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ë? (???), Obama, Reid, Berkley, and Lei: Google, MSN, and Yahoo! Administrative Strategies Winning on Resistance to Change Glocal PPAA Forum AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! | |
**__**WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "ë· (ю): Google! Winning lvrj/wbti" with Safesearch on. (0.20 seconds) Search Results [by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet in the afternoon at 3:07 p.m.(LV) on Sunday, August 16, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!! Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ... - [ Translate this page ] The most recent Edition of Google.com and Google.cn for the website of ... 3 The four powerful strategies for the secret of winning ways are: (1). ... read the WBTI website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) with colorful ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013520010511201... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ zה铖ԕ - Translate this page ] Benton Winning Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti USA" with Safesearch on. ... ë·eAPECh (2009-05-08). APEC\ݔLheһν21Tw ... (... юɗo҉APECc (2009-05-08). APEC^Ac_NsꎟN21SZ铓I ...) communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - Similar/ -------------------------------- | |
At 4:04 p.m.(LV) on August 16, 2009:**__** Welcome, Judy and Tony! You have 1234 unread messages: Inbox (1234) Top StoriesWorldEntertainmentSports White House appears ready to drop 'public option' (AP) AP - Bowing to Republican pressure and an uneasy public, President Barack Obama's administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system. Tropical Storm Claudette threatens Fla. Panhandle (AP) Iran defies condemnation, expands opposition trial (AP) Mexico replaces customs staff, revamps borders (AP) 1,000 still stranded as Taiwan storm aid arrives (AP) Hawaii plans quiet, sobering 50th anniversary (AP) ? More News/ ------------ Got webcam? Try video calling. Folders[Add a new folder] Inbox (1234) Drafts (35)Sent Spam (694)[Empty all the messages from the Spam folder]Trash[Empty all the messages from the Trash folder] Chat & Mobile Text[Hide]I am Available 4 Online Contacts[Add] afsong - drwynlin - liyan3728617 - yin_yan85248 - Not Listed? New Chat0 Mobile Contacts[Add] You don't have any Mobile Text contacts yet. Start a Text Message Settings/ --------------------------------------- | |
<<< Quick news with Humane Spirit! [To be continued ...] >>>The following information has been posted internationally through the courtesy of China Times in its website at www.chinatimes.com! Thank you very much!! **__** Ԯ̨ (Ԯ̨) 㣺g˵! Civil Channel and Humane Consideration!! By x
***** ཻ̨ئҊ܊c̨ȞģܲĿꑇ̨kLl˗J飺@Pͨ^g̨ʩ˵xԮ ***** "....... ... ." ---Bill Clinton Distinguished Authors PPAA Forum International Cooperation & Development AP LVRJ/wbti *7123 Ԯ̨ϲą^MݽʮՌچ\Aʮ\ָ۸ۣ폊{̨Ҫ\C͙CеMą^ԮSrṩMI-26ֱC ҡޥ/̨ ***** ЇṩֱCԮߌʿձʾ܊C̨ǡΆ}ҷ܊Cw̨ЁԹͲxˬFAǃAܴꑵֱCԮ ĿǰɺҷνfDꑮ̎ꑮ_ɅfԮᣬٽfDʈMuKRӢſy˴_J ̨kl˷ʾ̨ҪꑿMI-26ֱCԮ̨ߌӄt¶ĿǰδHӑՓ@}.*1008 [[*1007. x. 'Ԯ̨ (Ԯ?) 㣺g˵! ---Civil Channel and Humane Consideration!!' "Some reports ... from Beijing - Taipei ... China Times (www.chinatimes.com) ... Google, MSN, and Yahoo! ... YouTube ... Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti ....... *7123. Barbara Buckley. '... .' "A feature article ... John ... NSDP ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'International Cities Business Council', Summer 2007), 1-7 ....... *1008. and ޥ. '... .' "... ̨ .... by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet ....... -------------------------------------- | |
**__**<<< Amazing! The comtemporary and humorous Stratagem!! [To be continued ...] >>> The following information has been posted through the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo Cheamo News! It is a reference for internal study and research for community service on the theoretical and pratical basis of non-profit, non-patisanship, and serve-above-self moot. Not for printing, copying , or publishing please. Thank you very much!! ˰ˮģRwNᾯ! *4453 By Yahoo! Mail and www.Yahoo!! [[:2009/08/17 11:51 ģ̨]] ***** "....... ... ." Senior Pastor Dr. Charles R. Swindoll *7753 ***** ˰ˮ̨أȞttRӢſyRنTĕrIJlԣWɡنTZ䛡RӢűדСŮɵۣоҕW(CNN)ľW·{@ʾ߳WJRӢőԓ̨ ***** "....... ... ." ---Angie *4477777 Ryȥ3®xr@765f9014Ʊ58.45%ĵƱʣݡRӢŽýwLrȫԡtheyQСִһھW·Ĺ_ũor TRyB𡷼cRӢԸеġѪRyڸ۽ýwLr挦ڈ˔˵СִҌ٣ͨƪ҈@֪ĺćԣ؟ƽoݏDŽeĿyor҂Ҫ@Ѫ Ryĵeeڰǰlҡ²Ryֻеһࡣ䌍ȥ(2008)214ծ̨һʮ˹ϣRӢx¶࣬͡ʮֲءһDRӢţٿRɩ@Ԓ˲ò͡ˡRӢš rf܇߅ˣāǕdzwNe˻PĄeˡeˣϣ^һܵˡڼe]ʲNá8ǰҲ_cRӢĿеĵλRӢŏāżҲhҵż ӣȥ˹߀ǞRӢf˺ԒfֱҺܜغ͡J桢ؓ؟xxゃ@No֧֣xxゃҵĸҪxxゃČݣxxゃҡһdz䡹eөRӢŵ^һͬȺϹ90ȡ ... (To be continued ...) ...@@һҪRӢšwС^RӢˆRһNfġxƱRӢŵĸy߀ҪRӢŵČݡ [[*4453. Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo Cheamo News. '˰ˮģRwNᾯ!' "A report ... by Yahoo! Mail and www.Yahoo! ... :2009/08/17 11:51 ģ̨ ....... *4477777. LVRJ and Reviewjournal.com. '... .' "A feature article ... Google, MSN, and Yahoo! ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Business & Administration', Yahoo! Mail AP LVRJ/wbti, Summer 2007), 1-7. *7753. ---------------------------------- | |
**__******* Reid: Google, MSN, and Yahoo! Yi, Lei, and Wang Tunghai University Alumni Association PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Business & Tourism International Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! *44777 ---------------------------------------- | |
ˇ ļ3.1| 纣{I ҲM! Love!! By ~h and ֿ˂ The following information has been posted internationally through the courtesy of China Times. It is enhancing with improved visibility and popularity through the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet! **__** ***** "In glorified wisdom, effective work performance, and bright righteousness, we will all be established with LOVE!" ---John *1001 [[[ An elengant and collorful picture! ɰů^λۡС̨ˇ17ek̨˰ˮġcļˇ־ǰңc̨ˇˏΣǰڕ!! 磩 ]]] "̨˰ˮĞأšʮځ[^eС˰ˮPЄӡļٶλи̨ˇRһã݆ݳݺƴոˣṲļǧʮfێţs|һf̨šаԣ֣ϯݷ˾һ|̨ţ@ҲιP," China Times Reporters ~h and ֿ˂ writes. This information has been posted by its website at www.chinatimes.com! Thank you very much!!*1 "ꑷչF̨ͬģҲإgߕrئ֣Ϻ|lҕϽKlҕ㽭lҕlҕlҕȣͬekԽ{ĐġͬԮ̨ĪˡULܞͬc." ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101 "˰ˮPЄӡ־Ρxꐰ̨֣׳ΑcI܊١ʒvՆͲܸصsۡˇɏɰˇFYһ£@Ҳǰ˰ˮԁĿǰ̨ΨһһļekijɱM̨ĶfˇȦ," Reporters ~h and ֿ˂ point out enthusiastically.*2 "_rȫˇ˸߳}ǧġȺСr̨݆Iΰλˇͬrվ̨ϣչFFYգøƽġFrۣԣ֣¡ҕ̨tʘ̨ҕλ̨Լԣ֣£Ӛg̨ԣ֣£Ӛg̨ҁ{ֵڶFcˇдСӡ䡢S." ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *102 ... (To be continued ...) ...硹@cOϺ|lҕݲңKϾ㽭ݡLɳV|ڡĴɶȵؾOֱcKc̨BӳxSrϣwF̨ܞͬPС cՈˇ\ꐄP衢TСݣBܡѸˇǣwƽҦꑡ̨ۡˇĻʿtԬFA䛵ȶNʽcСrֱʽK_ͨһقT̖ĴƾᾀԒ.*3 [[*1001. LVRJ/wbti. '... .' "A feature article ... Google, MSN, and Yahoo! ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'Business & Administration', Summer 2007), 1-7. *1. ~h and ֿ˂. 'ˇ ļ3.1| 纣{I ҲM!' "A report ... 2009-08-18 Їr ~hֿ˂Cψ ... by China Times (www.chinatimes.com) ....... *101. *2. ~h and ֿ˂. Ibid., 1-2. *102. *3. ~h and ֿ˂. Ibid., 1.]] ----------------------------------------- | |
XXXXXXXVII. Welcome to Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!---Rory Reid, Barbara Buckley, Oscar B. Goodman, Steven Horsford, Jim Gibbons, and Tony T. Lei WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "B: Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. (0.52 seconds) Search Results [by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the early morning at 7:07 a.m.(LV) on August 10, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... - [ Translate this page ] оWP "־: Google! PPAA Forum Winning B (AD): Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. (0.52 seconds) Search Results [by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the early morning at 7:07 a.m.(LV) on August 10, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... - [ Translate this page ] Lԕ萉 "B юu: Google! PPAA Forum Winning lvrj/wbti" L1rqʁC .... AP, LVRJ, Yahoo! Mail, LVRJ/WBTI (Nevada, usa: Communitylink of Las Vegas ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134000105109633... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... - [ zה铖ԕ - Translate this page ] B Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Berkley: Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti usa" with Safesearch on. (0.85 seconds) ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0133700105109326... - Cached - Similar Hide more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "־ SLVq B(AD): Google, MSN, Yahoo! PPAA Forum ...... Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti us . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0121700105098686... - Cached - Similar Show all results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 2 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included. ------------------------------- Interview With Fareed Zakaria of CNN! Wisdom, Experience, E.Q., A.Q., and Integrity!! By Hillary Rodham Clinton Interview With Fareed Zakaria of CNN!! [[[Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Nairobi, Kenya August 6, 2009]]] **__** QUESTION: Madame Secretary, thank you very much for taking time out of this very hectic schedule to spend it with us. SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you, Fareed, and thank you for coming to Nairobi for this opportunity. QUESTION: Its my pleasure. Let me take you back a little bit. Let me ask you C you are somebody who has had an incredibly full life with many different accomplishments. But much of it was not spent in the realm of foreign policy. What is the first memory you have of a foreign policy event that you remember? SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, for me personally, it was in 1979, I think, going to the governors mansion C no, when was this C going somewhere with Jimmy Carter when *Dong Chellfin* came, so when he was either the president then C yes, I guess he was the president when he came in late 70s. And it was the first foreign leader I had ever met, and Bill was invited because he was the young governor of Arkansas. And I was just very taken by the whole experience, and that was my first real introduction. I had been abroad, but I had never been anything other than a student of international relations and had always avidly followed the news. *1007 ***** "We are confident that by staying true to our mission we will be able to persevere through this difficult time, and ultimately become more effective and compassionate leaders of society!" ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber's on Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum International Cultural & Economic Cooperation and Development Winning PA, Yahoo! Mail LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.! *3377 ....... QUESTION: Youre passionate about this. Does it ever C do you ever wish that you were back in the White House running this? SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I feel like I gave C (laughter) C I gave my blood, sweat and tears, and I think we C despite all of the difficulties of that effort, we got people thinking, and we helped to further the debate. It was disappointing that we didnt get it all done, but we got the Childrens Health Insurance Program done, we got portable insurance. We got some things accomplished in the 90s. And actually, under the Bush Administration, some changes were made so that the government said to hospitals, Were not going to pay for what are never events; nobody should get bed sores; people should be given an aspirin if they come in and get their pneumonia shot, things that are C really should be required. So we made progress, but the problem is that we just never got to a critical mass of progress, and thats what Im hoping to see now. ***** "....... ... ." ---Al Gore: We're glad to be on YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Tourism & Business International Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! *3737 QUESTION: Madame Secretary, thank you so much. SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Good to talk to you. About the Authors: ... ....... ............ ---Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Distinguished Authors John Kerry International Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! *44777 Editors' notes ... ....... ............ ---Reid: Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum Distinguished Author Bill Clinton Modern and Scientific Stratagems AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! *8168 [[*1007. Hillary Rodham Clinton and U.S. Department of State. 'Secretary's Remarks: Interview With Fareed Zakaria of CNN!' "An e-mail to WBTI/USA from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton ... Monday, August 10, 2009 5:06 AM ^^^From: "U.S. Department of State" {usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov} Add sender to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com ^^^Secretary's Remarks: Interview With Fareed Zakaria of CNN ... Mon, 10 Aug 2009 06:58:33 -0500 ....... *3377. Margaret J. Weber. 'LETTER FROM THE DEAN!' "A U.S. mail to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI/usa ... (Los Angeles, CA: 'GSEP Colleague' of Pepperdine University, Vol. 26, No. 1, Spring/Summer 2009), 1-7. *3737. *44777. *8168. LVRJ/wbti. '... .' "An e-mail to WBTI/USA ... from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton ... for a search by the world's leading search engines with Five Words champion contest on Internet ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'International Cities Business Council', Summer 2007), 1-7.]] ----------------------------------- | |
<<< Prosperous! [To be completed ...] >>>ʡL μӏ}̨ ꐘ280LF̨ I缰QĻ! The launching of an Economic and Cultural Cooperation and Development on Cross-Taiwan Strait!! By ־ƽ and RȔ Th following information has been posted internationally through the courtesy of China Times and ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ............ ---Senior Pastor Dr. Rick Warren *1003 -------------------------------------------- ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *357 **__** "ʡʡLꐘ9I280˵Ĵ͡ʡĻFC_ɽCָЌ̨BOČHrϣM}̨p˽⣬Kӏ}̨QIĽc," Reporters ־ƽ and RȔ of China Times and writes.*1 This information has been posted on its website at www.chinatimes. "ꐘԭӆ8L̨ܵĪULӰ푶`г̡ĪULŲ̋ڽýwLrʾͬܣڳlǰѸܵUL. ꐘЂSɇhǎLλAӋ11ݕhϯDzۣ12ՕҊhsuϯB." ***** "....... ... ." ---Director and Fellow Dr. William N. Thompson *107 L̨I "˽⣬ꐘе^֮һǰݕLsFÏslȡLsFǰͶY⣬ݕh̩𡢸Fyһ̈Fwȇ̽ߌӣһAεĺͶʯ·," the newspaper continues perspectively.*2 "ʡĻF^ǰ̨Lг̰¡ۡƌW@^̨пhͅ^ˇġ悞m۸۵ȵ. ꐘILFĽ̡wQȼs8FwидIĸASFǃɰͨҎģĸL̨F֮һ." ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *168 ... (To be continued ...) ... Pʿ¶ꐘ匢10̨AƵekһc̨I磬ꐘ~п헌̨ࡣF߀}̨Ifh Ժ^ꑇԺ_λ֮ᣬʡƄӃɰҲԽԽeO^3·ָʡʡL~pL̨ᣬȵ2λʡʡLʈF̨LFҎģҲ@ʾƄpMһĿ*3 ***** "Clinton and Gore are coming!" ---Google, MSN, and Yahoo! U.S. Senator Harry Reid PPAA Forum Administrative Strategies Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! *7168 [[[P ۽} { ̨C BM Їl@ ʡLꐘL̨ N ϏI lչ ʡL μӏ}̨]]] ***** "....... ... ." ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber *737 <<< WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "TQ̨: YouTube by Google! Reid to have Clinton and Gore here at UNLV in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A." with Safesearch on. (0.55 seconds) Search Results [ by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... - [ Translate this page ] Mail, LVRJ/WBTI (Nevada, usa: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, ...... ӛTQ̨˹S˹BiƵjw Marriott(ҊDӛTQ̨ ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0134000105109633... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... 12-14, at Caesars Palace resort and casino on the Las Vegas Strip. ..... 2007), Mountain View, California: Google. *10. TQ̨ (Mindy Gao). ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar/ >>> *5 [[[ ־ Kwan, Fong, and Lei: It's our pleasure on YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Cooperation & Development MSN, AP, Yahoo! Mail EMBA Global Project Winning Obama, Reid, Clinton, Berkley lvrj/wbti U.S.A., and among others by the World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet! ]]] ---Dean Dr. Stuart H. Mann & Director and Fellow Dr. William N. Thompson ICBC, LVRJ/wbti *7 <<< : I'm on YouTube by Google! Las Vegas Chinese Daily News Nurturing Young Generation Next Weekly International Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 1 of 1 for ": Google! Winning lvrj/wbti" with Safesearch on. (0.26 seconds) Search Results [by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ D鷱wW - Translate this page ] t߅ĬtȥǰϺ棬tԭxɽrУf ...... Lei Winning lvrj/wbti USA" at 9:37 am(LV) on 122608. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932... - Cached - Similar/ ... ....... ............ ---ICBC Executive Director Dr. Feng-wei Lai >>> *8 [[*1003. Rick Warren. '... .' "An e-mail to WBTI/USA ....... *357. *1. ־ƽ and RȔ. 'ʡL μӏ}̨ ꐘ280LF̨ I缰QĻ!' "A report ... 2009-08-10 ӛ ־ƽRȔ Cψ ... by China Times (www.chinatimes.com) ....... *107. *2. ־ƽ and RȔ. Ibid., 1-2. *168. *3. ־ƽ and RȔ. Ibid., 1. *7168. ... to Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!! ... on Monday, August 10, 2009 ....... *737. LVRJ/wbti. '... .' "A feature article ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylinklink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'Business and Administration', July 4, 2009), 1-7. *5. LVRJ. Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com ... TQ̨ ... by the world's leading search engines on Internet ....... *6. BCFF. 'New Shape, Human Imagination, Global Perspectives, and Passion!' "A U.S. mail to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei ... LVRJ/wbti ... Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber ... Dean Dr. Linda A. Livingstone ... President Dr. Andrew K. Benton ... (Malibu, CA: GSEP of Pepperdine University, 'Pepperdine Magazine', Vol. 1 Issue 2 Summer 2009), 5-7. *7. Dina Titus. '... .' "A message from U.S. Congresswoman Dr. Dina Titus to WBTI/USA ... Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal, Section of 'International Cities Business Council', Summer 2007), 1-7. *8. LVRJ/wbti. ... by Google, MSN, and Yahoo! .......]] | |
**__**WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "rolcc Glocal lvrj" with Safesearch on. (0.32 seconds) Search Results [by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the afternoon at 3:37 p.m.(LV) on Sunday, August 16, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Glocal lvrj/wbti USA: ....... On the top left ... *24b ... Miss Susan Dai ... ," (Santa Clara, California: 2008 Class of ROLCC, November 13, 2008), 1-7.) ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... 071408-2359 Media and Internet lvrj/wbti: "Our 'Kung Fu Panda' has a .... ͮڷޡWޡɹŵȵ11ңO62g`ZãҲȫDGlocal," ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - Cached - Similar Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ ----------------------------------- | |
<<< Nice Touring with Beautiful Scenery! [To be continued ...] >>>頖˹Dɽ Դ! Beautiful sceneries on Mount Charleston!! By The following information of a report has been posted internationally through the courtesy of World Journal (WJ) with its website at www.worldjournal.com! [[[DƬ 1 / 2 *****Դ頖˹Dɽϵľÿ40fϰfԶcɫҲס@ÿ_܇ـϰࡣ ӛ棯zӰ]]] **__** ***** "....... ... ." ---Google, MSN, and Yahoo! CI Director and Fellow Dr. Sue Fawn Chung AP International arts performing and talents Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! *1007 "סـǵAڿҪx֮أ^Dz頖˹Dɽ(Mount Charleston)ⳬـƽضȸ_A110ҵـǣ˾xH40܇̵IJ頖˹DɽEȻ2030ȣLMɽdd[[敳r՚⣬ԴB," World Journal (WJ) Reporter writes. The article has been posted on the Newspaper's website at www.worldjournal.com.*1 "頖˹Dɽ¶IɽҡСҰ͵Ȼ?Iصij^180¶Iأs160̎Ұ͈˂صȻđѱ... @eеrĿ՚⡢ïܵĘ֡ӌӯBBһoM~. 벻ǵ頖˹DɽϵIJ頖˹Dɽe^(Mount Charleston Lodge) Ϥģ@͏dȹ㣬c}Z˷գBNِTDƝ(Simon Tozzi)Ҳɽf頖˹Dɽȥ̎ڄe^ĽM(Ginger Fareio)tfεcϺԒ1991Ϻtfһļ頖˹Dɽڲͬе." ***** "....... ... ." ---PPAA Forum Distinguished Author U.S. Senator Harry Reid Administrative Strategies Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! *7168 "[Ŀ߀ـǵľʾ춲頖˹DɽǾxـĻѩ˶ÿæoһ580ΣQ֮ٽӴǧĿˣ頖˹Dɽֻĩæ^A˾֪x_^[͵ĕr," World Journal Reporter describes the specialities vividly.*2 "BļFʷ(Steve Wynn)hxـƵؔյğҲϲgϲ頖˹Dɽߣـ罻˱ѩ." ***** "....... ... ." ---U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley on YouTube by Google! with PPAA Forum Winning & Mentoring AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! *8168 {{{PՈҊA3棩 頖˹Dɽ ـǃ | Aug 09, 2009}}} [[*1007. *1. . '頖˹Dɽ Դ!' "A report ... ӛ˹S˹ August 09, 2009 12:00 AM ... by World Journal (www.worldjournal.com) ....... *7168. *2. . Ibid., 1-2. *8168. *5. LVRJ/wbti. '... .' "A feature article ... for a search on Google, MSN, and Yahoo! ... (Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'Business & Administration', July 4, 2009), 1-3.]] | |
... ?˹DɽMc?fǧ죬eѩڻɽgٲ£ݡwBС??CďĶЮd^죬?L??Mɽ?dd[[ʹĵ?A_ݶһ??ٵأ죬Ϧ??oáڲ?˹Dɽ^pϼ?eһLȤգѩhh}}ѩwɽҰأpѩˣVď ....... *5--------------------------------- | |
**__**WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 3 of about 72,000 for "Google, MSN, and Yahoo! CI Director and Fellow Dr. Sue Fawn Chung AP Cultural & Arts Winning Global lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. (0.59 seconds) Search Results [by the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in the afternoon at 1:37 p.m. on Monday, August 10, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.!]: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John ... 102507-1007 "Angie and John Lei's Wedding Celebration" of WBTI website, Thursday, ... (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor ... Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, ... etc. on the Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Search, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0141100105118996... - Cached - Similar Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... A prize-winning columnist, Pipes appears in weekly and monthly columns around the globe. ..... For "back to U. S., Managing Director Dr. Harry Shum of Microsoft Research ... search engines Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, ..... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 53k - 퓎n - ƾW ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=0131600105104316... - Cached - Similar Hide more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com/ ---------------------------------- | |
Welcome, Judy and Tony! You have 972 unread messages: Inbox (972) Top StoriesWorldEntertainmentSportsBombs targeting Shiites in Iraq kill at least 48 (AP) AP - A double truck bombing tore through the village of a small Shiite ethnic minority near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, while nine blasts wracked Baghdad Monday in a wave of violence that killed at least 48 people and wounded more than 250, Iraqi officials said. Typhoon pummels Taiwan; 600 missing in mudslide (AP) 'Three Amigos' joining forces in swine flu fight (AP) Clinton visits Congo on Africa tour (AP) Hudson divers seek 2 victims, hope to raise plane (AP) Police questioned health club gunman, let him go (AP) More News Auto-organize incoming messages into folders you want. Your Inbox understands it?s more about sharing than sorting. See more ------------------------ | |
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<<< Creative and future World! [To be continued ...] >>>ꐘʮ}̨´ʩ! Innovative Cultural and Marketing!! By ֿ˂ and **__** ***** "....... ... ." ---Google, MSN, and Yahoo! President Andrew K. Benton PPAA Forum Leading, Tutoring, and Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A. *757 [[[ʡʡLꐘ壨10ILF̨AƵekһc̨I磬ܵ|ԪFLSïۣУAILۣңҚgӭʮ֟jhïz]]] The following information has been posted internationally through the courtesy of "Want Daily" and "China Times"! Thank you very much!! ***** ̨LĸʡʡLꐘ壬ں̨I͔rʮ}̨´ʩOƽ̶uCԇ^_̨Ic̽Of[ͺ{СOɰ^.*168 ***** "....... ... ." ---??? *101 ... (To be continued ...) ...ɸʡʡLꐘIġʡĻF̨AƵc̨̈Fw͔ϯ߰ǰLzLʺ̅͡fMLSį̈ۡතLʡԣ¡܇LP̩ظLdȣꐘͶӰƬԔؽBͶYhKӏ}̨ʮߴʩ ***** "....... ... ." ---: I'm on YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Song of Music MSN, Yahoo! Mail AP Winning lvrj/wbti U.S.A. *107 ʮ´ʩOݣƽ̶Cό^_̨Ic̽OĄĮͶYʩf[ͺ{СӋ_ͨ}̨BϿ͝LOɰ@^M}̨ͬĻzaĄ̨}xC͘IIgӭ̨ɎӰҕ漰ĻaI}ؘIգ̨֧Iͨ^չЈ ***** "....... ... ." ---Rx: It's my honor to be on YouTube by Google! PPAA Forum Arts Performing International Winning MSN, Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! *7168 Уƽ̶uCԇ^ʩPOܣ̨ƷM̓ɰˆTҹĄ̨hСͬIPCcݹͬҎͶYĮͶYΰ´ꑼFdIyСBTյȡ⣬_ͨ¡Ͽ͝LʹBT̨кϿ͝L݆B ڽY͔ᣬFc̨ȫ\IlչfӆPMһM}̨Iąfh_ɽɵfڕƶȡӏpIͬչIգӏ˴ˬF˲Ӗ͌Wgȅfh [[*757. *168. ֿ˂ and . 'ꐘʮ}̨´ʩ!' "A report ... 2009-08-11 Їr ֿ˂̨ ... by 'Want Daily' through China Times (www.chinatimes.com) ....... *101. *1037. LVRJ. '... .' "A report ... for a search of ... (Nevada, U.S.A.: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, Section of 'International Cities Business Council', Summer 2007), 1-7. *7168. LVRJ/wbti ... Rx by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet ....... *5777. ... Dr. Lien Chan (B): Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum Administrative Strategies & International Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! ... the "Five Words champion contest" through World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet by Google, MSN, and Yahoo! ....... | |
... 05Ʊ֮ᣬ??ϣ?ɰ??F???δҲھS֬FĻA£һͬ??δ?һ???Cһ??ش?PI?r̡^ȥ?ɰP?S?ھo??confrontationFѽ?ͱUdetenteһ̶ȣ??ģ?ɰP?SُĵͱUMѺP?Sentente cordiale???CM濴??}Ĵh ?ɰĽ?ĻI_ʼǺܺõģұ?f?ɰh}DZⲻġ2005Ʊ֮_ɵcRǰc??}?@??}ĺ ....... ---Dr. Lien Chan (B?) Google, MSN, and Yahoo! PPAA Forum Administrative Strategies & International Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.!! *5777 ------------------------------------- | |
Welcome, Judy and Tony!You have 1059 unread messages: Inbox (1059) Taiwan military: 1,000 found alive after typhoon (AP) AP - Rescuers have found nearly 1,000 people alive in the area around three remote villages devastated by Typhoon Morakot, which pummeled the island over the weekend, Taiwan's military said Wednesday. US Marines storm Taliban-held town in Afghanistan (AP) Obama looks West, to the Web in health care fight (AP) Testimony puts Rove at center of Justice firings (AP) States cut aid to college students as demand booms (AP) Gov't asking why airline passengers were stranded (AP) / More News ....... Folders[Add a new folder] Inbox (1059) Drafts (35) SentSpam (621) [Empty all the messages from the Spam folder]Trash[Empty all the messages from the Trash folder] -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
<<< On the air! [At 5:37 a.m.(LV) on August 14, 2009!! To be continued ...] >>>ҕc ЕrӈW·ֱ! Quick news and show on the air!! By Ѧ The following information has been posted internationally through the courtesy of China Times and its website at www.chinatimes.com. It has been shown on LVRJ/wbti and its related multimedia early in the morning at 5:37 a.m.(LV) through the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.! Thank you very much!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ... ....... ............ ---PPAA Forum of LVRJ/wbti Distinguished Author Hillary R. Clinton *1537 ____________________________________________ ***** "....... ... ." ---Senior Pastor Dr. Rick Warren at PPAA Forum on LVRJ/wbti *1003 **__** "˾ȞģɰˇȦң춽̨ͬIˇļAtʮ֕ЕrFҕkԺֶȰlġѐȥ?8cļ춽(14)gcʮceСЕrӈȫ̾W·ֱՈWiЕrӈֱWַhttp://video.chinatimes.com/88/\gӭȫ푑cģĻwЄ," China Times Reporter Ѧ writes. The information has been posted by LVRJ/wbti and its related multimedia internationally through the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet early this morning on August 14, 2009.*1538 "xғuˣcCˇС̖ͬكɰˇˣˇIˇȦThңՈˇ˟酢ccļL_Сrcˇ˳^ɰˣAӋһξCˇc֪օRһáFYһ푑cĵĴ档Ϥˇ˽ԷδȡȫcݳͶļУ˄." ***** "....... ... ." *101 "ȞIJңҕcһ΄ӆTʮλȾCˇƣģɏСࡢơϡڑAվױǡڿ݆. _ϯĸְޥ١֡֡غʒSHEꡢ?_־顢tR˼PSᡢԬΩʡ־šСɡKGRVٵˣھʒvҲcǹһ֣һcijOԽմ信¡ZoաOiL졢棬PסֵһģҲccģ֪˲̿Ҳ֧֣FҲBϼCALL OUT," Reporter Ѧ narrates vividly.*1539 "ۡˇ˷棬ABܡǾ硢悝Ҳ̨푑ļ征FֽKIˇ˴C̨ʢęͦcġǫijuVCR̨Ğ⣬݆TҲ CALL INȵؐ͵̨." ***** "....... ... ." ---Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber at PPAA Forum on LVRJ/wbti *1007 ... (To be continued ...) ...Ŀǰ֪Ӿtʮ֕uLĿyࡢyʒfLmtӲõLܰye{ԡ־ݳϯK]^㕡 ԡǹᄚӰأԭĿtͣһΣF_100ϵԒԒMFl]ġṩľAtʮ֕yһ̎]̖飺14341596Atʮ֕Ոձ]88cġ [[*1537. Hillary R. Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Office. '... .' "An e-mail from the Office of U.S. Secretary of State to WBTI/USA ... 5:07 a.m.(LV) on Friday, August 14, 2009 ....... *1003. *1538. Ѧ. 'ҕc ЕrӈW·ֱ!' "A report ... 2009-08-14 ЕrӈѦCψ ... by China Times (www.chinatimes.com) ....... *101. **1539. Ѧ. Ibid., 1-3. *1007. ---------------------------------------- | | |
080809-2109 **__** <<< (18th Edition) At 9:09 p.m.(LV) on Saturday, August 8, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. Continues from 17th Edition yesterday on August 7, 2009! | |
XXXXXXXV. Modern and scientific stratagems with Wisdom and Love!Sen. Reid Hosts Las Vegas Summit on Energy, Jobs! Vice President Al Gore, Energy Secretary Steven Chu are coming!! By Nevada State Democratic Party [[[Democratic Dispatch - August 7, 2009! Friday, August 7, 2009 12:48 PM From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} August 7, 2009]]] Sen. Reid Hosts Las Vegas Summit on Energy, Jobs!! President Bill Clinton will join the impressive panel of experts scheduled to discuss efforts to create a New Energy Economy in Nevada and across the United States during a summit on Monday, Aug. 10 here in Las Vegas. Sen. Harry Reid and the Center for American Progress will host the National Clean Energy Summit 2.0: Energy and the New Economy, which will also feature Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Vice President Al Gore, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, energy executive T. Boone Pickens and many others. Monday~{!/~}s summit will begin at 10 a.m. at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas~{!/~} Cox Pavillion. For more information or to sign up to attend the summit, click here. Rebuild Nevada will also host a rally and press conference outside the Cox Pavilion before Monday~{!/~}s summit. We need your help to thank Sen. Reid for supporting a clean energy future of Nevada and the nation. For more information, click here. Please join us on Monday at 8:30 to show your support for clean energy!! RSVP to rsvp@nvdems.com. Congress Extends "Cash for Clunkers" Congress approved an extension of the wildly success "Cash for Clunkers" program this week, thanks to support from Sen. Harry Reid and Congresswomen Dina Titus and Shelley Berkley, who supported the extension. The incredibly successful "Cash for Clunkers" program offers consumers a $4,500 rebate when they trade in gas-guzzling older vehicles for new, more efficient ones. The program, part of the recovery act, is good for both consumers and auto retailers, and more than 200,000 people have already taken advantage of the rebate. But the initial $1 billion in funding for the program was so popular that funding nearly ran out during its first week in operation. Nevada's Democrats in Congress supported the addition of $2 billion to the program's budget. "Our ailing auto industry has received a jolt as consumers have rushed to take advantage of the vouchers for fuel-efficient cars," said Congresswoman Titus in a statement this week, adding that the program will not only reduce dependence on foreign oil but also help the environment and spur auto sales during this economic downturn. For more information on the program, click here. In The News The hits just keep on rolling for Gov. Jim Gibbons. Las Vegas Sun editorials hit Gibbons for ridiculous criticisms of the Obama administration for a Vegas travel ban that originated under the Bush administration and for paying lip service but taking little action to actually promote the renewable energy industry in Nevada. The Nevada Appeal and Las Vegas Sun reported that lack of confidence in Gibbons' abilities led legislators to put a stimulus czar under the control of the controller rather than the governor. And even members of his own party are keeping their distance, according to Sun columnist Jon Ralston, unless it's to run again the embattled governor. The National Rifle Association recognizes Sen. Harry Reid's longtime support of gun ownership. The Las Vegas Review-Journal covers Sen. Reid's efforts to reverse a Bush-era travel ban on government agencies traveling to Nevada. Sen. Reid, with Pres. Barack Obama and Energy Secretary Steven Chu on his side, "writes the obit" for the Yucca Mountain Project, according to the Las Vegas Sun. Despite Republican stall tactics, Democrats led by Sen. Reid remain strong in the fight for meaningful healthcare reform, and Sen. Reid vows not to bow to "loud, shrill voices" backed by Republicans and special interests including insurance companies, according to the Sun. The Review-Journal writes that four Nevada law enforcement agencies will get a total of 18 new police officers thanks to American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding. Sen. Reid helped secure $1.5 billion in funding for Nevada as part of the legislation. Thanks to the stimulus, Nevada will also get $13.9 million in funding for energy projects, according to the Nevada Appeal, and an express bus through the Las Vegas Valley that will significant cut commute times, writes the Review-Journal. Southern Nevada municipalities are also looking to use $370 million in funding from the important recovery legislation to combat the impacts of foreclosure in Las Vegas Valley neighborhoods, according to the Sun. The Las Vegas Review-Journal writes about the first homeowners to seek help under the state's foreclosure mediation program, passed during the 2009 legislative session. Coming Events Campaigning With RESULTS Class. August 06, 2009 (6:00 pm) Dayton Democrats Club August 11, 2009 (9:30 am - 11:30 am) Demo Women of Washoe County Luncheon August 12, 2009 (11:30 am - 1:00 pm) View Full Calendar New Resources Check out the Nevada State Democratic Party's website with important information about Republican Governor Jim Gibbons America's Worst Governor Leadership Links Give 'em Hell Harry US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley US Congresswoman Dina Titus Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley Nevada Senate Democratic Leader Steven Horsford Clark County Commission Chair Rory Reid Paid for by the Nevada State Democratic Party Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com You were added to the system January 30, 2008. **__** <<< (17th Edition!) At 8:07 a.m.(LV) on Friday, August 7, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. Continues from 16th Edition yesterday on August 6, 2009!! [To be compleded ...] ***** ... {Enriched until at 5:07 a.m.(LV) on Saturday, August 8, 2009.} -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
080609-0507 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Thursday, 5:07 a.m.(LV), August 6, 2009 #First Edition | |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Distinguished Authors: Barack H. Obama, Harry M. Reid, Hillary R. Clinton, Al Gore, John McCain, John Kerry, John Ensign, Shelley Berkley, Dina Titus, and Bill Clinton. Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court A. William Maupin, former District Attorney Stewart L. Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
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On the top left:***** FWDs series (9737-12577) on the "Beauty of Nature" from Pan Pacific, Europe, Asia, the Atlantic, Africa, Australia, and America! ---Clinton, Frankie Sue Del Papa, Obama, Bobby Siller, Betsy Kolkoski, NSDP, Judge Valorie Vega, Dr. Shih-Pan-Yu Hsieh, Miss Yin Yan, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Mr. Pengju Li, Judge Nancy Saitta, Dr. Ingrid Ou, Senator Terry J. Care, Ms. Margaret Andert, JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, Miss S. W. Hsiao, Miss Becky Lei, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Su, Annie, Dr. and Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu, Belinda, Miss Yi Li, Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Sandy, Dr. Jasmine Brooks, Miss Charlyne Chen, Mr. Kevin Gordon, Tiffany, Miss Yip Fong, Michelle, Miss Doris Yu, Paul, Director Dr. Hui-ning Lei, Susan, Miss Jenny Cheng, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Shyh-Yuan Kung, Miss Agnas Chan, Mr. Albert Pang, Christine, Miss Julie Tai, Dr. Mark C. Thelin, Humorist Lin-yao Wu, Ms. Misoko Natsume, Judge Cheryl Moss, Mr. Zhao Leji, Miss Sally Yu, Judi, U.S. District Court Judge Brian Sandoval, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Dr. Toni Ni, Mr. Wayne Lu, OJ, Joanna, Mr. CP Chang, Dr. William Thompson, President Dr. and Mrs. M. Norvel Young, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu, Flora, Dr. Feng-wei Lai, Dean Dr. Margaret J. Weber, Mr. Mike H. Lei, and among others. *12737 Dina Titus, Margaret Weber, Yi Li, Mark Denton, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Betsy Kolkoski, Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Dr. Feng-wei Lai, Rory Reid, Professor Hung-yin Kung, John Hunt, and Brian Sandoval: Made in Nevada, California, Texas, Hawaii, Washington, Arizona, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida, Utah, Oregon, Louisiana, Wisconsin, New Mexico, and New York elegantly may help achieving with President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei and people of WBTI/USA through the brilliance of World's Leading Search Engine Giants on Internet with bright perspectives! Breakthrough, Contemporary Globalization Leadership on Mentoring our Youth for China, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Africa, and America! ---Modern and advanced 'Golden Keys' on nurturing and encouraging our and future Generations, theoretically and practically, to grasp, retain, and develop Career Opportunities, Innovative Inspiration, and Living Successes in this era of 21st Century!! Elegant! Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and Practice of our modern and effective Leading Skills & Strategies on E. Q. and A. Q. for Growth, Success, Happiness, Prosperity, and Accomplishment!!! *3957 By Bill Clinton, Andrew Benton, Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, Elaine L. Chao, Shelley Berkley, Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, John McCain, Betsy Kolkoski, Gerri Schroder, Michael Douglas, John Kerry, Jackie Glass, Dean Heller, Jim Gibbons, Steven Horsford, Rory Reid, Valerie Wiener, Rubin Kihuen, Barbara Buckley, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Catherine Masto, Dr. John Ensign, Dr. Daphne P. Lei, Dr. Kenny C. Quinn, Allison Copening, Michelle Leavitt, Jessie Walsh, Doug Gillespie, Bill Young, Dr. Dina Titus, Bill Raggio, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Chris Giunchigliani, Larry Brown, Anthony Stavros, Bobby G. Gronauer, Dr. Archie H. Chang, John Ponticello, Stewart Bell, Daniel Burns, John Hunt, Dr. Margaret J. Weber, Cheryl Moss, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Kung, Sam Lieberman, Valerie Weber, Charlyne Chen, Frankie Sue Del Papa, Dr. Bill Thompson, Lisa Kent, Michael Cherry, Brian Sandoval, and Jennifer Kung (37) | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42] 43 [44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241] | |