whatever the problem may be, you're the one who has to deal with it on a daily basis. Even when new ideas are well thought out, there are still problems in putting them into practice within your group," George Fuller wrote in the 'Introduction' of his book, "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace."*13

There are lots of common headaches most of supervisors and leaders have to confront. "It's easy to understand how the broad scope these problems can easily lead to a less than steller attitude toward your job. However, adoping a sense of futility only serve to make matters worse. On the other hand, maintain a positive attitude helps you place things in perspective and can make coping eith problems a lot easier to do."*14

To initiate our programs more effectively for the people and communities who are interested to participate the programs, we need to emphasize the spirit of positive attitude and positive thinking. The following are our golden words of wisdom which are worth reading collected by the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI):

***"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him." --- Booker T. Washington
***"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." --- Jonas Salk, MD
***"Those who trust us, educate us." --- George Eliot
***"Watch your thought, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny."*15
***"Art is the signature of civilizations," --- Beverly Sills
***Jesus said, "Everyone who bears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." --- Matthew 7:24-25 "Bible"
***"A book is a success when people who haven't read it pretend they have."
--- Los Angeles Times Syndicate
***"Anything you're good at contribute to happiness." --- Bertrand Russell
***"He who never made a mistake never made a discovery." --- Samuel Smiles
***If you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for bidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come
knowledge and understanding.
--- Job 28:28 "Bible"
***"Reserach is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." --- Zora Neale Hurston
***"The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie." --- Ann Landers
***"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey
***"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." --- Albert Camus
***"The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck
***"Management is nothing more than motivating other people." --- Lee Iacocca
***"Imagination is more important knowledge. --- Ablbert Einstein
***"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." --- Oscar Wilde
***"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits." --- President R. M. Nixon
***"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." --- Arthur C. Clarke
***"What would life be if we had no courage to attemp anything." --- Vincent Van Gogh
***"If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." --- Tom Peters
***"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!" --- Jonathan Winters
***"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." --- Frank A. Clark
***"Pay peanuts and you get monkeys." --- Anonymous
***"Small opportunities are often the beginging of great enterprises." --- Demosthenes
***"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere
***"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey
***"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul." --- Moshe Dayan
***"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." --- Proverbs 15 : 22 "Bible"

"Dear Tony & Judy:
I enjoyed immensely reading your WBTI website materials. Thank you for letting me know that one day we all can close our eyes and envision a world that is safe, peacefilled and healthy. Looking forward to meeting you someday so we could all working together toward that goal. With my very best to you,"*16 wrote Dr. Peter Wang to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei. Dr. Peter C. Wang, is the Regent of Pacific Lutheran University and Chairman of the Wang Center LLC.


As you requested, I am sending Peter's proposal for your review.

Peter's proposal reflects his dream(and mine too) of many years. If successfully executed, it could help educate hundreds of millions kids of K-12 as well as adults. It would benefit THE MANKIND greatly. Read it and think what you can help," wrote Dr. Bob Ni.*17 He and Dr. Wang are all alumni of the first class of Tunghai University.

"My Dearest Dr. Tony, What a wonderful and thoughtful suprise I opened the envelope and your most gracious offer to us inside. Trecia is travelling in New York and I'm still in LA here working. So we will be unable to accept your gift (A trip to visit Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, and National Parks by WBTI). However we shall treasure in our hearts your constant rememberance of us. Time goes quickly and people forget each other. You have been so very successful and I keep all your news articles. You look so handsome. You are getting younger. My dear friend Dr. Tony, I and Trecia thank you again and we value and keep safe our friendship. Our friendship love and thanks.
Liz and Trecia," wrote Dr. Liz Kent a letter with a beautiful thanks card by "Today I Thought of You" to him. Liz and Trecia are sisters and former classmates of Dr. Tony Lei in the Doctorate Program of Institutional Management at Pepperdine University. All of the three good friends received their Doctor of Education degree in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University.*18


*1. Pepperdine University. (1994), "The Graduate School of Education and Psychology of Pepperdine University --- 1994 - 95 Academic Catalog," Malibu, California: Pepperdine University.
*2. Pepperdine University. (1990), "The Graduate School of Education and Psychology of Pepperdine University --- 1988 - 89 CATALOG," Malibu, California: Pepperdine University.
*3. Housman. Jon. (2001), "The MBA Jungle," Cambridge, Massachusetts: Persus Publishing.
*4. Baker, Kim; and Baker, Sunny. (2001), "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspace," Paramus, New Jersey: Pretice Hall.
*5. Ibid.
*6. Ibid.
*7. Ball, Donald A, and McCulloch, Jr., Wendell H. (2003) International Business --- The Challenge of Global Competition," Chicago: McGraw-Hill Irvin.
*8. O'Brien, James A. (2003) "Introduction to Information Systems," Boston, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Irvin.
*9. Baker, Kim; and Baker, Sunny. Ibid.
*10. Benton, Andrew. 'A message from the President,' (2003), "Pepperdine People," Malibu, Califonia: Pepperdine University.
*11. GSBPA of WBTI. (2003) 'Words of wisdom which are worth of reading,' " Newsbrief of WBTI". Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*12. Blanchard, Ken. (2000). "Winning Ways". New York, N. Y.: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
*13. Fuller, George. (1998). "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace". London: Prentice Hall, Inc.
*14. Ibid.
*15. Lei, Becky. (2003). "Super E. Q. Onece for All". Taipei, Taiwan: Spring Publishing Co.
*16. Wang, Peter C.. "An e-mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei from Dr. Peter C. C. Wang," (April 20, 2004), Pebble Beach, CA.: Wang Center LLC.
*17. Ni, Bob. "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from Dr. Bob Ni," (April 19, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Dr. Bob Ni.
*18. Kent, Liz. "A letter and thanks card to Dr. Tony Lei from Dr. Liz Kent," (Autumn of 2003), Sherman Oaks, Califirnia: Dr. Liz Kent.
*19. Cole, Brett. 'Google bidding near end?' "The section of Business in LVRJ," (August 17, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Las Vegas Review-Journal.
*20. Ibid.


071805-1168 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, Monday, 8:17 a. m., July 18, 2005 #First Edition *****
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com
Charlyne Chen (ê˼ͥ) has been appointed Acting Chairperson of the Intercity Business Council of Nevada of Washington Business and Technology Institute
BY Michael Douglas, Jessaie Walsh, Lynette McDonald, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang*1

"Through the recommendations by our faculty members including Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas, District Judge Jessie Walsh, Clark County Commissioner Lynette McDonald, Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber; Miss Charlyne Chen (ê˼ͥ) has been appointed Acting Chairperson of the Intercity Business Council of Nevada (IBCN) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on July 15, 2005," announced Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday July 18, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*2

"I'm so excited about the appointment since lots of my job are related to have a function on the basis of international perspective. Through this professional and practical venue, I'll put all my efforts to implement the missions for the promotion of the economic and trade development among Nevada, Taiwan, and Shanghai," said Miss Charlyne Chen (ê˼ͥ) after she was informed by WBTI about her appointment on July 16, 2005 in Las Vegas.

Charlyne is a first generation immigrant from the Republic of China. Her family owns a motel on Las Vegas Boulevard that she helped operate from the time she was 14 years old. As a local resident, Charlyne attended Orr Jr. High School and Valley High school. After graduating, she attended UNLV for my freshmen and sophomore years and Cal State Fullerton in California.

Miss Charlyne Chen (ê˼ͥ) is the 亚洲总裁 (Asian President) of Info21 Data Media Group. In 2003 the Nevada Commission on Economic Development appointed Charlyne Chen (ê˼ͥ) as a representative in Taiwan to further the trade and investment relationships between Nevada and Taiwan. In 2004, she was appointed as the representative in Shanghai by the Commission.*3

中国纺织采购网 delivered its following press release on September 2004 in Shanghai, China: "2004 年 9 月 15 日 , 美国内华达州经济局局长 Alan Di Stefano 在 Info21 亚洲总裁 Charlyne Chen (陳思庭) 女士的陪同下 , 来我司进行调研和拜访。我司韩总以及公司相关部门负责人参加了会晤。 会上,韩总对 Alan Di Stefano 局长一行的来访表示热烈的欢迎,对 Info21 对我司一直以来的关心、帮助和支持表示感谢。....."*4

As the CEO of Info21 Data Media Group with operation in Shanghai, Taiwan and Hong Kong which provide trade intelligence, Charlyne has achieved a great deal to be the Representative of State Nevada on Economic Development for Shanghai and Taiwan. She has been invited by Governor of Ponghu as an official advisor on tourism and legalized gaming.

Charlyne has been instrumental in the process to have United Commercial Bank (a Chinese-owned bank with 45 U.S. branches in California and New York) establish the first branches of a Chinese Bank in Nevada (Las Vegas). A Chinese bank in Texas will also open a branch here with an investment of U. S. $20 millions.

Charlyne Chen (ê˼ͥ) was awarded "Outstanding Chinese Young Entrepreneur of 2003" by "Asia Week" magazine in HK. On May 17, 2005 NCED, together with Charlyne Chen, held a seminar in Las Vegas for approximately 100 Taiwanese business owners, assembled for the Hardware Association exhibition, on investing in Nevada.

In anticipation of the potential for increased tourism in Penghu, Taiwan, at least one Nevada casino enterprise has already purchase a significant piece of property in Penghu. At the request of Charlyne Chen, NCED has contacted several Nevada cities about establishing a sister-city relationship with Penghu. A Team of delegation organized by the high-ranking officials of Penghu will come to Las Vegas in August, 2005 for further plan in tourism and business cooperation and development.*5

In order to build an association among important cities nationally and internationally for: (1) Mutual cooperation and development of business, trade, and tourism; (2) Social and public relations among business and professionals; and (3) Event and dinner parties for our community in an atmosphere of friendly and mutual cooperation. Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas, District Judge Jessie Walsh, Clark County Commissioner Lynette McDonald, Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber, Southern Nevada Sherrif Bill Young, business executives and owners, multimedia publishers and Editor-in-Chief, organizational and community leaders, among others co-sponsored the initial establishment of Intercity Business Council of Nevada on December 16, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*6


*1. 1. Michael Douglas is a distingueshed Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada, while Jessie Walsh is an achieved District Judge of Nevada. Lynette McDonal is a bright Commissioner of Clark County, Nevada, while Valerie Weber is a famous Assemblywoman of Nevada.
*2. Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Drs. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed deans of GSBPA of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (March 28, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*3. Info21 Data Media Group; Chen, Charlyne; and Kung, Jennifer. 'Miss Charlyne Chen (陳思庭) ---a rising Chinese American business leader,' "A feature article on the section of 'Intercity Business Council of Nevada' of the WBTI website," (July 12, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*4. Öйú·ÄÖ¯²É¹ºÍø; and Chen, Charlyne. "Welcome Mr. Alan Di Stefano and Miss Charlyne Chen (陳思庭) to Shanghai!" 'Intercity Business Council of Nevada' of WBTI website, (July 13, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*5. Ibid.
*6. Google.com. 'A profile on Intercity Business Council of Nevada,' "A search of 'Intercity Business Council of Nevada' on the Google.com," (July 17, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


071605-5768 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, Saturday, 10:58 a. m., July 16, 2005 #First Edition *****
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com
Nancy Jiang (江 南) ---a future Chinese American brilliant artist
By Bobby Gronauer, Nancy Jiang (江 南), and Jennifer Kung*1

A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine. We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones:

***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash
***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis
***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash*2

Only God may create an indivivual with both of natual beauty and brilliant talent. I (Bobby Gronauer) may not understand Chinese language, but I could enjoy Nancy's talent in paintings. How wonderful! To encourage and promote community service and humane spirit have been two of the missions of Washington Business and technology Institute (WBTI) since its establishment in January 8, 1996. As a faculty member of this Institute, it is my great pleasure to offer my effort for the implementation of its missions in the adjunct level. The following article in Chinese is written by Miss Nancy Nan Jiang (江 南):*3


We are pleased to learn that Nancy has such a brilliant understanding and perspective on painting and art. Would you like to enjoy the following Attachments on the works of Miss Nancy Jiang (江 南)?*5 [They are on the Section of "Nancy Jiang's World of Art" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti.]


*1. Bobby Gronauer is the Constable of Las Vegas. His good personal traits to everybody win him many many friends all around Las Vegas and Nevada.
*2. Chang, Tiffany; and PAI of WBTI. 'Celebrating others' success,' "A search of 'Celebrating others' success' on the Google.com," (July 16, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*3. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*4. Jiang, Nancy Nan. '绘画的灵气和才能,' "An e-mail from Miss Nancy Nan Jiang (江 南) to WBTI," (July 15, 2005}, Las Vegas, Nevada: Nancy Jiang's (江 南) painting gallery.
*5. Ibid.


071405-1687 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, Thursday, 8:17 a. m., July 14, 2005 #First Edition *****
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com
US Senator John Ensign, US Congressmen James Gobbons and Jon Porter, and Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn honor Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu
By Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1

"Under the recommendation of President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu have received Greeting Letters from U. S. Senator John Ensign and U. S. Congressman James Gobbons and Certificates of Recognition from Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn and U. S. Congressman Jon Porter. She was appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) and Chairperson of Interstate Business Cooperation and Development Council by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on May 11, 2005." The announcement was made on Thursday, July 14, 2005, by Dr. John Wang, Spokesperson for WBTI in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*2

The following are the statements of the Greeting Letter and Certificates of Recognition:

[[[[[JOHN ENSIGN, Nevada
United States Senate
Washington,DC 20510-2805
July 29, 2005

Dear Friends:

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Las Vegas for the 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. I hope that, during your time here, you will be able to experience some of the many attractions that our beautiful city has to offer.

As you focus your attention on this year's theme, the Future Development of TBAA, I commend you on your dedication to promoting understanding between the people of Taiwan and the United States through educational, cultural, economic, and scientific programs. Your contributions to the betterment of the communities in which you live have had a significant positive impact on the quality of life for the families who reside in those communities. I especially congratulate Wendy Wu*2 on the knowledge, expertise, and professionalism that she has exemplified during her tenure as TBAA Chairperson.

Enjoy your time in southern Nevada, and please accept my best wishes for a successful and memorable conference.]]]]]*3

[[[[[Congress of the
United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-2802

July 29, 2005

Taiwan Benevolent Association of America
Paris Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Friends:

It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and its international convention to Las Vegas and the Paris Hotel.

I hope that this is an extremely successful meeting in which you are representing the thousands of Nevada citizens who are of Taiwan descent and the more than 300,000 active members of your organization nationalwide.

The Taiwanese people and their descendants have help to uphold the traditions and spirit of democracy and in so doing have help to shape our national character. You have also helped to provide a greater understanding between the people of Taiwan and the American people, fostering greater cultural, educational, economic and scientific relations.

Las Vegas, with its growing Taiwanese community, is an ideal site for your convention, and I trust that it will be productive and fruitful. While you are here, I hope that you will avail yourselves of the numerous cultural and recreational opportunities Nevada has to offer.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make your visit a more pleasant and productive experience.


Jim Gibbons
Member of Congress]]]]]*4

[[[[[Office of the Governor

Certificate of Recognition

Awarded to

Wendy Yu-Ping Wu
Chairperson of the
Taiwan Benevolent Association of America

The State of Nevada congratulates you on your extensive assistance to the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, and commends you for your dedicated service to the citizens of our Silver State.

May 23, 2005 (Date)
Kenny C. Guinn, Governor]]]]]*5

[[[[ Congressman Jon C. Porter
United States Congress
Washington, DC 20515-2803
July 30, 2005

United States Congressman
Jon C. Porter
Recognizes and Honors
Wendy Wu

July 30, 2005
Jon C. Porter
United States Congressman ]]]]]*6

"On behalf of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, it's my great honor to receive the Certificate of Recognition from U. S. Congressman Jon Porter. As a faculty member of Public Administration Institution and Chairperson of the Interstate Business Cooperation and Development Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute,*7 it's my pleasure to put some of my effort and wisdom to the community service and humane spirit of the Institute for the people and communities of Nevada," said Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu in San Jose, California after she was informed by President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei about the greetings letter through the phone call and WBTI website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti by Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Very soon, Ms. Wendy Wu is going to complete her term as President of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) on July 30, 2005. Out of the excellent experience, knowledge, enthusiasm, and professionalism of Ms. Wu, she has elevated the TBAA to a new height in terms of its fame, quality and significance among many American Chinese and Asian American institutions in this country.

Now, TBAA is scheduled to hold its profound 28th Annual Conference throughout the July 29-31, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In light of Ms. Wendy Wu's efforts and unselfish spirit in promoting cross-culture understanding and mutual respect for diversified interests rising from a variety of the communities, she has already become a real dynamic force and role model in the common pursuit of improving quality of life for our society.

As the largest civic organization representing U.S. immigrants from Taiwan, the TBAA currently has approximately 15 chapters and 30,000 active members nationwide. Their members are concerned about the new developments in Cross-Strait Relations, the U. S. China Relationship and the Asian Economy. They are increasingly focused on working with mainstream American society on these and other issues. Your participation would greatly inspire them as they move forward to achieve their goal.*8

"It's our honor to have Greeting Letter from U. S. Senator John Ensign and Certificates of Recognition from Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn and U. S. Congressman Joh Porter to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu in welcomimg the people from all around the world to Las Vegas to participate the 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America on July 29-31, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. We're also pleased to have Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu's interest in offering her caliber whose integrity, knowledge, and experience may bring to Washington Business and Technology Institute an interstate perspective," points out President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI. "Throughout Ms. Wendy Wu's distinguished endeavor, she has accomplished a great deal of business and community service practices and earned a good reputation as a conscientious and dedicated professional. Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy deserve the significant Greeting Letters from U. S. Senator John Ensign and U. S. Congressman James Gibbons and Certificates of Recognition from Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn and U. S. Congressman Jon Porter."*9

The following is an example of our invitation letter that we sent to U. S. Senator John Ensign, Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn, U. S. Congressmen James Gibbons and Jon Porter.

> Dear U. S. Senator Honorable John Ensign,*10

> Dr. Tony T. Lei, Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas [President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)], Mrs. Wendy Wu, Chairperson of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA), Miss Sue Phelps, President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas, Mr. Lo-Yu Sun, Board Advisor of TBAA, and Ms. Hui-Ching Chen, Director of Secretary Division of TBAA request the honor of your presence as a Kenote Speaker (for short speech) and/or as a grantor of Greetings Letter at the Opening Ceremony of 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA)

> on Saturday, the Thirty of July, 2005
> at the Paris Hotel and Casino
> 3655, Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
> from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.
> Participants: About 500 people.
> Attire: Business
> RSVP: Please e-mail Dr. Tony Lei at tojulei@yahoo.com. Or please call Judy for RSVP at 255-9058 on or before
> Friday, May 20, 2005.

*1. Michael Douglas is a distingueshed Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada, while Jessie Walsh is an achieved District Judge of Nevada. Valerie Weber is a known Assemblywoman of Nevada, while Cheryl Moss is the first Asian American elected in Nevada history as a District Court Judge.
*2. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Chang, Tiffany. 'Wendy Wu has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution of WBTI,' "A search of 'wendy yu-ping wu' on the Google.com," ( June 27, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
3. Ensign, John. 'Greeting from Office of Senator John Ensign,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Senator John Ensign to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 27, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of Senator John Ensign.
*4. Gibbons, James. 'Greeting from Office of Congressman James Gibbons,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (July 10, 2005), Washington, D. C.: Office of Congressman James Gibbons.
*5. Guinn, Kenny. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of the Governor,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Wendy Yu-Ping Wu' sent by Nevada Governor Kenny C. Guinn to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 24, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of the Governor.
*6. Porter, Jon. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of Congressman Jon Porter,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Congressman Jon C. Porter to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (June 29, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of Congressman Jon Porter.
*7. Douglas. Ibid.
*8. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*9. Chang, Tiffany. 'Nancy Becker has been appointed Fellow of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "A search of 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada Nancy Becker' on the Google.com," (June 28, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*10. PAI of WBTI, 'An invitation e-mail to U. S. Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'U. S. Senator John Ensign' on Google.com," (July 4, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


By Organization of Chinese Americans*1

Date: : 07/06/2005

Anh Phan
Dir. of Communications

Over 60 Companies and Agencies Participating

Washington, DC - The Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA) and the OCA-Las Vegas Chapter will host OCA’s 27th Annual National Convention from July 28 – 31, 2005 at Bally’s Las Vegas in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2

Listed below are some of the exhibitors at the Job Fair.

Free Job Fair – Friday and Saturday, July
29-30, 2005

Bally’s Las Vegas
3645 Las Vegas Boulevard South
Las Vegas, NV 89109-4307.
Tel: 800-634-3434

The Job Fair, with refreshments
sponsored by PepsiCo, will run from Friday, July 29th, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm,
through Saturday, July 30th, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Recruiters from private
companies, the federal government, and nonprofit organizations will be
interviewing job candidates in this exhibit area. Attendees should bring
resumes for distribution.

Exhibitors include:
Abercrombie & Fitch
Aon Corporation
Avon Products, Inc. .....

About OCA
Founded in 1973, the Organization of Chinese Americans is a national civil rights advocacy and educational organization dedicated to advancing the social, political and economic well-being of Americans of Chinese and Asian/Pacific Islander descent. With over 80 chapters and affiliates across the country, it maintains its headquarters in Washington, D.C.*3


*1. OCA is the initial of Organization of Chinese Americans. It maintains its headquarters in Washington, D. C.
*2. Organization of Chinese Americans. 'A profile of OCA,' "An e-mail from OCA to WBTI," (July 14, 2005), Washington, D. C.: OCA.
*3. Ibid.


071305-1187 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, Wednesday, 8:37 a. m., July 13, 2005 #First Edition *****
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com
Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu received the Letter of Greeting from U. S. Congressman James Gibbons
By Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1

"Under the recommendation of President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu have received the Letter of Greeting from U. S. Congressman James Gibbons on July 12, 2005. She was appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) and Chairperson of Interstate Business Cooperation and Development Council by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on May 11, 2005." The announcement was made on Wednesday, July 13, 2005, by Dr. John Wang, Spokesperson for WBTI in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*2

The following is the statement of the greeting letter:

[[[[[Congress of the
United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-2802

July 29, 2005

Taiwan Benevolent Association of America
Paris Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada

Dear Friends:

It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and its international convention to Las Vegas and the Paris Hotel.

I hope that this is an extremely successful meeting in which you are representing the thousands of Nevada citizens who are of Taiwan descent and the more than 300,000 active members of your organization nationalwide.

The Taiwanese people and their descendants have help to uphold the traditions and spirit of democracy and in so doing have help to shape our national character. You have also helped to provide a greater understanding between the people of Taiwan and the American people, fostering greater cultural, educational, economic and scientific relations.

Las Vegas, with its growing Taiwanese community, is an ideal site for your convention, and I trust that it will be productive and fruitful. While you are here, I hope that you will avail yourselves of the numerous cultural and recreational opportunities Nevada has to offer.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make your visit a more pleasant and productive experience.


Jim Gibbons
Member of Congress]]]]]*3

"On behalf of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, it's my great honor to receive the nice Greeting from U. S. Senator John Ensign. As a faculty member of Public Administration Institution and Chairperson of the Interstate Business Cooperation and Development Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute, it's my pleasure to put part of my effort and wisdom to the community service and humane spirit of the Institute for the people and communities of Nevada," said Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu in San Jose, California after she was informed by President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei about the greetings letter through the phone call and WBTI website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti by Las Vegas Review-Journal.*4

Very soon, Ms. Wendy Wu is going to complete her term as President of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) on July 30, 2005. Out of the excellent experience, knowledge, enthusiasm, and professionalism of Ms. Wu, she has elevated the TBAA to a new height in terms of its fame, quality and significance among many American Chinese and Asian American institutions in this country.

Now, TBAA is scheduled to hold its profound 28th Annual Conference throughout the July 29-31, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In light of Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu's efforts and unselfish spirit in promoting cross-culture understanding and mutual respect for diversified interests rising from a variety of the communities, she has already become a real dynamic force and role model in the common pursuit of improving quality of life for our society.

As the largest civic organization representing U.S. immigrants from Taiwan, the TBAA currently has approximately 15 chapters and 30,000 active members nationwide. Their members are concerned about the new developments in Cross-Strait Relations, the U.S China Relationship and the Asian Economy. They are increasingly focused on working with the mainstream of American society on these and other issues. Your participation would greatly inspire them as they move forward to achieve their goal.*5

The following is an example of our inviation letter that we sent to U. S. Senator John Ensign, Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn, and U. S. Congressmen James Gibbons and Jon Porter:

> Dear U. S. Congressman Honorable James Gibbons,*9

> Dr. Tony T. Lei, Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas [President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)], Mrs. Wendy Wu, Chairperson of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA), Miss Sue Phelps, President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas, Mr. Lo-Yu Sun, Board Advisor of TBAA, and Ms. Hui-Ching Chen, Director of Secretary Division of TBAA request the honor of your presence as a Kenote Speaker (for short speech) and/or as a grantor of Greetings Letter at the Opening Ceremony of 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA)

> on Saturday, the Thirty of July, 2005
> at the Paris Hotel and Casino
> 3655, Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
> from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.
> Participants: About 500 people.
> Attire: Business
> RSVP: Please e-mail Dr. Tony Lei at tojulei@yahoo.com. Or please call Judy for RSVP at 255-9058 on or before
> Friday, May 20, 2005.*6

"It's our great honor to have U. S. Congressman James Gibbons's welcome with great pleasure to the people from all around the world to Las Vegas for participating the 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. We're also pleased to have Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu's interest in offering her caliber whose integrity, knowledge, and experience may bring to Washington Business and Technology Institute an interstate perspective," points out President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI. "Throughout Ms. Wendy Wu's distinguished endeavor, she has accomplished a great deal of business and community service practices and earned a good reputation as a conscientious and dedicated professional. Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy deserve the significant Letter of Greeting from U. S. Congressman James Gibbons."*7


*1. Michael Douglas is a famous Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada, while Jessie Walsh is an achieved District Judge of Nevada. Valerie Weber is a known Assemblywoman of Nevada, while Cheryl Moss is also an achieved District Court Judge of Nevada.
*2. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Chang, Tiffany. 'Wendy Wu has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public
Administration Institution of WBTI,' "A search of 'wendy yu-ping wu' on the Google.com," ( May 28, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*3. Gibbons, James. 'Greeting from Office of Congressman James Gibbons,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (July 10, 2005), Washington, D. C.: Office of Congressman James Gibbons.
*4. Douglas. Ibid.
*5. PAI of WBTI, 'An invitation e-mail to U. S. Congressman James Gibbons,' "A search of 'U. S. Congressman James Gibbons' on Google.com," (July 12, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*6. Ibid.
*7. Chang, Tiffany. 'Nancy Becker has been appointed Fellow of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "A search of 'Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada Nancy Becker' on the Google.com," (May 27, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


United Financial Associates, Inc.
Our professionals have extensive experience and knowledge in the products
By United Financial Associates and Tiffany Kung

The following information was received from the searching of the website at www.unitedfinancialasso.com through the introduction by Miss Agnas Chan*1 to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). Agnas is an Insurance and Financial Consultant and the Certified Estate Planner of the Company:

Our company
is composed of financial professionals who offer high quality insurance and financial products and services to the individual and business marketplace.*2

Our professionals
have extensive experience and knowledge in the products they offer as well as the expertise on how to use those products to provide maximum benefit and protection to the clients we serve. It is our commitment and desire to establish trust and a long lasting relationship with our clients. This commitment has served us well throughout the years. We take pride in knowing that our clients keep returning to us for advice.

We welcome you
to our Web Site. We tried to provide the viewer with a basic understanding of some subjects we specialize in. If you have a need for our service, you can call or complete one of the forms provided.

*****United Financial Associates, Inc.
6376 W. Spring Mountain Road, Ste#7
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone (702)212-3838

Our Staff

Agnas Chan, Insurance and Financial Consultant, Certified Estate Planner

Matthew , Insurance Consultant

Zoie Chu, Insurance Consultant

Po Heng Wong, Life and Annuity Specialist

Shiu Wai Ying, Insurance Consultant

Rei Hsiah Lei, Insurance and Financial Consultant

Chaoxia Yuan, IAM, Inc., Insurance and Financial Consultant

Nina Yuan, Insurance and Financial Consultant

Service+Insurance, LLC (Main Office)
6376 W. Spring Mountain Road, Ste #7
Las Vegas, NV 89146
Phone: (702)212-3838
Fax: (702)212-2888

Service+Insurance,LLC (Branch Office)
4580 W. Spring Mountain Road,
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Phone: (702)247-8738
Fax: (702)247-8502


*1. Miss Agnas Chan is the owner of United Financial Associates, Inc.
*2. United Financial Associates. 'A profile of United Financial Associates, Inc.,' "A search of the website at www.unitedfinancialasso.com," (July 13, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of the United Financial Associates, Inc.
*3. Ibid.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Jul. 12, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

With project's start, Trump's time has come
Groundbreaking for condo-hotel today

[[[Ruben Salgado on Monday prepares a model of the $500 million Trump International Hotel & Tower for display at the Trump sales office. The condo-hotel project will go up on six acres behind the New Frontier.
Photo by Ralph Fountain.]]]
[[[Click image for enlargement.
Graphic by Mike Johnson.]]]

Donald Trump is finally getting his famous name in lights high above the Strip.

The New York developer, star of "The Apprentice" on NBC television, will break ground this morning on the $500 million, 2 million-square-foot Trump International Hotel & Tower, completing a 20-year flirtation with Southern Nevada.


"I've always liked Las Vegas and I like the people there," Trump said. "But I've become the biggest developer in New York City and there is only so much you can do. Las Vegas has always been very important to me, and I wanted to find the right time and the right place to develop the most beautiful building in the city."

Trump International will go up on six acres behind the New Frontier and across from the Fashion Show mall. The project is a 64-story, 1,282-unit residential and hotel tower that will house 880 studio units and 352 one-bedroom condominiums on floors 16 through 59, and 50 suites of one, two or three bedrooms on the top five floors. Prices range from $600,000 to $6 million and the tower has been 100 percent reserved since May.

Trump's name has been linked to almost every potential real estate venture or rumored casino sale since the mid-1980s. While his most high-profile move was a bid to buy the company that once controlled Bally's, Trump said most of deals were never real.

"I guess I should be flattered, but people use my name to drive up the price of real estate," Trump said. "They'll say, 'Trump's interested,' and that causes more interest. There is nothing I can really do about it."

In the early 1990s, Trump temporarily established a Las Vegas-based corporation, Trump Nevada, and had a well-connected former gaming regulator, Mike Rumbolz, sift through proposals and opportunities.

Two years ago, Trump bought more than 10 percent of the outstanding shares in Riviera Holdings Corp. and was licensed by state gaming authorities. He sold the stock but kept the license.

New Frontier owner Phil Ruffin has been planning to redevelop his aging Strip casino since he took over the property in 1998. Some observers view Trump's high-rise plans as a first step in gaining a piece of the potentially lucrative Strip location.

Trump said he might want to participate in developing the New Frontier site. But for now, Trump International is his priority.

"I think we're going to build something that is pretty spectacular," Trump said in his usual unabashed manner, saying the building will exceed all expectations for lavish furnishings, opulent surroundings and state-of-the-art features.

"Even if sales fall through, we have 2,000 potential buyers waiting. I'm getting $1,000 to $1,200 a square foot for our building. That's the highest in Las Vegas," he added.

Trump International will not have a casino. It will sell furnished units to individual buyers, who will have the option of leasing the rooms to hotel customers. Trump International managers will handle the rentals.

"We're going to bring a lot of good customers to Las Vegas," Trump said. "We're in a great location and the people who have purchased units are the type of customers who will be good for the casinos on the Las Vegas Strip."

Deutsche Bank gaming analyst Marc Falcone, in an April report to investors, estimated that only 30 percent of the proposed high-rise condominiums, which encompass 37,000 proposed units, will ever get built. Those that do get built will attract more people to casinos, he said.

"This urbanization of Las Vegas will boost incremental visitation, drive higher traffic and more frequent visits to both new and existing Strip casino-hotel resorts, while yielding increased gaming and nongaming spending," Falcone said.

At the groundbreaking, Trump is expected to announce that sales will begin shortly for a second tower to the Trump International site. He's also expected to say units in the second tower will sell at prices averaging 35 percent higher than in the first tower.

Gaming industry executives and elected officials have been invited to this morning's event behind the New Frontier. Wynn Resorts Ltd. Chairman Steve Wynn, Trump's longtime adversary and sometimes friend, confirmed through his administrative assistant that he plans to attend.


By Dr. Kenny C. Guinn*1

As many of you are already aware, recently I led a delegation of Nevada legislative and military leaders to Clovis, N.M., to take part in a regional hearing on the possible closure or realignment of two of Nevada’s military installations. The hearing was part of the bipartisan Base Closure and Realignment Commission’s (BRAC) evaluation of changes proposed by the Department of Defense. I am pleased to announce that our testimony has proven successful.

The Nevada delegation made the trip with the hope of convincing the commission to re-evaluate recommendations for the closure and realignment of the 152nd Airlift Wing of the Nevada Air National Guard and the Hawthorne Army Depot. Thanks to the efforts of Nevada’s delegation at Clovis, as well as the ongoing role that Nevada Sen. Harry Reid has taken from the beginning of this process, Commissioner Philip Coyle of the BRAC commission is visiting both sites today. We are hopeful that once the commission has a clear picture of how important these sites are to both Nevada and to our nation, it will be convinced that these installations must be left intact. Both sites are clearly strategically and technologically unique and therefore tremendously valuable to the state and the nation.

As I stated in my testimony, we feel that the Department of Defense’s recommendations to close the Hawthorne Army Depot and to realign the Air Guard’s 152nd Wing were made hastily and without the application of any objective criteria. We believe the recommendations regarding changes in Nevada were made using inaccurate and misleading data, creating the false perception that these alterations would improve national defense and have a minor negative impact on Nevada. The reality is that this realignment would exact a heavy toll on our state, weakening Nevada’s Homeland Security efforts and disaster preparedness. In addition, it would debilitate the surrounding Hawthorne economy.

The commissioner’s visit is great news for the Reno Air Guard and the Hawthorne Army Depot. While it is not a definitive sign that these sites will be preserved, it is certainly a signal that the federal government is open to state input and is trying to ensure that the process is done with great thought and transparency. It is hoped now that the commissioner and his fellow members will recognize the inherent value of these sites and their importance to our state and to the nation.


*1. About Governor Kenny Guinn (concise one by the Editor of this flier):

Kenny Guinn, 68, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physical Education from Fresno State University and later obtained a doctorate in Education from Utah State University in Logan.

In 1994, Guinn was recruited by the University of Nevada Board of Regents to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.

Kenny spent his boyhood in the small, Central Valley town of Exeter, California where he met Dema, his wife of 48 years. Kenny Guinn believes in families.

Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). He is now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A. at his second term.


Post thriugh the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Jul. 10, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

EDITORIAL: Preventing heartache

The military made the correct and compassionate choice this week in modifying its policies involving the burial of soldiers -- a change sought by Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., and a California congressman.

From now on, servicemen and women will be required to designate who should be responsible for their remains if they die -- a morbid decision for members of the Armed Forces to contemplate, but a sensible policy nonetheless.


Rep. Berkley was instrumental in ensuring the change was implemented, acting on behalf of Eleanor Dachtler of Las Vegas, whose son, Lance Cpl. Nicholas H. Anderson, a Bonanza High School graduate, was killed in Iraq last November.

Ms. Dachtler was divorced and wanted her son buried in Las Vegas. But a Navy judge gave deference to the father's wishes, and Lance Cpl. Anderson was laid to rest in California afer his remains were held by the military until the situation was resolved.

A similar situation arose involving a constituent of Rep. Sam Farr, D-Calif., prompting him to join Rep. Berkley's push to change military policy.

The U.S. House embraced the modification in May, but before the Senate could debate the measure, the military announced Wednesday it would add a line to its forms in an attempt to avoid such unfortunate disputes in the future.

"This simple change will prevent heartache for military families and will give our servicemen and women the final say in who determines their funeral arrangements," Rep. Berkley said in a statement.

And that's the way it should be.


070805-1187 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, Friday, 8:00 a. m., July 8, 2005 #Second printing of the First Edition *****
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com
Barbara Buckley has been appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI
By Velorie Vega, Mark Denton, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

The Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) was established early in 2003. Drs. E. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed as Deans of the School by WBTI on March 11, 2003. "The mission of this School will emphasize the humanitarian orientation of public administration adn social responsibility of business management . Throuugh academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this school for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA. Dina is a Senator of Nevada Senate and Adjunct Professor of Political Science of UNLV.*1

In meeting with the large and growing population of public employees in the states of Asia and Nevada, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) will open its training programs for the increasing graduate study and research needs of professional public administrators. To emphasize the balance of the practicality and theoraticality of the programs, the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of WBTI has supported by many high-ranking officials of Nevada in offering their times, experiences, and knowledge to teach at an honorary or adjunct capacity.*2

"Through the recommendation by our faculty members including District Judges Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Family Court District Judge Cheryl Moss, and President of Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas John Ponticello; Ms. Barbara Buckley has been appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on March 27, 2004," announced Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday March 29, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Barbara E. Buckley was born in November 23, 1960; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received her B. A. with honors from University of Nevada, Las Vega. Her education has enhanced with University of Arizona, J.D., Summa Cum Laude.*3

Barbara's Legislative Service include: Nevada Assembly, 1995-2003 -- two special and five regular sessions; Majority Floor Leader, 2001; Assistant Majority Floor Leader, 1997-1999. She is now the Majority Leader of Nevada Assembly.

Her affiliations are: Executive Director, Clark County Legal Services, 1996-present; 2001-present, Assisted Living Advisory Committee; Founder, Southern Nevada Affordable Housing Committee; Founding First President, CLASS Publication.

Barbara has the following personal and professional achievements: Access to Justice Public Lawyer of the Year Award, State Bar of Nevada, 2000; Nicholas J. Horn Award, Nevada State Medical Association, 1999; Recognition Award, Southern Nevada Center for Independent Living, 1999; Outstanding Contribution in Shaping Health Care Policy, 1999; Nevada Nurses' Association; Positive Approaches Award, 1999; Legislator of the Year Award, Nevada Association of Social Workers, 1998; Consumer Advocate of the Year Award, Nevada Trial Lawyers Association, 1998; Brocho de Oro Award, Hispanics in Politics, 1998; Legislator of the Year Award, Nevada Medical Political Action Committee, 1997; Special Achievement Award, American Association for Retired Persons, 1997; Women of Achievement Finalist, Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, 1994 and 1996; Legislator of the Year Award, Nevada Judges Association, 1996; Southern Nevada Women's Political Caucus Award, 1994; Outstanding Female Law Graduate, University of Arizona Law School, 1989.*4

Barbara Buckley is a Democrat. She is at the District No. 8 of Clark County Assembly. Barbara is an Attorney at Law.

Her Hobbies/Special Interests include Hiking, reading, and traveling.

"Dear friends: It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to our 'Outstanding Democrat of the Year' award ceremony tonight," wrote John Ponticello, President of the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas on its commenmorative Journal. The Journal was published by the Club on April 8, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This year's event was held on Thursday April 8, 2004, 7 to 9 PM at Bally's hotel Skyview room on its 26th floor in Las Vegas.

Barbara has been elected as the "Oustanding Democrat of the year 2003." We are pleased to post the message of the coming event and champagne reception party for Barbara by the Paradise Demcratic Club for Nevada:

"We are proud to serve as co-chairs for the Paradise Democratic Club's "Outstanding Democrat of the Year" 2003 Champagne Reception honoring our dear friend Assembly Leader Barbara Buckley.*5

As a lasting tribute to Barbara, we will produce a commemorative journal.

We are anxious to make this event special for Barbara, because of her beliefs in the ideals and principals of the Democratic Party and because she has always been there for us."

To invite all their friends sincerely, the above letter was written by Harry Reid, U. S. Senator; Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman; Oscar B. Goodman, Las Vegas Mayor; Dina Titus, State Senate Majority leader; and "Mr. Speaker" Richard Perkins, Speaker, Nevada Assembly.*6

HONORING The Majority Leader of the Nevada Assembly Barbara Buckley as "THE OUT STANDING DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR" 2003 and
Debbie Trudell, Joe Bifano and Lois and Bert Mack as "Grass Roots Democrats of the Year" 2003. With a Special Recognition Award to Justin Gilbert*7

The following is a part of the article written, for Senator Harry Reid's being awarded "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade," by Tiffany Chang.*8

On October 22, 2000, U. S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (PDCLV) at the Skyview Room of the Bally's Casino and Hotel, Las Vegas. In the Program, the National Anthem was sung by Rose McKinny James. The Event was chaired by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. He introduced participants of all the elected officers, leaders of unions, persons campaigned for public service, among others. The Keynote Speaker was Senator Harry Reid. Special Speakers were U. S. Senator Richard Bryan, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, and U. S. Senate Candidate Ed Bernstein. Comments were offered by Rory Reid, Nevada State Democratic Party Chairman, and Danny Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer of Nevada State AFL-CIO. Remarks were deliverred by past Honorees (who were in attendance): Charlie Waterman, 1980's; A.G. Frankie Sue Del Papa, 1990 (with a letter); Hon James H. Bilbray, M.C. Ret., 1991 (with response); U. S. Senator Richard Bryan, 1992; U.S. Senator Harry Reid, 1993; D.A. Stewart Bell, 1994 (with response); Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, 1995; County Commissioner Yvonne Akinson Gates, 1996; Senator Dina Titus (with response), 1997; Jan Laverty Jones, 1998 (with response); Mayor Oscar Goodman, 1999 (with a letter).

The heightlight of the Event was the presentation of the Outstanding Democrat of the Decade Award to U.S. Senator Harry Reid by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. U. S. Senator Reid graduated from Utah State University in 1961. He received Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University. On April 10, 1998, he was honored as Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute.*9

This School, the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of WBTI, is proud to have Harry's acceptance as its Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies on May 31, 2003 at the Tea Party by many and most of the community and association leaders of the Asian American Community of Nevada (most of them in Las Vegas).*10

With many business executives, career professionals, elected officials, high-ranking officers, community and organizational leaders, among others crowded as enthusiastic participants in the 26th floor of the Bally's Hall--Skyview Room, the event and party were highlighted by John Ponticello's presenting the awards to Barbara Buckley among others.

The co-sponsors included Sierra Health Services Inc.; Poggemeyer Design Group; Shelley Berkley; Sprint; Internatioal Game Technology; Nevada Power; Barbara Buckley; Southwest Gas Corp.; Culinary Workers Union; Mandalay Bay Resorts; Station Casino; Caesars Entertainment; Police Protective Association; Frank Nemec & Jennifer Togliatti; Carpenters Union; Washington Business and Technology Institute, Dr. Tony Lei, President; among others.*11

A speciality of the Program was the complimentary -- Photo taking with Barbara Buckley during cocktail hour 7-7:30.*12 The Chinese publicity for the Event and Party was featured by the presence and presentation from Raymond Lam of "Next Weekly", Helen Hsueh of "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News", and Mindy Gao of "World Journal (Chinese Daily News)". Dr. Tony Lei extended his appreciation for WBTI to Attorney Benson Lee, Esq. for the lawyer's generosity in buying one table for ten guests of our Chinese participants the third time of this annually big event and party.

In receiving the certificate of appointment as an Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute from Dr. Tony Lei, Ms. Barbara Buckley took pictures happily with the American and Chinese Communities and professionals by the mutiple media and professional photographers.


*1. Walsh, Jessie; Malone, Teresa; and Chang, Tiffany. 'To promote our quality of life through the cooperation and development of tourism and business,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (October 19, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*2. Sechrest, Thomas; Thomas, Michael; and Estes, Nolan. (1995) "Leadership for Creating Educational Changes; Integrating the Power of Technology. Volume 1 of the Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Technology and Education," Austin, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin.
*3. Google. 'Barbara Buckley," "An online of google.com at Google!" (March 27, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Paradise Democratic Club. 'Invitation Card,' "An e-mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei from the President of the Paradise Democratic Club John Ponticello," (March 1, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Paradise Democratic Club.
*6. Ibid.
*7. Ibid.
*8. Chang, Tiffany. 'Senator Harry Reid awarded Outstanding Demaocrat of the Decade,' (2000), "Nevada Examiner," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*9. Ibid.
*10. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI is remarkable,' "WBTI Newsbrief," (June 6, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*11. Ponticello, John. "Commenmorative Journal of PDCLA," (April 8, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Paradise Demoratic Club of Las Vegas.
*12. Ibid.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Friday, July 08, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

'Life goes on' in Las Vegas, but with a bit more vigilance

[[[Oakley, the Las Vegas Monorail's bomb-sniffing dog, checks a trash can Thursday at the Sahara Avenue monorail station as his handler, John Kelly, looks on. Las Vegas Valley bus and train lines took extra precautions after a terror attack on London's mass transit system.
Photo by Gary Thompson.]]]

Terrorist attacks on the London mass transit system led Las Vegas authorities to pay extra heed to buses and trains Thursday.

Meanwhile, commuters and tourists here calmly carried on.

"Life goes on," Hines Von Hollen, 30, of Las Vegas said while waiting downtown for a midday bus. "I have to get to where I'm going. The bus is my way to do that."

The increased scrutiny of valley mass transit came as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security raised the terror threat level for transit systems nationwide to orange, or "high," as a precaution.

FBI officials and Las Vegas police emphasized that they had no information about credible threats against targets in Nevada or anywhere else in the nation, but they added that the London bombings underscored the need to remain vigilant against terrorism.

"It brings back to home that it can happen in any city, at any time," Sheriff Bill Young said during a break at the Nevada Homeland Security Commission's Thursday meeting.

Young and local FBI officials said there appeared to be no need to tinker with their usual anti-terrorism game plan on Thursday.

"Nothing has changed. We're doing the same things we do every day," FBI spokesman David Schrom said. "We're out there investigating and looking for leads."

Nonetheless, the Regional Transportation Commission asked Las Vegas police and city marshals to make random checks of its Citizens Area Transit buses and bus stops, which serve 170,000 riders in Clark County every day.

"We want to reassure the traveling public it's business as usual. We don't have any perceived threat here," said Ingrid Reisman, a commission spokeswoman. "These are obviously situations that can be frightening to people. It's not because we have any concern about security or any threats."

Ironically, the commission planned to unveil to the media the first of its London-style double-decker buses Thursday morning. The event was canceled.

Las Vegas Monorail officials had its bomb-sniffing dog sweep its trains before the system's 7 a.m. opening, then assigned extra armed guards and unarmed customer service workers to each of its seven stations, said Todd Walker, a monorail spokes- man.

"We still rely heavily on the vigilance and the eyes and ears of our passengers. There's 30,000 of those a day," Walker said. "We really need the assistance of these people to complement the high level of security we have already."

Tourists awaiting the monorail at the Sahara Avenue station showed no alarm.

"It depends on how you look at it. The people in California have to deal with earthquakes. The people in Florida have to deal with hurricanes. Terrorism is a part of daily life now," said Jim Fries, 52, who was visiting from Atlanta.

"You don't diminish it, but you don't change what you do."

Gerrit Blauvelt, 32, of Las Vegas hadn't taken a bus in more than a year until Tuesday, when her car broke down. She said she wasn't worried about having to use mass transit, despite the warning.

"I just don't take any of that into consideration, really. I figure it's never going to happen here," Blauvelt said. "Though that would be the perfect spot, Las Vegas. Wouldn't it?"

Operations at McCarran International Airport remained normal Thursday, airport spokeswoman Elaine Sanchez said. After consulting with federal security officials, Sanchez said the Las Vegas airport did not alter security procedures already heightened after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

During past periods of enhanced terror concern, the airport has set up vehicle search checkpoints at public garages and other high-traffic areas. Such searches did not occur Thursday, Sanchez said.

In the past, Young has criticized federal officials for failing to share information about possible terrorists with his office. He also repeatedly has argued that Las Vegas, one of the nation's top attractions for international tourists, should receive a larger share of federal funding for its anti-terrorism efforts.

By Aug. 1, part of Young's wish list will be granted.

The nation's Department of Homeland Security will allow a Las Vegas police officer to have an indefinite presence at their offices in Washington, D.C. Six Las Vegas police officers will rotate every 45 days for the information-gathering assignment, said Deputy Chief Mike McClary, who oversees the Metropolitan Police Department's Homeland Security division.

"This is an opportunity for us to get in the place where the information actually comes through the door," McClary said. "(Sheriff Young) has said from day one that his priority is to prevent an event. And this is part of that prevention."

Elsewhere in the valley Thursday, the alert level remained unchanged at water treatment plants and other facilities that deliver drinking water, though security officials closely monitored bulletins from federal authorities throughout the day.

At Hoover Dam, employees also were told to be extra vigilant, said Bob Walsh, spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, though he added, "We haven't changed our level of alert."

Commercial truck traffic is still banned from the dam for security reasons, as it has been since the Sept. 11 attacks.

At Nellis Air Force Base, the threat condition remained at Alpha, the lowest security alert in a four-tiered system. In contrast, the base was put on the highest security alert, Threat Condition Delta, on Sept. 11.

Gov. Kenny Guinn ordered flags at state offices be flown at half-staff starting today.

The lowered flags will stay in place "most likely through the weekend," said John Trent, a spokesman for the governor. "Anything we can do to symbolically show that we definitely feel great sympathy for this great national tragedy that they've experienced."

Condemning the attack was the Islamic Society of Nevada.

"Muslims in Las Vegas join the people of England, Americans of all faiths, and all people of conscience worldwide, in condemning these barbaric crimes that can never be justified or excused," read a prepared statement released by the society.

Review-Journal writers Chris Jones, Howard Stutz, Henry Brean and Keith Rogers contributed to this report.


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